Chapter 34 (teaser!)

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im deciding to start doing little "teasers" of upcoming chapters, to provide some content for you guys to enjoy as i battle my overwhelming anxiety depression and end of the school year math test that my stupid ap teacher decides to assign-


the teasers will be pretty short, just consisting of a few pieces of dialogue and a smidgen of  an important part

enjoy ;)

OH AND IMPORTANT: im changing ocs height she's now 5'5 >:)

(edit: yes I have changed the teaser twice- )




"What about my feelings?"


"Have you ever considered that maybe some of us don't want to go through this? That we enjoy our lives on Earth? That we might not actually like the position we're in?? Maybe this is why almost NO ONE has chosen to stay. And honestly? Now I'm considering it."


"You can't."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you can't."

"That's not up for you to decide."

"Yes it damn is, and you better listen to me."


You're eyesight was blurry, ears ringing. White light enveloped your vision, and you instinctively covered your eyes. When the nausea subsided, you slowly opened them...

To let out a strangled cry as you look around in a panic.




Thank you guys for being so patient in updates <3

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