25| Horrid Pasts

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The days flow past at an extremely slow pace blurring into one and another until I can't tell how many days have passed since the attack but each passing moment has the whole school turning more and more tensed in waiting

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The days flow past at an extremely slow pace blurring into one and another until I can't tell how many days have passed since the attack but each passing moment has the whole school turning more and more tensed in waiting.

Annie seems older every time I see her, a dark shadow over her face and I know she's overthinking everything happening. I try to stay out of her way, working with Lucian to make anything easier for Annie. I've been focused on the things she can't get around to, looking after the house doing dishes and washing out clothes. Small things I hope at least keep something off of her shoulders for the time being.

Lucian has been focused on the pack, making sure everyone is more prepared with fighting skills along with Mr Hunt and trying to protect the school more because by now we all know that a bigger threat is coming and we need to be prepared for it.

Cedric has been in and out of consciousness, apparently, the school nurse has been keeping him under just to make sure that he heals properly.

One morning, the rain is hitting the cottage harsh by the time I wake up. Annie is in the kitchen already making breakfast.

"Annie, I was going to make breakfast." I give her a fake whine which she laughs and smiles at me for. A kiss on the cheek before she flips a pancake on the pan.

"I know you've been trying to help me, button but let's be honest you suck a cooking." She laughs, a light noise that I feel like I haven't heard in months, I quickly join her.

"Anyway this isn't just for you, Cedric and Lucian will be joining us for his first meal outside of the hospital wing." Annie winks at me and an excited bubble fills my chest.

"He's awake?" I can't keep the excitement from my voice and Annie turns with a knowing smile on her face. I roll my eyes at her, thinking about waiting for the boys outside when a knock at the door sends a smile on my face.

Annie watches me as I spin on my socked feet towards the door. As soon as I open the door a smile spreads on both Lucian and Cedrics faces.

Cedric is leaning ever so slightly into Lucian as they stand there so as much as I want to just tackle them both into a hug I hold the door open and rush them inside.

"Goodmorning, darling." Cedric winks at me, only the slightest limp in his movements as he head right for the kitchen. Lucian winks at me before following him.

"Come in. Come in." Annie yells from the kitchen and when I walk in she's sitting Cedric down in the chair and placing a plate in front of him, she quickly follows it with Lucian's plate before sitting down in front of her own.

I sit beside Cedric and in front of Lucian with my own plate waiting.

"Eat up." Annie smiles from her spot beside Lucian and the boys immediately dig in.

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