Chapter 34

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It had been several weeks since the day at the hospital. The days were long and filled with tying up loose ends. Mark was charged with kidnapping, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted murder. The officer working the case told her he would be put away for a very long time. He did mention that when it came down to the trial, she would need to be there to testify, as well as Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi would all need to make appearances so the charges would stick. It was a draining process but once she appeared in court and saw that the jury had no hesitation about Mark's sentencing, she felt a huge relief.

Jimin was still healing but the process was coming along nicely. He was released from the hospital last week just in time to testify at the trial. Every once in a while she would catch a glimpse of a pained expression crossing his face whenever he moved his shoulder. He was still healing and wouldn't start physical therapy until they were all back in Korea with their private therapists. The memory of that night still haunted her and occasionally, as if he could read her mind, Jimin would find wherever she was at and curl up next to her. He would hold her close and they would just take in the moment, each thankful for the fact that they were both still there.

She had also put in her notice at work and sold the lease to her apartment. She had been extremely emotional as she signed the paperwork letting go of her first home after Mark. However, she knew better things were coming for her. The men that she had come to call her family helped her pack the things she was bringing to Korea and donate the items that were left over to the nearby shelters for families in need.

Thinking back on everything that had been happening for the past several weeks, she was surprised when two strong arms wrapped around her waist. Looking up into the black eyes of the man she loved, she smiled and leaned back into his embrace.

"What are you so lost in thought about?" Jungkook asks as he presses a kiss to her temple. His hand drifted down to her belly.

"Mmmm, just everything that I've done the past few weeks. It seems surreal, I can't believe this is my last day living here in the States. I never would have thought I would be moving halfway around the world with a famous K-pop star as my fiancé with a baby on the way. It's like a dream," she chuckled. Resting her head on his shoulder she took a deep breath as she relaxed further into him.

JK leaned down and nuzzled his nose into the hollow of her throat, placing small kisses between her neck and shoulder. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Who would have thought that I would be the first one to be a father, and to have such an amazing woman in my life?" He laughed.

"You're going to be a great father JK, and our little one is going to have 6 of the most amazing uncles on the planet. They are going to be spoiled," she said smiling.

"Alright Princess, speaking of the little one, there is one thing we do have to do today," He said helping her stand up.

"And what is that?" She said raising a brow at her fiancé. She didn't think that there was anything left to do. They had their last doctor's appointment with the American a few days ago, everything looked healthy and they said we would be fine until we found an OBGYN in Korea to help monitor the rest of the pregnancy. They also gave us the okay to travel since everything looked well.

"Follow me, love," Jungkook pulled her with him "Now close your eyes." Walking down the stairs with her behind him, they came to the living room of the rental house. "Now open!" he exclaimed.

Just as she opened her eyes everyone yelled "Surprise!"

YN's eyes filled with tears as she took in the scene before her. All seven of the men in front of her, her parents off to the side, and Lola wagging her tail by JK, were looking at her with smiles on their faces. She looked around at the room and saw all the balloons, decorations, and goodness the cake. Stunned by what she was seeing, she didn't realize Jimin had moved until he put his arms around her.

"I told you I was throwing you the gender reveal party!" he said excitedly.

"But, but, how...?" She stuttered.

"Jungkook asked the nurse not to tell you that you could see the gender at your last doctor's appointment. We wanted to surprise you!" He said holding her close.

"That means..." she started as she looked at JK with wide eyes, the tears slowly falling down her face "we're having a b-b-b-"

"Yes Princess, we are having a little boy," JK said as he pulled his crying fiancé into his arms.

She pulled herself slightly away from Jungkook and placed her lips lovingly against his. "I'm so happy!" she sniffled. Turning to look at the rest of her family her lips quivered a bit as she said "I couldn't have been more blessed to have such an amazing family, thank you, all of you."

One by one they each came over to offer their congratulations. Namjoon came over first and wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on her head "You're going to be a phenomenal mother," he said and turned to JK "I'm proud of you buddy" as he patted him on the shoulder.

Next, it was Jin, rushing over in true Jin fashion he laughed as he embraced the two of them "I'm going to finally have a cooking buddy!"

Yoongi followed and took YN into his arms "I guess I'll be getting another napping buddy Kitten, I'm happy for you. You're going to be a great mom. Plus I'm glad it's a boy, I would be terrified changing a little girl's nappy." He said as he shuddered at the thought. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek before patting JK on the back and moving over for Hobi.

"Aww my sunshine, I love you, you're going to be amazing at this. He's going to be so spoiled it's ridiculous" He said offering her a hug.

Jimin came over and leaped on JK without hesitation. "I'm going to be the best uncle ever!" He exclaimed raising his arms "He's going to be my little dance partner." Jumping down off of JK, he wrapped his arms around YN and whispered "I'll always be here for you, you're never alone." With a kiss on her cheek, he stepped away.

Lastly, Taehyung walked over and promptly picked her up and spun her around "Damn YN, I think this is the last time I'm going to be able to do this. You're getting heavy." He laughed as he quickly set her down and ran away.

"Tae, you're going to pay for that." She shouted throwing a pillow at the younger man.

Walking over to her parents, she embraced the two of them. All three of them were crying happy tears mixed with a bit of sadness, but happy nonetheless.

"You're going to be a wonderful mother sweetie. And just remember, your father and I are only a FaceTime away. Plus I will be there when you're getting close to delivery. We've already talked to Jungkook about it and he has it all set up. So don't stress too much, just enjoy the change." Lillie whispered into her daughter's hair. Holding her close, her father placed a kiss on her head.

Her father pulled away and walked over to Jungkook and yanked the younger man into a hug. "You better take care of my girl JK or so help me God..." he said.

"I will take care of my family sir, I promise, she's safe with me," he said gazing at the older man with confidence.

"Good," He said as he patted him on the back.

Just then a loud yell rang out, "It's time for cake!"

Everyone walked over to the cake and watch with amazement as Jin cut it and blue sprinkles cascaded out of the center. YN clapped her hands in excitement as she watched him place a piece on a plate and hand it to her. Taking a bite she moaned at the taste "Jin, did you make this?"

"Of course, it took forever but the look on your face was worth it!" he said as he continued to cut the cake and dish it up for everyone. They mingled happily and talked about what they were excited about the baby and the move. YN sighed as she finished her cake and curled up on the couch watching the rest of the men still deep in conversation with one another. Looking at JK as he talked to Jimin, she caught his eye and smiled. She was full of anticipation to start her life with the man of her dreams. She knew that come what may, they would always have each other. That's when she knew, she thought to herself, "That I was blessed, falling into you."

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