1.5K R E A D S S P E C I A L :)

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tysm for 1.5k AHHH

rn im like extremely tired so sorry guys

but i wanted to make a special for this

so yeah

enjoy! (a bit of y/n x xiao)

also sorry for any grammar mistakes in this i did this after eating a ton of candy- 




NOTE: This is not connected to the storyline. 

You stared up at the sun, shielding the rays with your bandaged hand. You had cleared out a camp of hilichurls, which would've been pretty easy, but then about 5 more mitachurls with spears and shields came as backup, which doubled the time it would usually take. And... cost a broken rib and a cut up hand. 

You looked back at the road, seeing it's still a VERY long way to Liyue, and to where you had agreed to meet with Aether. You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. 

As you started walking again, you placed your other hand against your broken rib. It was starting to throb again, and you didn't have any food on you. You mentally asked why the hell would you not bring food. 

You closed your eyes channeling some energy into the rib. The throbbing subsided a bit more, and you kept walking. 


A few minutes later, you ran into pyro and electro slimes. Really? Slimes?

You summoned your sword, your eyes glowing a dim white. You felt like you were going to fall, but you lifted your sword, readying yourself as the slimes started to hop over to you. 

You stabbed your sword into the first squishy pyro slime, it exploding on contact with your lunar-infused sword. An electro slime hit you in the back, and you fell on your knees, the pain mostly focused on your injuries. 

You turned and slashed the slime with your sword, some of the slimy bits splattering on your cloak, adding some rips. 

They all started to go in a circle around you, blasting you with electro and pyro. You closed your eyes, the pain coming unbearable. 

You then felt a gust of wind, and an angry cry as you heard the slimes exploding. Someone grabbed your arm and lifted you up, and you saw the blurry outline of someone with teal highlights and odd clothing. 

You felt the wind gently brushing against you as you dizzyingly seemed to move to a different spot. But after that, you fell unconscious. 


You could fell yourself come back again, and thought it was a bit weird that Lunaria didn't say anything. 

You opened your eyes and saw Verr Goldet bandaging up your chest. She noticed you were awake, and smiled. 

"You might still have a slight headache, so it'd be best if you stayed laying down." She gently said, and you nodded, feeling a throb. 

"How did I get here?" You asked slowly. 

"Adeptus Xiao brought you here, telling me to take care of you. He's probably on the balcony right now, that's where he headed a few minutes ago." 

You nodded, muttering an ok. You waited patiently as she finished up the bandage and stood up. 

"You should be ok to get up, just take it easy. But you have really good healing abilites, your rib was pretty fixed up." Verr said, and went out of the room, shutting the door.

You immediately sat up, patting your chest. It did hurt a bit, and you channeled some energy into it. 

Swinging your legs around, you stood up, placing a hand on your rib. Checking your other hand, you saw that Verr had taken off the bandage. The cut had mostly healed. 

You grabbed your sword that was laying on a table, tossing it up, letting it disappear. You walked to the door, opening it silently. You peeked outside, and slipped out, shutting the door behind you.

You clearly remember running around Wangshu Inn when you were back on Earth and on an app, so you remember how to get to the balcony. You went up a flight of stairs, and walked out onto the balcony. 

It was nighttime, and the moon was on full display. You felt the moonlight filling your energy, and you leaned on the railing, looking at the view. 

You then felt a breeze behind you.

Your senses were on high alert, and you summoned your sword, spinning around and pointing it at..


He stared you down, and you lowered your sword a bit.

In a flash, he was right in front of you with his jade spear, making you raise your sword to hold off the spear. 

You winced, your rib hurting a bit. 

Xiao noticed, and backed up. You wrapped your arm around your chest, taking a deep breath. 

"Who are you?" Xiao asked suddenly. You blinked.

"A- traveler?" You lied, and he glared at you.

"I can tell you're lying." He leaned close again. You felt his warm breath against your face, and felt your cheeks warm up. 

"No human can heal that fast. Or has a glowing aura." 

You sighed. 

You can tell him.

You heard Lunaria and closed your eyes.

Standing back up, you opened your eyes. They shined white, and Xiao backed up, his eyes wide. 

White energy radiated off you, and a glowing white star floated out of your chest. It formed into the transparent form of Lunaria, who smiled at Xiao. He turned pale and took a step back. 

The illusion disappeared, the light entering back into your body. 

You blinked, your eyes turning back to grey.

He stared at you, the nodded. He quickly turned and started walking off.


He looked back, and saw you biting your lip, embarrassed.

"Thanks for saving me earlier."

He smiled a bit, walking back towards you. Leaning down, he gently kissed your forehead.

Then he disappeared into wind.

Blushing hard, you walked off the balcony. 




this took too long

help my mind is not stable

k bye ill be updating saturday

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