Chapter 11

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It was getting late, the guys had so many routines to get down that they ended up staying later than they intended. When they finished their last number JK looked over at YN. She had shifted from the seat at some point and had sat on the ground. It looked like a staff member had brought a blanket over for her to sit on. Though she wasn't sitting anymore, he couldn't help but smile as he saw her and Lola curled on the blanket sound asleep.

The rest of the members made their way off stage as JK went over to YN. As he approached Lola lifted her head to stare at him. He nudged YN trying to wake her up but to no avail. He realized how late it truly was, so he waved Taehyung over to their spot.

"Hey Tae, can you take Lola? She's fast asleep, I'll carry her over to the car out back. We could ride out together back to the hotel."

"Sure," Tae responded "Come here Lola, who's my pretty girl?" the dog immediately went to him and gave him kisses as he put her leash on.

"I'll text Joon when we get in the SUV" JK stated as he picked YN up. JK and Tae's guards went with them as they made their way to the back of the stadium. One of the guards went first to look around and grab the vehicle. He motioned to them that it was clear and to come out. The men made their way over, Tae got into the very back with Lola and JK settled YN next to him. Buckling her in he sat down and leaned her more comfortably against him.

"You know, she should probably stay at the hotel tonight. It's already really late and neither of you need to chance going to her house tonight." Tae said.

"You're right, but I don't have a private room remember, I share with you and Jimin."

"I know that, it'll be fine."

"Are you sure? We have Lola as well, it might be a bit crowded, YN has her food and a water bowl so she's set if she needs anything."

"I'll text Jimin to let him know. He'll be fine with it. You guys can have one of the beds and I'll sleep with Jimin."

"Alright, we need to go up the back way again. I think all the reporters are gone but we should do it to be safe. Do you want to take Lola up first and then we will follow?"

"Sure, I'll get going then," Tae said as he got out of the SUV with Lola. Once he made it up to the room he texted JK that it was all clear. Once they were all settled in the room, JK laid YN down and stripped her out of her jeans, and pulling some of his extra sweatpants over her legs. After he got her in bed he went over to the backpack she had for Lola and got out her food and filled her water bowl for the night.

"Shit," JK said "We didn't take Lola out to the restroom"

"I'll take her back down to the potty area, it's fine JK. I'll be right back." Tae said and left the room with Lola.

Just a minute after his departure Jimin entered the room. He looked over at JK and then at YN sleeping in the bed. "Well this is going to be a fun night. I was actually enjoying having a bed to myself". He said sarcastically.

"Jimin please, what do you want me to do? Just tell me." JK responded.

"I don't know, I just hate that she's taking up all your time."

"Jimin, you have flings all the time"

"See that's the point, I was never serious with any of them!" he said raising his voice.

YN groaned at the sound but turned over and clung to JKs waist from his position on the bed. Feeling her arms wrapped around him kept him calm. "Jimin, just because I like her doesn't mean that I'm going to leave you behind. You're my brother, my family. I want you to like her too and support me."

"I'm trying, I guess I'm a little jealous too. You look so happy and that woman looks at you like you're everything. I've never had that with anyone. I'm sorry, I guess I'm being an ass."

"You definitely are an ass, but you're my ass so I forgive you. Just make some effort to be nice."

"Deal," Jimin said as the door opened and Tae walked back in with Lola.

Tae looked around and noticed the tension in the room "Did I miss something?"

"Nah, we were just clearing the air. I think we are all on the same page now" Jimin replied. "Anyways, we have the show tomorrow so we really should get some rest." They all changed into their sweats and climbed into their respective beds.

"Good night guys," JK said.

"Night" they responded.

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