Chapter 30 - Battle of Liyue: Part 2 (Osial)

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PLEASE take a look at the very first chapter of this story (not the actual story, just of the book). it's labeled Character ; Lunaria. i've changed the vision name around, and you guys can also see how it would be like to play her, and how she is at 'full power'.

SO PLEASE LOOK AT IT! im going to going through all the chapters changing the names. i'll also be using that name from now on.

ty guys and enjoy the battle scene! this took me all day yesterday and an hour this morning :')




You grabbed Aether and Paimon's hands, teleporting to the Jade Chamber. You winced slightly at a burning sensation in your head, placing a hand on your forehead. Aether noticed and placed a hand on your shoulder, and the three of you stared up at Osial.

Paimon panted. "Ugh, Paimon's exhausted... If we hadn't happened to see the Jade Chamber flying over just as we came out of the Golden House, we really wouldn't have known which way to go... whew, did we make it in time? Is the Overlord of the Vortex still in the sea? It hasn't destroyed Liyue yet, has it?"

For once, you were too exhausted to make a sarcastic reply.

"What... are you doing here?"

The three of you turned to see a quite familiar yaksha.

You made eye contact for a moment, then broke it to look around.

"Huh... hold on! It's the adepti! What are you doing on the Jade Chamber? Paimon thought you were arguing with the Qixing... is the fighting over?" Paimon asked, thoroughly confused.

"Faced with a calamity of such magnitude, we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy." Ningguang stated.

Moon Carver hmphed, turning his head. You suppressed a snicker.

"Oh, Paimon gets it... so, how do you plan to defend Liyue?" Paimon shivered, turning to Osial. "Eh... just seeing this Overlord of the Vortex guy puts a pit in Paimon's tummy, even from all the way out here."

Keqing walked up to us, eyes on the Overlord. "It's not just you. We've got new Millelith recruits who can't even stand at attention without shaking. The force of an ancient god's presence seems to be too much for ordinary people to handle. Which is why we must stop that monster before it gets any closer to Liyue Harbor!"

"So the Archon War was fought two thousand years ago against enemies like that thing? Now that's scary..." Paimon cried.

"..." Xiao crossed his arms and stole a glance at you. You were still staring at Osial, brow furrowed.

"So will the power of the Qixing, Millelith, Adepti, and an Archon gathered here be enough to stop that god?"

You cringed, and snapped your head towards Paimon, eyes burning into her. Paimon realized the slip up, and floated away from you, nervous.

"We've already discussed this together, and our conclusion is... wait, Archon?" Ningguang asked.

You smacked Paimon, giving her one last glare before turning to the Tianquan. "Uh, that'll be me."

Ningguang raised her eyebrows, doing well to hide her shock. "I presume you're the Cynthis Archon?"

You nodded meekly.

"I see. It is an honor to be in your presence," Ningguang said, nodded her head. "Well, even with your help, it isn't likely that we will succeed."

Archon of Cynthis [Book 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon