Chapter 27 - Jade Chamber

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good lord i cannot write





You looked up at the Jade Chamber, the platform the three of you were standing on floating around to the side. It stopped, and you jumped off, walking along the stone ground. You paused to see a tall woman dressed in different colors of yellow and white walking towards us.

"I've been waiting for you, returnees from Jueyun Karst." Ningguang greeted. 

"Ah, it's Ningguang!" Paimon yelped. "Since this is our first meeting, um, we've prepared a gift! Hope you like it?"

"Oh, for me? You have my thanks. It seems that I have made things difficult for you, considering that you were supposed to be my guests." 

"Hehe... oh no, it's nothing."

"Nice place, this Jade Chamber," Aether finally said, glancing around. 

"This palace floats in the skies, higher than any peak of any mountain. From this vantage point, one may survey all of Liyue." Ningguang walked closer. "I have been gathering the funds necessary to build it from the time I began learning the merchant's craft. And since becoming the Tianquan, I have spared no effort in hiring the best craftsmen to constantly extend it... At first it was but the size of one room. Now, it is large enough to blot out the moon in the skies above Liyue. One day, I believe it will overshadow all seven nations." 

You frowned slightly and crossed your arms.

"Not many from outside Liyue earn the right to ascend to the Jade Chamber. But I have been in correspondence with the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, who spoke highly of you. As such, I have been putting eyes and ears out ever since you reached Liyue..." 

~ skip because ningguang talks too much (no offense) ~

"Huh? There's a place marked with a circle on here. Ooh, could it be treasure!? Whatever it is, it better make us filthy rich! Let's see what's written over here..." 

You and Aether shared a look as Paimon squinted at the paper even closer. 

"Sigil...' 'of Permission...' mm-hmm and... 'Fatui...' 'research...' 'copy...' HUH?" 

Paimon turned to us. "This piece of paper shows that a Qixing spy discovered traces of classified Fatui research on the Sigil of Permission! Oh, Ningguang did say that the Fatu ihave been up to all kinds of mischief in the shadows of Liyue... spreading rumors, wanting to get their hands on the archon's body, and whatnot. But research on the Sigil of Permission? Paimon wonders what they're up to." 

"Speaking of which, there's also some connection between you and the Sigil of Permission, Aether. Seems there's still more for us to find out." You pointed. 

Aether frowned. "It's all unfolding a little too perfectly."

"Oh. You really think so?" Paimon scratched her head. "Well... should we not go, then?"

"No, what I mean is..."

"You're saying that it's precisely because we can't completely trust Ningguang that we should confirm the truth of what she says ourselves." You clarified. 

"Hmm... that's way out of Paimon's league, Paimon thinks she's been nothing but good to us! Anyway, we'll see if you're on to something." 

"Before we look for Zhongli at Dihua Marsh, let's go to the place marked on this paper and see if the Fatui really are up to no good," You suggested. 


You and Aether approached the place, seeing loads of Fatui. You sighed and summoned a star in front of you. You fueled your power with the anger you felt towards the Fatui, and your eyes glowed pure white. 

Before Aether could react, you had gripped the newly formed sword and flashed forward, leaving a white streak in your path. The Fatui all paused, as white slashes adorned their body, along with a crescent moon floating in front of their chest. You reappeared at the other side of the stone area, holding your sword parallel in front of you. You spun it around, then brought it down to the side of you.

The crescent moons on the Fatui all disappeared, a white beam of light falling down onto them. They disappeared into the white flecks, which floated over to you and gathered into a glowing white ball. You waved it away as your sword also disappeared. 

Turning, you saw Aether still standing there, eyes wide. You bit your lip and gestured for him to come up the stairs.

"That's something I learned - it's apparently 'divine punishment'." 

Aether nodded, and we approached the table nearby.

"There are so many talismans here! And some stacks of blank paper, too! Hmm, what are they for?" Paimon asked. 

"It looks like they're copying the pattern on the talisman." Aether noted.

"Maybe they're trying to reproduce one," You suggested. 

"Paimon's seen this pattern before! But where... Oh, Paimon knows! It looks just like the Sigil of Permission that Childe gave you." Paimon realized. "Hmm, but how did a relic of the adepti end up in the hands of someone like Childe? Suspicious..."

"It's not just a relic..." Aether reminded.

"Oh, that's right. Cloud Retainer said that when the Lord of Geo created the Sigil of Permission, it wasn't to be used as some ol' relic... Talismans like that were once used in the Archon War to channel divine powers. Maybe the Fatui are copying the Sigil of Permission in hopes of achieving a similar effect? Being able to channel divine power in battle... whew, that sounds pretty dangerous." 

Aether glanced over at you. "You don't use that, right?"

You quickly shook your head. "No, it all comes from me. But maybe this paper is only a snippet of a much bigger plan." 

"And the plot thickens... we'll need to keep an eye on Childe, that's for sure." Paimon stated. "Hmm, alright, that's enough sticking around here. We gotta go meet up with Zhongli soon. Let's go! Paimon hates being late!" 





im sorry

im taking a break from this story D:

i really need to write down my ideas for my kazuha x reader story and im really eager to do it so yeahhhhhhh

i legit cannot think of anything else when my mind is on an idea

sorry guys 


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