Chapter 15 - Power and Past [pt 1] [Edited]

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a/n: happy thanksgiving week :)

you will not understand just how glad i am that i get a break from school-

anyways ill probably get 3-4 chapters done this week <3

enjoy thx for being amazing




Lunaria waved a hand, and two pillows appeared on the floor, with a small tea table in between.

You were teleported onto one, and you blinked, watching the cup in front of you fill with tea.

Lunaria sat down, her white cloak settling behind her.

"I wished to talk to you about your past. It's an odd thing, really." She took a sip of her tea. "I'm sure that you know how the moon archon is reincarnated every century?"

You nod. "By the way, how much time do I have left?"

"10 days."

You went silent, and Lunaria continued. "All the memories from the past archons are released into the new one, and you can access them in here." She gestured around. "Think of it as your own mental space to retreat too. Your body won't be harmed while inside, because your subconsciousness creates a forcefield around it. However, your mind can still be injured, but it's a fickle thing, and almost never happens."

You nodded slowly, and took a small sip. It was very refreshing, and warmed your whole body.

"Herbs from our nation are mixed into the tea," Lunaria said, setting her cup down. "Do you wish to know where it is located?"

You nod. "I've heard of it around both Mondstadt and Liyue - it seems pretty popular. But I heard people say it's again 'silent'?"

"Yes, because the mountain is once again hidden in the Fog of Souls."




Nah jk i won't leave you hangin like that lol


"Wait- what?"

Lunaria sighed. "Every century, after the new Archon has arrived, the islands of Tsuki and Mt Starwatch is covered with thick magical fog that rolls in. The citizens inside are unaffected, of course - the curse was kind enough to do that."

"Wait, the curse?" You asked, incredibly lost. "And why's it called the Fog of Souls?"

"I have the rare ability to commune with the dead - I do not know where I obtained it, nor do I wish to. The ability will eventually be unlocked," She explained. "As for the curse... well, I soon found out after casting the regeneration spell that my ability would backfire, and those who became lost in the Fog joined the world of the dead."

You went silent, and just nodded.

"Alright. Anyway, you should most likely travel to the outer islands first, before going towards the Fog." Lunaria took a sip of tea. "Now another detail that should be shared of an area not too far. Dragonspine."

You shifted in your seat, trying to be comfortable. You could tell this would be a long story.

Lunaria closed her eyes and rested her hands in her lap. "You're aware of the dragon, Durin, who was defeated by Dvalin, Barbatos, and one of the old Moon Archons?"

"I knew of Dvalin and Venti, but didn't know that- uh- one of us also helped." You said, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"You can say that you did, because the there has been only one soul that has been through this world for centuries. My soul was originally passed onto the second, and the process has been like this until now."

"But, I don't remember it..?" You asked, and Lunaria chuckled, opening her eyes.

"That is only because you must unlock those memories. Just continue visiting the Stars of Euthymia, and you will slowly recover all of the memories from the centuries."

She took a deep breath. "Now then, back to the topic. Once defeated, Durin crashed to the old Mt Starwatch, which is present-day Dragonspine."

You spit your tea, then immediately apologized. Lunaria merely chuckled and waved her hand, the mess cleaning up instantly.

"I thought that Mt Starwatch was far away-" you started, but Lunaria raised a hand.

"I'll explain in a second. Durin released toxic plumes into the air, polluting the atmosphere and corrupting the citizens of Tsuki. They were paralyzed, and slowly overtaken from the corruption. About half of the population did survive, but most were injured and had to rush to safety nearby. The atmosphere around Starwatch- well, Dragonspine.. was turned incredibly cold, colder than the temperature that had already been increasingly dropping. The advisors had already warned the Archon of that time that they would have to move to a different area, and she agreed - but it takes time and effort.
Anyway, those still on the mountain - and not controlled by the corruption - froze to death by snowstorms, and any trace of human life on the mountain was wiped out. All that was left was destroyed houses and ruins."

During the story, you stayed silent, and kept feeling a thrum in your head. Once she ended, you placed a hand on your forehead as the sensation grew worse. You then felt a crack, and your mind was flooded with images of a snowy mountain, full of animals and humans. A city was built on the side, with villages all around. The peak boasted a temple with a crescent moon that radiated energy.

More flashes showed different people, priests, archons, and animals. It ended with a bird's-eye view of a dark dragon collapsing into the mountain with a pulsing white scar in it's side.

It then showed injured people sailing, and finding islands and a great mountain in the ocean. It was a beautiful snowy mountain, and the scene fast forwarded to people building a great city and villages, and a temple at the peak - just like the one on the old mountain.

You opened your eyes again, and Lunaria was smiling gently at you. "There it is."




okay that took longer than expected-

ill start the next part tonight, and finish it tmrw

k bye <3

Archon of Cynthis [Book 1]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα