Chapter 9 - Taken [Unedited]

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im tired




You and Scaramouche stared at each other for a second, before he lifted a hand. (i'm pretty sure scaramouche has an electro vision- not entirely sure but im gonna give him that) Another blast of electro flew towards you, and you lifted your sword. You slashed through it, Cynthis energy pulsing from your blade. 

You felt the wind rush next to you, and your gaze moved to Aether landing beside you. He wobbled for a second, and you widened the platform, letting Aether balance. 

You turned your head back to the Fatui. Scaramouche said something, causing them to raise bows. You and Aether readied your swords. 

At least 100 arrows were released into the air, some igniting in flames, some sparking lightning. They sailed through the air, heading straight for you. 

"Aether, go back to the others." You said, starting to walk forward. Your eyes glowed white, energy radiating off you. You stepped onto the air, stars appearing from your steps. 

"But- I need to help you-" Aether tried, come forward, but you looked back at him, causing him to stop. 

"They want me, not you. You're a lot more important than you think. I can handle this." 

You lifted a hand at the platform he was standing on, and it floated back to the window, where Venti and Amber were still watching. The others had apparently left. 

Aether looked back at you, his eyes wide. You turned around and looked up at the arrows. 

You tightened your grip around your sword and leapt into the air. Spinning in midair, your sword shining brightly, you slashed your sword. A large white slash appeared in the sky, breaking all the arrows, and you dashed forward, running above the front gate. Slowing down, you floated down to the ground in the middle of the bridge. 

Groups of Fatui Pyro agents and Fatui Cryos ran towards you. Scaramouche broke into a small smirk as he stood still and watched. 

Your eyes glowed white again, and you threw your sword at the nearest Cryo agent. It got stuck in his chest, and he fell down. You ran forward, pulling it out and stabbed it into a Pyro agent, brilliant beams of light erupting from it. You thrust a hand out at another, a beam of light blasting him in the face. You pulled your sword back out and clashed with a Cyro. They blasted you with ice, and you put your sword in front of you, sliding backward. 

Letting out a yell, you leapt into the air, your glow growing into a blinding star. You twisted in midair and thrust your sword down. 

Pillars of light exploded from the ground, burning the Fatui agents and turning them to dust. 

You got back up, and you felt someone coming towards you. Turning, you raised your sword, coming face to face with Scaramouche. 

You grit your teeth as you stared at each other, the contact from your swords sparking with energy. 

He broke into a psychotic smile, and shoved you back, his sword bursting with electro. You slid back, and someone grabbed you from behind. It covered your mouth with a cloth, sickly sweet fumes going in your nose. Your eyes suddenly felt heavy, and you tried getting out of his grip. The sedative forced your body to drop down. The last thing you saw was Scaramouche walking towards you, and desperate yells from inside the city. 

You closed your eyes,

letting yourself be taken. 




yeah that was something

my brain hurts now

sorry not sorry for that cliff hanger

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