Chapter 14 - A Small Chat [Edited]

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a/n: i found the time to make a chapter bc i finished all my hw early

*tiny celebration*

ok enjoy this! i kicked my butt thinking of ideas

also, i changed something in chapter 8, so the way to speak with lunaria is different




Meeting the first 2 adepti were pretty easy. Mountain Shaper was just really high up, and we had to help some random treasure hoarder. Cloud Retainer's mechanisms were easily broken with the combined effort of both you and Aether. 

Currently, the 3 of you were walking along a dirt path, watching the trees sway in the wind. Birds flew overhead, and you reached a hand out, letting one land on the back. You slightly petted it, watching it chirp and fly off. 

Aether watched you, then looked away when you glanced back at him. 

"It's getting darker - maybe we should set up camp. Traveling during dark isn't really the easiest." 

I frowned a bit, and he noticed. "Well, not for you I guess.. but yeah." 


As you set the last stake in the ground, Aether started the fireplace, and you stood back up. Looking over at him, you watched as he placed a fish in the pot hanging over the flickering fire, and poured in some spices and other seasonings. Paimon floated above him, randomly instructing him. 

You sat nearby, watching him focus on making the food. You studied his smooth skin and amber eyes, his forehead creasing with concentration. A breeze swayed his bangs a bit, and he sat back, beautiful eyes sweeping over to lock with your grey ones. 

You blinked, realizing you were staring, a small blush coating your cheeks. He handed you a plate, and you quickly ate the peppery fish. You stood up, saying that you were going to go to the river nearby. 

Stepping over a few rocks, you sat down on a boulder next to the water, staring at the fish swimming across. Looking up at the sky, you watched the stars twinkle, and held a hand out. 

A star shined, and flew down from the sky, slowing down and hovering above your palm. You watched it shine and let it float in front of you. 

You didn't really want to go back to Aether just yet (out of embarrassment) and came up with an idea. 

Closing your eyes, you crossed your legs and sat up more. Taking a deep breath, you focused on the energy from the moon, your inner power, and honed in on a pulsating area. 

Your mind was pulled away from the human world. You opened your eyes to see a familiar starry domain with the full moon shining above. 

Lunaria, who was levitating with her legs crossed, opened her eyes. She floated back down, and smiled at me. 

"Welcome back. Let's have a small chat, shall we?" 





ok so next update will most likely be on the weekend

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