Special Chapter - The First Year

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Present Day

Everything was absolutely perfect. YN gazed out the window with a soft smile on her face, hearing the door open behind her, she looked up at the person who had entered.

"How has it already been an entire year, Momma?" She whispered.

"Time flies when you're happy my sweet girl," Lillie said with tears in her eyes. Taking in the scene before her of her daughter all dressed in white. There was a moment in time when she didn't think that they would ever get to this moment. She always prayed that she would see her girl finally happy and be able to settle down with the love of her life, and today is that day. However, she saw the nervousness on her daughter's face. Knowing she was getting overwhelmed she said "Catch me up on what's been going on this past year. It's been a while since we've all been in one place."

YN looked up at her mom "It's been magical, so much has happened and every moment has been beautiful."

A Year Ago

The day Kang Dae was born was a whirlwind that YN didn't really remember, other than the feeling of happiness. She looked down at the little bundle in her arms and again at the seven men scattered throughout the room. She couldn't have been happier with the drastic turn her life had taken.

The doctor came in a short while later and discharged YN and Kang Dae. It was time to take her little family home. Luckily Jin remembered the car seat in the mad scramble to get to the hospital, so the boys loaded mom and baby up and made their way home. YN fell asleep nestled against Jungkook and Jimin watched protectively over his nephew as Yoongi drove home slowly to be extra cautious with their precious cargo.

"I can't believe he's sleeping so well," Jimin whispered to the other guys in the car.

"I know, hopefully, that's a good sign that he'll sleep well at night. YN is exhausted so tonight will certainly be the hardest for her to get up. I don't want her to overdo" JK whispered back.

"She'll be fine JK, you guys have all of us. She should be your main focus, we can help with our little Dae." Yoongi reassured the younger man.

They got home and everyone settled in, Jin cooked dinner and JK escorted YN up to their room so she could get some more rest. Kang Dae had been sleeping and was still with Jimin and Yoongi so he was able to get the love of his life truly comfortable before getting his son. He came downstairs and held out his arms for Jimin to place the sleeping boy in his arms. Overwhelmed with feelings of love and gratitude the tears finally began to fall.

He placed his lips on his son's soft head and whispered "I love you, my little man."

Once night fell, however, his once quiet son began to wail nonstop. The first time Kang Dae woke up, YN dragged herself out of bed. She walked over to the crib and picked up the crying boy. Bringing him to her chest as she began to sway back and forth soothingly.

"Aw, you're hungry aren't you sweetheart." She whispers, looking over at her fiancé, she shook her head at his ability to sleep through anything. Wandering over to the recliner that they had in the corner of the room, she sat down and quietly fed Dae. She was in the middle of feeding the baby when she heard her door open softly. Looking up she saw Jimin walking towards her, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips, hair messy, and one eye barely cracked open.

"He's awake, is he just hungry sweetheart?" he asked her.

"I think so," she chuckled quietly "He is his father's son, that man is always hungry."

Jimin smiles down at her as she continues to feed the boy. He watches as she closes her eyes and knows just how exhausted she was. It's why he had gotten up, he was worried about her and JK since the day was stressful and now they had a new life to worry about. He wanted to be supportive in any way he could for his brother and sister.

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