Chapter 20 - Durin [Edited x2]

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a/n: another long chapter




"Why are you looking at me like that?" Albedo said, crossing his arms. "Of course I didn't steal this sword."

"Not long ago, the Knights caught a band of Treasure Hoarders outside the city. The goods they were smuggling were also impounded." He explained. "This sword was one of those items. We believed it to be stolen plunder, but no one came to claim it, nor could we find out where it came from, so it languished in our stores."

'I noticed it quite by change while in our storehouse. To tell you the truth, such an old sword would see little use outside of alchemy."

"Eh... You claimed it for yourself, just like that?" Paimon exclaimed. "So, then what happened? You just took it with you?"

Albedo nodded. "Indeed, and I initially intended to perform some experiments on it, but I unexpectedly discovered its true origins in the process. This ancient-looking weapon once passed through the hands of a now deceased blacksmith. It is a legendary magical sword."

"It is said that the smith vanished not long after creating the weapon, with the weapon subsequently becoming lost to time. Working backwards from its eventual fate as plunder, once can guess that it was then stolen by the Treasure Hoarders, where it remained in obscurity till recently."

"The blacksmith who made this weapon... disappeared!?" Paimon yelped. "That's kinda spooky!"

"Do you know the story of Durin and this mountain?" Albedo asked us, and while Aether shook his head, you nodded.

(the story will be a bit different, but mostly sticks to the point)

"Oh? Well, feel free to add anything if I miss something," Albedo said, crossing his arms. "Durin was the black dragon who menaced Mondstadt, before finally being defeated by the combined efforts of Dvalin, the Anemo Archon Barbatos, and the Cynthis Archon Lunaria - of course, one of the regenerated ones."

"After a fierce battle, the vanquished Durin crashed to ruin here, falling into a part of the Cynthis Archon's old nation - the City of Saisei, when the mountain was still named Mt. Starwatch."

"The nation itself was named Tsuki." You said, watching the clouds swirl around the summit.

Albedo nodded and continued. "The corrupted body of Durin released toxic fumes into the air, spreading around the mountain. It killed half the citizens of Tsuki, and heightening the bad weather of the entire mountain. Even before the change, it was a rather snowy mountain, and it never melts. Which leads one to wonder - was Durin's fall here purely by change, or was it intent?"

"Could it really have been intent?" Paimon asked, voice shaky. Aether glanced over at you, but your head was down, eyes closed, back facing them.

"Perhaps this place was chosen as a gravesite precisely so that the snow's power could seal the corrosive toxin coming from Durin's body." Albedo suggested, crossing his arms.

"But that would mean that the Cynthis Archon sacrificed some of her own nation to defeat the dragon," You finally said. "It could've been an accident... or not."

"It seems plausible that Barbatos would think of such a method, however." Albedo said. "He controls the winds, after all - keeping the toxins inside the mountain using the wind would be a smart idea."

"Hm... was Barbatos such a capable god?" Paimon asked curiously.

"Well, these are just my postulations. I don't have any evidence. But what's for certain is that this mountain and Durin are deeply intertwined." Albedo said, and you decided to turn around to face them.

"In fact, they believe that the very sword in your hands has Durin's remains in it."

Paimon gasped. "A dragon's remains?!"

"Indeed," Albedo said. "The dragon's eyes, claws, and scales, ground into dust before being used to coat the blade."

"He isn't wrong," You agreed, nodding.

"And how do you know that?" Albedo said, eyes moving over to study you.

"Discussion for another time," You insisted, looking away.

Albedo continued the explanation. "In this way, Durin's corruption and venom entered the sword, and became of the source of its power."

He looked at the sword. "This is very advanced craftmanship. I presume that having successfully forged the weapon, the smith must have tried it out themselves in their joy."

"Using the sword in battle would have allowed the corruption to seep into the blade's handle and into the wielder's body." You said, crossing your arms.

"Indeed," Albedo agreed. "Ordinary mortals cannot withstand such power. The blacksmith must then have fled, driven mad by the curse, before meeting their end in some unknown place."

"Eek..." Paimon said nervously. Aether was quiet.

"You've purified Dvalin's Tears before, which is a very rare ability indeed." Albedo pointed out. "This ability has protected you from being corrupted or poisoned, and you can completely eliminate their effects. Which is why you, and only you, can properly wield this sword. However..."

Albedo turned to you, and he had that suspicious and curious gleam in his teal eyes that made you step back. "You were in very close contact with the sword - and were not affected at all. Could you hold it for a second?"

"Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Aether said, frowning.

"If my readings are correct, she has the power to not be corrupted." Albedo insisted, and you closed your eyes and sighed.

"I'll do it..."

Holding out your hand, you summoned your power - using that odd energy you felt earlier. The sword glowed purple and flew to your hand, and your eyes started glowing white. The purple glow brightened into a white, and the sword grew in power, the glow rising.

You let go of it, and the white disappeared, replaced by the regular purple - but that brighter glow remained. The sword floated back to the middle.

"Fascinating," Albedo said, studying the sword. "As far as I'm concerned, this is where the real experiment begins. This sword is still very weak at present. However, it is able to absorb energy, and through that, it is able to constantly become stronger. That is why the glow appeared after absorbing a bit of y/n's energy. In some sense, you could even say that it is a living thing."

"Well then, Traveler, adventure with it to your heart's content. I need you to help it grow." Albedo said. "I believe that we will soon have all the proof that we need."

We waved bye to Albedo, exiting the cavern.

"We should probably go back to Childe," Paimon said as we walked to the nearest Teleport Waypoint.

"Good idea - we've been gone for like 3 days," You agreed, and Aether nodded. We placed our hands on the waypoint, and envisioned the one in Liyue Harbor. We opened our eyes to see that we were back in the City of Contracts and started walking towards the Northland Bank.




albedo will come back dont worry


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