Matteo: Part Two

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The chaos was only barely controlled when they landed--or maybe it just felt that way. New planet jitters were very real; the fact that every planet they'd landed on so far had been questionable one way or another made things worse.

"Okay," Helen said, "we're going to have to split up for this. Tola, I know you'll want to go to the ER, that's fine...but Gideon, I want you to stick with us."

Matteo saw the argument starting to form in Gideon's brain and jumped in to intervene. "I'll stay with Tola, don't worry. There's not too much trouble we can get into at a public hospital, right?" I sure hope not, at least. "I'll keep an eye on things. It'll be fine."

Gideon, as predicted, didn't look happy about that. He was never happy when Tola's safety was potentially at first. Fortunately... "I'll be okay with Matteo," Tola said. "You go with the others and look after them. Finding Cassandra is our top priority, remember?"

It said a lot about how much Gideon valued Tola's input that he listened to her. It said a lot about how overprotective he was that he still didn't look thrilled.

Ah, well. A win is a win. Matteo turned his attention to Roland's family. "All packed up?" He felt a little silly asking--they'd probably stayed packed up since arriving on-ship--but it couldn't hurt to check. "I'm going to talk to whoever's in charge about where the nearest hospital is. If this place is even halfway civilized, we should be able to get an ambulance, so don't worry about anything. I've got this."


After last time, Matteo was expecting more than the usual amount of scrutiny. He wasn't expecting the guy who checked them in to look like he couldn't care less what they were hauling, how many people they had, or what they were up to. Matteo had seen minimum-wage theater employees search for contraband snacks with more enthusiasm. "Just don't cause any trouble," the guy said. "Trust me, people will know and you won't be happy with the outcome."

His tone wasn't overtly threatening, but something about how casual he was added menace. It wasn't an idle threat. It was a statement so easily and readily followed through on that the guy didn't have to be threatening. Matteo had multiple siblings. He knew the difference.

Arian waited until the attendant left, phone in hand and an ambulance on the line, before saying anything: "Okay, that guy had big mob snitch vibes. Hate that."

"Let's worry about that later," Matteo said. "Unless Cass pissed off the mob, I think we can handle it." At least, he hoped so. Now that the thought was out there, Matteo found himself wondering if Cassandra had somehow gotten mixed up in local mob activity. There was no way that would end well.

Hey, self? Let's focus on getting the sick, possibly dying kid to the hospital. You've got five other brains worrying about your sister. Keep that mental space free.

That was easier said than done, but the mental check-in helped. So did the shockingly prompt arrival of the ambulance. One EMT remained calm at the sight of Roland's injury while the other looked absolutely baffled. He must've been the new guy, not that Matteo blamed him for the reaction. It was pretty gnarly, and it smelled weird. The human body absolutely should not smell faintly of a hanger bay. "He's still running a fever," Tola explained. "The discharge from the injury has gone down, but it's still pretty bad."

"I can see that," said the calm one. "Two of you can come with us. The rest of you will have to get a cab."

Tola looked at Matteo, eyes wide and pleading. She didn't have to say it; Matteo could tell what she was thinking. "You go...if that's okay with you guys?"

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