are you burdened with misery in this life too? or were you finally liberated?

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This is an AU where Menreiki is a human to celebrate 100+ hearts on Quotev.

Thank you for those who found and read this book on Wattpad. I'm really happy that you guys are enjoying this story and journey of Menreiki with me ('。• ᵕ •。') ♡

『 If you cry loud enough, maybe someone will come save you 』

Menreiki was her name.

It was composed of three syllables and eight letters, and was utterly perfect. Her father bestowed the name on her when she was born, and everytime he uttered her name, it was filled with love. He always spoke her name in a tone like water, calm and quiet like a running river that flowed over rocks. Never did his voice raise into a volume similar to waterfalls that roared. Menreiki's father was a peaceful man that brought her up with his own two hands, and like water, he was the source of her life as she grew.

He taught her to be kind to those that she encountered. He always said that the world wouldn't mind having a bit more kindness and love. To the young Menreiki that looked up to her father as if he was the most divine being in her small world, his words were her life mission, her ultimate goal that she had to satisfy forever. He taught her to treat animals gently and carefully, he taught her how to speak in a way that was thoughtful to others, and always taught her how to love herself unconditionally.

Menreiki made sure to follow his advice daily even as a young child. Whenever she spotted a stray cat, she made sure to make a wide arc around it so she wouldn't startle it. When others raised their voice at her, she would respond in the same quiet tone that her father used. She believed that since her father's voice soothed her, then perhaps she could imitate it well and pacify their anger. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, leaving her with dirt covering her precious skin from a sudden and aggressive action. Yet, Menreiki still retained a gentle smile on her face as if nothing in the world could hurt her.

When kids her age made fun of the smile on her face, questioning it because it was so weird to see her smile all the time, she wasn't upset. She loved her smile. She thought it was a smile that was bright and warm, inviting others to become her friends. She loved her smile more than anything because her father loved it. Anything her father loved, she loved ten times harder because of him. Because he was the man whom she admired and respected more than anyone on the Earth.

Menreiki was never a violent or malicious person. Not even when people made fun of her smile, not even when people pushed her into the dirt or feces, not even when they threw pieces of their erasers at her head, not even when they poured juice or any sticky liquid on her head, not even when they cornered her in the bathroom after school and left bruises on her skin as a result. Menreiki was never violent when that happened. Her smile would fade from her face for a moment because what they did wasn't nice, but her smile would return because she didn't want her father to not see her with a smile.

But even through all those things, she never laid a hand on anyone.

Her father said to be kind so she will be kind.

She was tolerant to everything that those unkind kids did to her because she believed that if she could retain kindness and didn't fight fire with fire then maybe, just maybe they will be friendly to her.

She was quiet yet strangely bubbly, her teachers would say if someone asked about Menreiki. She wasn't someone that would get provoked easily if one of her classmates yanked something out of her hand or invaded her space at one of the tables. She was just a child that was peaceful as water. The teachers found her just as odd as her classmates, but none of them ever thought wrong of her because she was a good kid. One that was never unruly or violent.

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