i adore you

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 thank you so much for the 1.5k votes! I truly appreciate everyone that takes the time out of their busy day to read the story ♡

do what you want with my heart. it's yours now  』

       Choso was a person who was well known in his school for reasons that often leaned to the bad side of the moral spectrum than the good.

It started when he was of a young age where his stoic face and cold shoulder to anyone that approached made other kids wail, cry and whimper to their parents with snot running out of their nose. He isolated himself often, and either played with the toys given to them by himself or he silently read in the corner of the room. Choso didn't like talking to other people when his teacher forced him to work with others for a group project; he usually did his own part and brought it in the next day for the other group members to assemble it together, and he often did his part extraordinarily well for someone so young.

When one of his group mates, a young and cheerful girl, tried to get close to Choso, he only glared at her with the intensity of what seemed like a thousand suns before turning away. He scoffed when she kept approaching him with a hand out for friendship, and when she had reached out for the cute little handmade bracelet wrapped around his wrist, he had snatched his arm away. Choso pulled away from her so quickly that it accidentally pulled the girl and the momentum made her fall on the ground, but of course, neither of them would have known that.

The girl sobbed hard, but Choso wasn't focused on the fat tears that were rolling down her cherubic face.

He was more concerned with his bracelet.

The bracelet in question wasn't the nicest, but it certainly wasn't the worst thing to have been made. It was a simple blue rope that had various colored beads that hung from it and a plastic silver letter rested in the center, but Choso cherished it as if it had been made with the purest gold and the shiniest diamonds to have been unearthed.

His teacher had asked the reason why he had been so unkind to the young girl, and Choso merely looked at his accessory a little too big for his wrist and let a smile start to stretch on his face. His cheeks were pushed up as a result of his smile, a gentle pink hue painted upon his delicate cheekbones, and his eyes closing as if to hide the joy that was sparkling within his pupils. He held his arm close to his chest, whispering as he twirled the bracelet, "I don't want anyone to touch it."

The adult knew that kids, especially at a young age, commonly had problems with the concept of sharing. It was her job as their educator to guide them in the right direction, and so she gently chided him that he should tell others that he doesn't want them to touch his stuff rather than be violent. The only way the teacher was sure that Choso had considered their words was when someone reached for his wrist and although he tugged his arm away, he quietly and politely told them, "Please don't touch it."

The teacher went over the moon when the student nodded their head and pulled away, giving a compliment at how pretty the bracelet was which made Choso have that adorable, youthful blush coating the apple of their cheeks as he whispered his thanks.

"You did really well today, Choso!" The teacher praised at the end of the day, looking down at the young boy who was swinging his feet from where he sat on his chair. The boy glanced up at them through his eyelashes before nodding his head, quietly revealing, "My friend said I should be pole . . . ight?"

"Polite," They gently corrected with a smile, watching as their student nodded their head vigorously. A grin grew on his face as he twirled his bracelet, "Mhm! 'Reiki said I had to be polite! Even if someone touched what 'Reiki made."

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