Chapter 20

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It was well past 3 in the morning and Jungkook was still unable to sleep. YN had fallen asleep again shortly after Jimin had gotten back with some of their own clothes. JK had changed in the room while Jimin talked to YN about the baby and all the things he wanted to do for them. JK was honestly relieved that Jimin was her best friend and that he was so supportive. It made the knowledge of becoming a father easier to handle knowing his friends would be so involved. Looking over, he saw Jimin asleep in the chair by the window. He was feeling restless so he stood up and left the room. As he closed the door quietly he saw Kai sitting on the bench next to the room, playing a game on his phone.

"Kai, I'm going to step out for some fresh air. Jimin is in there with her and they are both asleep. I won't be long."

"Alright, don't be gone too long. If she wakes up and you're not there she's likely to panic."

"I'll be just outside, I won't be far. Call me if she wakes up and I'll run back up here." With that, he turned and left.

He made his way down to the lobby and out through the doors. The hospital grounds were actually pretty decent, so he walked around, rolling his shoulders and neck to relieve some of the tension. After a minute he found a bench and sat down placing his head in his hands. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her limp body in Kai's arms. He thought the worst for a moment and all he wanted to do was get to her. But because of the circumstances of the concert and his position, he had to watch helplessly as Kai took care of her. He had strongly debated going against Namjoon in that moment but he knew for the good of the group, that he couldn't and it tore him in two. It made him realize that there were going to have to be other compromises on both sides. JK didn't think he was going to be willing to hide YN and their child. He wanted both parts of his life to coexist harmoniously, he didn't want to have to choose. As he was dwelling on what to do he heard a voice call out.

"Jungkook? Is that you honey?"

He rose off the bench swiftly and ran to the owner of that voice. Throwing his arms around the shorter woman he started to cry "Thank God you're here! Yoongi called you but I didn't expect you to come all the way here!"

Lillie looked up at the young man quietly crying in her arms and squeezed him tight. "I knew my daughter had you but I knew both of you could use some help right now." She said to him. She had only met Jungkook in person once but when she FaceTimed with her daughter while she was away at the concerts he always made it a point to take time to speak with her. He even had her number saved and would send her pictures of the two of them and their adventures. It's how Lillie knew without a doubt that this young man truly loved her daughter and was going to treat her to the world.

She held Jungkook as he started to tell her everything about what had happened at the concert. She felt him tremble as he told her about YN collapsing and being carried away. How he was unable to leave to help her right away. When he started to talk about the baby though, she could hear the softness in his voice and the love. When Yoongi had told her over the phone that YN was pregnant, she was astonished. She was happy for her daughter but this wasn't something any of them had really thought about.

When JK had finished his explanation Lillie took a deep breath. "Son, none of this is going to be easy. There is a lot that we need to take into consideration. But for now, let's focus on getting her home and we can go from there."

"Ok, one step at a time" JK replied "Let's go up to the room, she's still sleeping. Jimin is with her too."

"Oh Jimin, he's such a sweet kid, YN talks about him all the time. They are really close, I'm glad you guys have a friend like him to lean on." Lillie said smiling at JK.

"I couldn't agree more."

As they approached the room, Kai stood up and bowed to both of them.

"Lillie, this is Kai. He's the one who has been traveling with YN and has been her bodyguard for the past six weeks." JK told her.

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