JS ✦ Your Type

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"You want me to do what??" Yuji asked in disbelief.

"I said, go around the school and ask at least 7 people what their type is." Todo said, excitedly with a smirk.


"I mean, you did choose dare." Panda said.


"It's not even a hard thing to do." Todo simply said.

"For you!" Yuji said, annoyed. "It's embarrassing.. That's totally gonna ruin my image as a cute, strong, muscle boy." he sighed.

"You sure are shameless." Panda chuckled, "Welp, a dare's a dare. Just do it by the end of the day."

"Salmon. Salmon." he said as the two high-fived.

"You guys are so mean.."

~Time skip

"Someone who's stronger than me, at least." Maki simply said before walking away.

'That's one.'


"Huh? What makes you think I'll answer?" Mai said, annoyed.

'Uh, that should count... Right?'


"I totally can't stand a UBSSD," Nobara said.

-> Useless
-> Broke
-> Smelly
-> Stingy
-> Dead

'Three. Huh? Wait.. Dead?!'


"Do you know who Sebastian Stan is?" Momo said looking at her phone, drooling. "He has a great body." she giggled.

'Four... I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore.' he sighed.


Miwa had a small blush on her cheeks, "Well, you know, like most girls, I also like hot guys. But it's important whether he can make you feel like he's the only one for you or not."

Yuji stared at her in silence.

Her eyes suddenly widened and started covering her face, "Gosh, I'm shy!"

'Five. That's the most normal answer at the moment.'


"Hmm.. type?" Gojo placed his fingers on his chin, thinking.

'Does he even have one?'

"Of course I do."

"H-How did you-"

Gojo cut him off, "I'll say, someone about (height) tall, has (h/c) hair, gets annoyed when tired or sleepy, gets flustered easily anddd likes to play with my hair when I lie down on her lap. Oh, oh, she has to buy me desserts too!" Gojo said, smiling widely, pointing a finger into the air.

'That's oddly specific..' he sweatdroped before a thought popped up, "Wait. Are you talking about Y/N-sensei...?"

Gojo just grinned before disappearing.

"Huh?! Gojo-sensei?!" he looked around in confusion.


"Uh.. Everyone has quite an interesting type. Especially..." He sweatdroped.


"Huh?" he looked towards the voice, "Oh? What are you guys doing here? Nevermind." he walked over to the girl and crouched in front of her, "What's your type??"

"Type?" Y/N asked, sitting under a tree with Inumaki's head resting on her lap. "That's a hard question.. Why are you even asking??" she tilted her head.

"Salmon." Inumaki said, trying to hold in his laugh.

"What's wrong?" she asked before noticing the frown on Yuji's face. She looked even more confused, "something happened??"

He sighed before explaining, "Inumaki-senpai, Todo, Panda-senpai and I were playing truth or dare.." he pouted.

"And that's what they dared you to do? Asking people what their type is?"

He nodded.

"Pftt.. Is that even a dare?" Y/N snickered.

"Hey! It's embarrassing okay?!" he pouted even more, crossing his arms. "You're so mean, Y/N. I don't like you anymore." he huffed playfully.

Y/N removed Inumaki from her lap and move a little forward, closer to Yuji, "I'm sorry!" she chuckled, "there, there." she patted his head gently, 'I've always been curious if his hair is as soft as it looks. And, damn.. I'm jealous.'

Yuji's face turned crimson red at the closeness. He quickly hid his face in his hands.

"Bonito flakes!" Inumaki pouted, pulling her hand away from the strawberry boy's hair.

"What are you-"

He pulled Y/N back to her original position and placed his head on her lap again. He continued grumbling random words.

Y/N looked at Yuji, "what happened to him?"

Yuji huffed, "You can't have her all by yourself you know?"

"Bonito flakes!" he crossed his arms.

The two continued bickering, one using Onigiri words but somehow, that didn't stop them.

"Hey, have you answered him?" Nobara said, sitting beside her.

Yuji then looked up in realization, "Right! You haven't answered me."

"I haven't really thought about relationships, I'm too tired for that. I spend most of my time sleeping anyways." the girl chuckled.

"That's not even an answer! Think about something! Anything!" Nobara shouted, pointing a finger at her.

"...fine. Um.. Maybe someone who is willing to talk to me about their problems? Communication is the key, you know? And probably someone who likes me for my personality."

"Boring~ How about physical appearance wise?" Nobara asked, with a teasing smile.

The girl thought for a little, "Someone with.. fluffy hair? I like playing with them." the girl runs her hand through the off-white haired male's hair as he hums, satisfied at the attention.

'Fluffy~' she thought.

"Fluffy hair.. Fluffy hair.. Fluffy hair.." Nobara mumbled, trying to think of someone she knows who has fluffy hair.

"Huh? I think someone might just like that. He does have fluffy hair too.." Yuji muttered to himself.

Nobara snapped her head towards him. "Who?!"

"Uh.. No one.." he sweated nervously before standing up, "I.. Should get going." he said, running away.

"Get back here! Tell me who! It'll be the perfect chance to set Y/N up on a date!" she shouted, running after him.

Y/N and Inumaki looked at each other.

"Huh..? What happened?"

The boy shrugged.


Note : Inumaki and Y/N are just FRIENDS! And they both know that. Inumaki is just so fluffy, I cannot ignore him and only have him say random onigiri ingredients here and there so I added more of his moments through action.

The reason why I'm explaining is because.. It's hard to make a conversation where they explain what their relationship is when one can only speak onigiri ingredients :P

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