Chapter 16 - Ghostly Problems

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"What!?? You saw it too!! There really is a ghost!" 

Smiley Yanxiao - Wangshu Inn's Chef - was apparently too spooked to go into the kitchen, since there was in fact a ghost, the girl we saw earlier. We were currently by the Inn's stairs. 

"What... how can I..." He trailed off. 

"Ok, he's useless now." Paimon complained. "Forget it, let's just go see the boss lady again." 

We walked over to Verr, and she chuckled after informing her what happened. 

"Scared of something so insignificant. Hard to believe he was once a notorious bandit," Verr exclaimed, shaking her head. 

"You don't seem that afraid of ghosts, boss lady!" Paimon pointed out. 

"Gods and ghosts, I've seen it all before." She said, eyes flicking over to you. You shuffled uncomfortably in your boots. 

Paimon tapped her chin. "Come to think of it, others don't seem to know there's an adeptus here at the inn, except for the boss lady..." 

"Shhh! Say any more and you'll be divulging my little secret." Verr said, crossing her arms. "Right, best you two be off. Go see to it that little ghost doesn't go scaring anybody else." 

"Not that I'm ordering you around-" Verr quickly said. "It's like the adeptus said, mortal souls are not as robust as those of the adepti." 

~~ skip brought to you by my friend natalie ~~

Once Aether finally looked at the Witness Sigil in just the right spot, it glowed golden, and that little ghost started running again. 

"Th-there she is! So scary... quick, you... you guys grab her." Paimon said, following us from behind. We followed Dusky Ming across the bridge, and found her in some trees.

She ran towards a pile of carved wood, and disappeared into it. The wood trembled, and something fired up. A Ruin Hunter rose up, it's old engines creaking slightly. 

"Agh! She doesn't know when to give up!" Paimon yelled, and you summoned your bow, dashing forward. Aether joined you, and as landed a blow using Geo, you pulled back an arrow, the familiar star forming. Letting to go, it hit the eye of the Ruin Hunter dead on, and Aether was able to finish it off with his sword. 

The Ruin Hunter fell down, and Dusky Ming floated out. We grouped together and walked towards her. 

"Silly-churl, billy-churl..." Dusky Ming sang, her voice echoing a bit. 

"Phew.. finally caught you. Paimon's pooped." Paimon said, putting her tiny hands on her hips. 

"Silly-billy hilichurl.." The girl continued, jumping up and down. 

"Haunting things isn't nice! Little girl, are you listening?" Paimon said sternly. 

"Chilly-churl, frilly-churl.." 

"Now listen here young lady!" 


Dusky Ming fell quiet. "Oh, okay. Dusky Ming won't tease the travelers at the inn anymore." 

You smiled, and put your hands on your knees to be at her level. "It's okay, I understand that your life isn't that fun. I don't blame you wanting to play with people." 

Dusky Ming smiled. "Next time, Traveler and Shiny Lady can come play with Dusky Ming. If you don't come and play, Dusky Ming will come find youu~" 

She disappeared, and you all sighed. 

"Shiny Lady?" Paimon finally asked. You rolled your eyes. 

"That's most likely because I have an aura around me, and ghosts can see that." You said, and started walking towards the Inn again.


Once we finished with the dishes, we went to the balcony again. Xiao was standing at the railing, his arms crossed. 

Aether held the Satisfying Salad, while you held the Almond Tofu, made by yourself. It did smell good, and seemed very simple. 

Xiao noticed our presence, and turned around, eyeing the food we brought. 

"...You three again."

"Wait, don't go disappearing again!" Paimon quickly said, and you held out the plate. 

"What's this?" Xiao said, accepting the plate. 

"It's your favorite food, Almond Tofu." You said softly. 

"Along with this distant traveler's best dish - a Satisfying Salad." Paimon said proudly. 

Paimon turned to us. "Quick, tell him everything before he finishes eating!" 

~small skip~

"Rex Lapis... how could this be?" Xiao said in disbelief. "I.. can't imagine it. Though times have changed, I've never imagined a Liyue without him." 

"I also can't imagine it." You mumbled. 

"The ruling Qixing.. Just what role have they played in this?" Xiao continued, thinking aloud. 

 He then sighed. "I will seek Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer. It is time they too made their decisions." 

"Will the adepti interrogate the Qixing?" Aether wondered. 

"Adepti do not turn on their responsibilities. I have my reasons to not want to be tainted by the mortal realm but... responsibilities are responsibilities." Xiao said. 

"Our god is the God of Contracts after all." 

~ima skip paimon's question and dusky ming part just bc~

We started walking out, but you stopped. "Actually, Aether.. can I talk to Xiao really quick?" 

He glanced back at him, but nodded. "I'll wait outside of the Inn." 

You smiled quickly, and turned back, walking to the teal haired male. 

"Aren't you supposed to be leaving at this time?" Xiao said immediately, glancing at you, still facing away. 

"I wanted to ask you something," You said, going to stand by him. "In the past, did one of the other Cynthis archons do something to you?" 

Xiao was silent for a few seconds, then replied shortly: "Yes." 

"Can I ask what it was?" 

He glared at you, then grabbed your arm. You opened your arm to protest, but wind blew around you, and you opened your eyes to see you were standing on a high mountain in Jueyun Karst. There were a couple trees around the peak, and lush grass gently swayed in the wind. 

"Remember anything?" 




sorry yall gonna have to wait until tmrw for the part with xiao

it's a bit of angst in the next chapter - if that's what you can call it

alr bye! sleep gud unlike me

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