Chapter 10 - Scaramouche [Unedited]

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a/n: updating weekend :D

im not sure how many chapters will be up tho

k enjoy




You felt light.

Your mind was fuzzy, your fingertips felt numb.

You couldn't remember what happened. But you knew something was wrong. You shouldn't be like this.

Wake up.

Wake up?

Wake up, y/n.


"Wake up."

Your eyes shot open, then immediately squinted. A bright light was shining in my face, but was moved away after a second. You looked around you.

You were in a stone cell, with metal reinforcements, laying on the ground. Electro bonds were around your wrists and ankles. You could feel another around your neck.

"Hello, Lunaria."

Your body was lifted up, and a cold hand grabbed your face. Your grey eyes met dark blue ones.

At that moment, a weird.. spark crackled inside you. Like lightning. It tingled in your mind, and a sense of familiarity entered you. You were confused, however, since you all you knew was that he's a Harbinger. You didn't have any sort of personal connection with him, but you felt as if you've known him.

Scaramouche studied your face, before letting go. That spark faded, but still left an odd feeling in your chest. You ignored it, switching to a glare as he turned around, walking to one of the gaurds. You scanned the room again. About 10 gaurds were all along the wall of the cell.

Scara took your sword, turning it in his hands. He then pointed it at your neck.

"Where's the traveler?"

You kept quiet, a neutral expression on your face. But underneath, you were panicking.

Scaramouche laughed. "Don't try, I can see the fear. You must be angry, am I right? Knocked out just like that. And I thought the Cynthis Archon was one of the most powerful of the Archons."

You grit your teeth, your eyes flickering white. You wanted to stay under control, since one, you don't even know how powerful you are, and two, this was Scaramouche. He makes you angry, then uses it against you.

"I really want to know... just how many people will die if you lose control. How about we test it?"

He raised a hand, and you felt a shock go through your body. Your eyes widened, starting to glow white.

The shocks got worse, your head starting to throb. The glow in your eyes wouldn't decrease, an aura starting to form around you.

On the 30th shock, you let loose.

A shockwave expanded from you, encasing all the guards with a transparent moon. Your bonds broke, and you landed down on the ground. The 'moons' exploded, knocking the Fatui unconscious. Scaramouche was able to mostly block the explosion with electro, but did take a hit.

The white glow around the whole room slowly came back towards you, the energy seeping back into your body.

Scaramouche slowly stood up, and surveyed the destruction. His eyes then went to you, who was still on hands and knees, panting, eyes squeezed shut.

"I'll leave you to think." He said, then turned and walked out. A group of Fatui came in and dragged the unconscious ones out.


You stared at the stone underneath you, trying to calm the energy you felt inside you. You were shocked, not knowing exactly what you just did.

You stood up, looking around again. The cell was square, with a small window on the south wall.

You walked to the window, looking out. With you and your short 5'1 ass, you could only see the night sky, with stars and a crescent moon twinkling up there.

You turned back around and leaned back against the wall. You sunk down, curling your knees to your chest.

"I'm really stuck, huh?"




fun times

Archon of Cynthis [Book 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz