Chapter 4 - Meeting [Unedited]

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Not him. 

You stopped, backing up a bit. Your hood fell back, staring with wide eyes at Diluc. 

He went forward and grabbed your arm, preventing you from grabbing your weapon. Diluc dragged you back, and Kaeya and Aether saw you. 

Kaeya seemed really pissed, while Aether was really confused and sympathetic. 

Kaeya went forward and snatched you away from Diluc, muttering curses and rambling about how Jean would hear this. A shiver went down your back from his words. Diluc watched us go off, before rolling his eyes and stalking off. 

You had no idea what Jean would say, she could be very vicious sometimes. Aether followed us, Paimon questioning why "the nice and very pretty lady was being dragged away by Kaeya", and Aether just mumbling in concern. 

Jean suddenly appeared, marching towards us. Kaeya stopped, and Aether came up beside you. You tugged your wrist away from Kaeya. 

"We're calling up a meeting. Honorary Knight, Kaeya, come with me." Jean ordered. Her face was serious, way more than what you saw on the game. 

Her gaze was turned to you. "Who's this?"

Before you could say anything, and before Kaeya could say something, Aether butted in. "She's my friend. Her name is y/n and she helped me take care of Klee today." 

Some pink appeared on your cheeks, but you focused on Jean. She had looked back at Kaeya. 

"Why were you having a death grip on her?"

"She's using an element and doesn't have a vision," Kaeya said. 

"I don't have a vision..." Aether pointed out. Kaeya blinked. 

"Well- it wasn't one that I've ever seen." He said. 

Jean just shook her head. "Just leave her alone. We can talk about that later." She looked at you. "y/n, you can join us in the meeting."

You blinked. Well shit.


You and Aether came in to see Venti, Diluc, and Amber there. They seemed to know that Aether would be there, but all eyes turned to you.

"What's she doing here?" Diluc said. Venti brightened and grinned at you, and Amber just smiled confusedly. You had met her once while doing a short commission for her, and she was just as kind as the game made her. 

"Your brother said something that could be useful to this meeting," Jean said simply. Aether smiled a bit in your direction and lead you over to the corner. 

Jean went behind her desk and sighed. Her gaze swept across the room. 

"The Fatui knows about the Cynthis Archon. And they claim she's here." 



oooooooOoOo some suspense

yeah im really bad at suspense ig

anyway continue bearing with me and my slow updates

bye guys!

P.S. make sure to comment and vote! dont be silent readers ;)

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