17 ✦ Tsumiki

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"That's not the point.." Y/N said, "Yuji already tried that."

"Huh?" she then remembered the cord that the boy was holding earlier, "What?! You mean you jumped with that vinyl cord?!"

"Hey, there you are! Thank goodness! Fushiguro-san!" someone yelled out.

They turned to the voice and saw the black haired delinquent from school earlier and a girl, sitting on the back of his bike.

"Who's that again?" Nobara asked.

"Megumi's junior. One of the idiots you picked on." Y/N explained.

"Oh..." she scratched her face awkwardly.

"You were talking about Yasohachi Bridge earlier, I'm glad I found you here!" the delinquent sighed in relief.

"Fujinuma?" Megumi called out as everyone looked at him confused. He noticed their expression and explained, "ex-classmate."

She bowed and smiled gently, "Great. You still remember me."

Y/N tilted her head at the girl. 'Have I heard this name somewhere before..?'

The delinquent spoke up, "I was talking to my sister about you yesterday, and.."

"Um, my neighbor, Morishita-san had a funeral at their house. Then I heard from my brother that you were looking into Yasohachi Bridge.. so I started wondering if they were related."

Megumi saw Y/N shook her head secretly, beside Akari from the corner of his eyes, "If what's related?"

"Morishita-san's death and the bridge.."

"They're not related. We're just-"

"I-I was there! In eight grade.. I went to Yasohachi Bridge at night."

Nobara and Yuji stared at the girl, eyes wide opened.

"Has anything odd happened at home recently? Any strange feelings that only affect you and no one else?" Y/N asked calmly.

The brunette's eyes widen and looked up, "My family runs a local branch shop.. and the shop's door is wide open when I come home. My parents say it's just a coincidence but there's definitely something there. It scares me. That's when I heard about you and remembered the Yasohachi Bridge." She said, shivering.

"When did the issue with your automatic door start?" Akari asked.

"It's been happening for exactly one week now.."

'There's at least two weeks between when the four victims noticed something and their deaths. We still have some time.' Y/N thought.

"You didn't go to Yasohachi Bridge by yourself at the time, did you? Do you remember who you went with?" Nobara questioned her.

"Um, so this really does have something to do with-" the girl said, shivering even more.

The blonde female decided to speak up with a smile, "Just with your automatic door. But it has nothing to do with Morishita-san's death. Fushiguro-kun and the others are helping me with my college report." she explained, wrapping her arm around Nobara, "'Electromagetic Waves from Haunted Locations and their Effects on Electionics.' It's a huge pain in my gut! But I want to hear from all kinds of people, so I'd love to hear who you went with." she said smiling at her.

Y/N sighed, 'we better save her, after lying to her like this.'

The brunette finally relaxed, "I went on a test of courage with two other from my club. That's right. Fushiguro-kun, Tsumiki-san was with us too." she said, smiling at Megumi.

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