mama's son is just too cute!

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Thank you for 2k votes, I really appreciate it and everyone who commented throughout the whole thing! For some odd reason, this is the longest special I have so far with 33 pages and 11k words. Once again, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this book! ♡

『 My mommy is evil, but at least she gives me warm hugs! 

"Throw it away!"

"Or we should hang it in a tree."

"Maybe we should eat it!"

"Brother!" Komote huffed at Otobide before she turned to her floating master who seemed just as disinterested in everything around her as always. Her arms laid loose under her bosom, and the vibrant trail of colorful beads stemming from her hair flowed through her circular, gold headdress as it wrapped around her figure in a loose circle. Her legs were not pulled to her chest like usual, as it was being weighed down, though she continued to pay it no mind as she had her eyes closed. The weight in question, as Komote looked down, stared back up at her with innocently large light brown eyes.

Otobide scoffed, "It is a disgusting thing! Why is my suggestion so horrible?"

"Because you wish to feed this feeble thing — this so-called "disgusting thing" — to our Master. She should consume only what she wishes. She does not need to destroy her palate just for you to get rid of something, Otobide." Kitsunemen tsked as he bumped into him, forcing the mask away. Otobide twirled away until he bumped into Fukujin who chortled at his brief scolding, causing the former to grow angered and attempt to bash the laughing mask. Kitsunemen ignored them to scoop up the baby hanging onto Menreiki's ankle with such abnormal strength, asking the young lady, "Master, what do you wish to do with this young child?"

Menreiki briefly opened her eyes, enough to see only a sliver of her irises before closing them again, "Leave him here. Let us go."

"Nice! Master, you always make the right decisions!" Otobide cheered as he swiftly came to her side while Kitsunemen slowly lowered the child down onto the ground. Komote awaited her brother as the rest went ahead, asking, "Is it truly alright to leave such a pitiful being alone?"

"Komote, it is not our decision to make. Master desires it, so we will fulfill it."

"Yes, I know."

"Good, then let us go, sister." Kitsunemen urged, and just as Komote turned around to follow the rest, she heard a loud clang reverberate behind her. Curiously, she turned around to see Kitsunemen face down, his taunt right ear being held captive in the baby's grasp. Faintly, she could hear Otobide howl with laughter in the background followed by Fukujin's hearty laughter. Kitsunemen's voice was muffled but heard all the same by the mask of the young woman, "Komote, bring Otobide here."

But she didn't need to move from her spot as Otobide was already floating by, shaking from his laughter, "Weak brother! You got beaten by a puny human!"

"Brother, if you do not shut your loud mouth, I will make it so that you are beside Saru at all times."

"Ugh," Otobide grimaced, which caused the poor monkey mask to feebly ask what was wrong with him. Semimaru merely comforted his brother by directing their Master to raise her hand and give him a comforting rub. Nonetheless, the threat didn't last long as Otobide flew close to Kitsunemen to jeer, "You will not be able to do anything when your face is pre—gah!"

Another loud clang was heard and Menreiki peeked her eyes open to see Kitsunemen and Otobide face down on the floor with Fukujin choking on the side. The little child was gleefully pulling them close to each other, the sound of metal on metal echoing with each thump. Otobide's protests could be heard, but it was swiftly drowned out by how the baby was laughing jovially to himself. Menreiki chose not to worry about the two masks for now, closing her eyes yet again to the sound of metal being banged on.

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