Chapter 33

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Jungkook took hold of YN's hand as they made their way to the hospital. He couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief that she finally decided to be his. He looked down at her hand and watched as the diamond of her ring caught the sunlight. He had his family and nothing could make him happier.

They entered the hospital and made their way to Jimin's room. They were hoping that the other man would be released in the next day or two. With all the blood transfusions and the injury itself, the doctors wanted to be extra sure that he would be alright.

Before they entered the room JK looked at YN, "Honey, hide this for just a few minutes. I want to tell them myself, but I think you should probably talk to Jimin first." He smiled down at her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before slipping the ring off her finger and tucking it into her back pocket.

YN nodded, JK watched as she took a deep breath and entered the room. Every man greeted her with various forms of love and affection from hugs to kisses, to Taehyung picking her up and spinning her around giving her a loud smacking kiss on the cheek. Once he set her down she made her way over to her best friend, her head bowed not quite looking him in the eye.

Noticing this JK turned to his brothers "Let's give them some space, we can grab some food from the cafeteria." The other members nodded their consent and followed JK out of the room. Turning back once more Jungkook gave YN a reassuring nod and a thumbs up from the doorway before closing the door behind him.

YN felt stiff, her whole body was tense and she had no idea what to say. She owed the man in front of her, her life and the life of her child. She didn't know why it was so hard, but she felt as though she was waiting for his rejection once more. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she jumped when she felt him taking her small hand in his.

"YN," he whispered gently.

She felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. She sniffed and took another deep breath, steeling herself before looking at him. She looked into Jimin's eyes and saw the unconditional love and warmth there, he had a soft knowing smile on his face. He opened his arms to her and just like that the tears she was trying to avoid spilled down her cheeks as she sobbed. She fell ungracefully into his uninjured side and wept. She could feel his hands run through her hair as he held her, trying to soothe and offer comfort.

"Hey sweetheart, it's ok, I'm ok." He said as he laid his head against her hair.

His words made her cry harder as the images of what happened in that house flashed back through her mind. "Jimin, I thought I lost you! Your, your,...." She tried to finish but couldn't get the words out.

"YN, it's alright. I knew going in there that someone could get hurt, but I wasn't going to let it be you. It's ok now, we will get through this together, yes?" he murmured.

"I'm so sorry Jimin, it's all my fault! If I had never," she started but Jimin cut her off.

"No, it's not your fault YN. Mark is a piece of shit. It was his choice, not yours. None of this is your fault. Knowing what I do now, I would absolutely 100% do it over again the exact same way, knowing that you would be ok at the end of it."

"I love you Jiminie, don't leave me. You're my best friend." She whispered, sniffling.

"I love you too YN."

"Hey Jimin, you have to act surprised, but I want to tell you first." She said as she sat up on the bed. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the ring that JK used to propose to her and slid it back onto her finger. She saw how Jimin tracked the movements with his eyes as they widened, finally understanding what it meant.

"Are you serious!," he exclaimed "That bastard proposed and didn't even tell us!?"

YN giggled as she saw the outrage on Jimin's face. She knew he wasn't really mad, Jimin was just over the top when it comes to special events and probably already had something in mind. Laughing as he huffed out a sigh, she wrapped her arms back around him. "You're not that mad right?" she asked.

"Of course not! JK was talking about how he wanted to have this huge romantic dinner and ask you to come to Seoul with us. He never mentioned marriage, I should have known he would pull something like this." He said shaking his head. "Whatever, it's fine but I swear to God I get to throw the gender reveal party YN. That's the next big thing and I will not have him messing that up. By the way, how did our precious Maknae even do it?"

"Ummm, well, we were taking a bath and I was crying and he sort of proposed naked next to the tub." She rushed out laughing the entire time. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on her but it was their special moment and she wouldn't have it any other way. Although telling that story a hundred times in the future may never get less embarrassing.

Jimin smacked the palm of his hand on his forehead and started muttering something in Korean. YN laughed even more as she picked up a few words, mostly cursing at Jungkook. Just then they both turned toward the door as the other guys walked back in with trays laden with food. Jimin immediately pointed at JK "You, you say it right now." He said to the younger man.

YN saw Jungkook's eyes widen as he looked at her astonished and temporarily frozen. He looked like he was about to panic before his gaze went to her left hand. He must have seen the ring because his whole body relaxed and a large grin came to his face. He walked over to YN and put his arm around her from her spot on Jimin's hospital bed. "Guys, we have something to tell you." He said

YN held her hand up as JK said "She said yes!"

The two of them were immediately engulfed in chaos, loud exclamations, and arms everywhere. Everyone congratulated the couple and it seemed everyone was talking at once. YN turned to Jimin and took his hand and held onto JK's other hand, taking in the scene of her family in front of her. She felt content and at peace knowing that these men would be in her life for years to come.

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