11 ✦ Exchange Event ³

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"Kamo-san, are you guys planning to kill Itadori?" Megumi asked the male with a glare.

"And if I said we were?"

His eyes widened a little before turning back to normal, "You're gonna fail, then. Itadori wouldn't just go down that easily." he said as they pushed away from each other.

"We have no reason to kill him."

"Yes, you do. The higher ups and the four major clans have plenty."

'Do we..? Mom and dad laughed their ass off. Gojo keep trying to feed him more fingers.' Y/N chuckled. 'Yuji.. You're a special one.'

All of a sudden, Miwa started attacking Y/N. 

'...she's trying to push me somewhere?'


"I think I understand why you failed to finish off Yuji." Y/N started, "Why did you pushed me here, away from Kamo, who's your own teammate?"

Miwa let go of her weapon a little, "I.. feel sorry about Itadori-kun. I know this is an excuse, but I'm not like the others. Still, that doesn't mean I plan to hand over victory in this exchange event. You know that sorcerers advance in rank through a recommendation system, right? The exchange event is often discussed among sorcerers without connections up the chain. Students who perform well here are granted many chances to advance while they're studying. I want to become independent as quickly as possible so I can earn money."


The blue haired girl took out her katana from its case, "I'm poor and I have two little brothers!"

"Are you okay? Aren't you too nice of a person?" Y/N asked, concerned.

"Uh.. Probably?"

"I see.. That doesn't mean I will hold back, you know." the masked girl smirked. 'Actually.. I kinda HAVE to hold back.. Yaga promised to let me join only if I promised not to hurt anyone. He was already upset that I used a different identity to join school without telling him so I didn't have a choice but to agree. And his scary glare when he explained the game- *shiver* scary...'

"Not a problem! That's not why I told you anyway!" she said raising her katana.


A knife and a katana clashed before they separated. Y/N spun the knife around her fingers, before charging towards the other girl again. 'I'm trying my best not to hurt her, but since my weapon's a knife, all I can do is use the backside of it. I'll just try to tire her out.'

Miwa blocked her with her katana. Miwa's eyes widen, 'No way! This girl.. is incredibly strong! She's using such a small weapon that there's not much distance between us, but my katana can't seem to touch her! And she's really holding back on me! If she was using the sharp side of the knife, I would've died so many times!' she thought, 'Just what grade is she?!'

They got close to the cliff that had a river at the bottom. Miwa accidentally tripped herself causing her to fall down the cliff. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact but instead she landed on something soft. 'Huh?'

"Ugh.. Are you okay?" Y/N asked, under the blue haired. Miwa was on top of the masked girl.

"H-Huh? W-Why did yo- oh my gosh, you're bleeding!" Miwa pointed at her hand.

"Huh? Oh it's just a small injury. More importantly, are YOU okay?" she asked again before shivering, "..and let's get outta here, the water is too cold."

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