Chapter 36 - The Choice [Pt 3]

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just found out im taller than xiao :D

apparently he's 5'3 wtf

he's 5'4 in this story bitches- im sorry but he cant be that much shorter than us-

BTW her polearm is basically just engulfing lightning but in white color scheme




"So, you're this centuries Lunaria?" You - well, other you - asked.

"Yeah... I'm assuming these are all the past ones?" You replied.

Other You nodded.

"So since you're here, I'm assuming you learned the truth already. We never had a past life, we were kept in Celestia until we were needed, in an endless mirage that our subconscious created to keep us safe. When we 'died', or chose not to stay here, we weren't returned to our safe little mirage, we were kept here, in an eternal sleep that we couldn't wake up from. Only when the newest Lunaria came, we would be awoken.

"But some of our warnings weren't allowed to reach your ears. Whatever... being up there blocks it from entering your mind, and only if you come to this domain are you allowed to truly hear our words."

"Wait, so that isn't a Lunaria up there?" You frowned . This was way too confusing.

"No, that's-"

Other You paused as the ground shook. You gasped at the sight of dark red magic started creeping down from above, the area taking on a red tint.

"What is that!" You gasped, turning to Other You.

"It's her." She said, eyes wide. She quickly turned to face you, grabbing your shoulders.

"I need you to listen to me." She demanded. You nodded quickly.

"The person up there is a deity sent from Celestia to make sure that the Cynthis Archon would remain under control. Tonight, if you wish to overthrow her and release us from this place, you need to fight her. She isn't that strong anymore, the years have been catching up and her power is slowly draining.

"Right the wrongs of the Cynthis Archon, and only then will we be free."

Other You let go of you and stepped backward. Her eyes suddenly glowed white, and Cynthis started bubbling around you. (You know when the jade chamber was destroyed- and the adepti all like glowed gold- it's that but white) Your eyes widened, and you turned to her.

"Wait, what about you guys? Will you be safe?"

She smiled, tilting her head, eyes a blinding white. "She can never hurt us. Even if she tried, we would be protected. Now, we will guide you. Be safe."

Your vision started blurring, but you stumbled forward. "How will I know you're guiding me!?" You shouted.

Her smile, turned into a smirk. She reached up, tapping the side of her head. "We share the same brain, don't we? You'll figure it out." 

All color was sucked out of your vision as you reached a hand outward in panic. (the scene where aether first meets raiden shogun/ei )


You were shoved back into your body, gasping for air as you fell backwards, plunging into the cold water. You quickly stumbled up, coughing out water and shivering. 

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