Matteo: Part Eleven

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Unfortunately, the police wanted to interview them. Fortunately, they were able to do it as a group interview with Helen, probably because Tola had started stress-crying halfway to the city and no one had the heart to separate her from them. They were also given time to confer, which was great because the first thing Arian did was drop a bombshell on them.

"We might want to look into lawyers," he signed. "I've run into that gang before and I don't know if that is going to screw us."

Matteo had never seen Helen look so desperately like she wanted to phase into another dimension. He couldn't blame her; with everything going on, now was not the time for whatever Arian had done

"We can't wait for a lawyer," she signed. "We don't have time."

"But don't they have to give us one quickly? That's the law most places."

Helen now looked ready to commit a light murder. "We think we know where Cassandra went. We were ready to leave. We could have left today."

Arian didn't say anything smart; the look on his face, the mixture of surprise and queasy guilt said everything.

Now Matteo felt kind of bad, too. None of this was his fault, obviously, but would things have gone differently if he'd punched the right people at the hospital? If he'd gotten security instead of jumping onto a moving car? How different would things have gone if he'd just made one or two different choices?

That was why people like him couldn't see too far in the future. He had no way of knowing how things might have changed. Too many variables. Too many potential outcomes. Nothing he should lose his mind over or blame himself for. He knew that.


"I'm sorry," Tola signed.

Helen shook her head. "It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault."

Matteo couldn't help wondering if she really believed that or if she blamed Arian any. Matteo didn't want to blame Arian, not necessarily, but all evidence was pointing to him having been involved somehow. And that involvement had bitten all of them in the ass, so...

Yeah, maybe some blame is necessary.

The fact that he didn't talk much at first when the cops came in to take everyone's statements only made things more awkward. It was really only one cop, the one who had given Matteo a quick pat-down to check for bombs (Officer Landis, apparently). He seemed nice enough, if a bit terse. Matteo and Tola gave their version of events, right up to the moment when they were pulled over and checked by the police; Arian periodically clarified some details for the moments he'd been involved with, but otherwise said nothing. Not about how he'd gotten to the clearing, not about where he'd been when he was "going to the bathroom", nothing.

What are you hiding, Ari?

Officer Landis: I guess my only question is... Landis looked up from his tablet. exactly did they know to grab you? You said you don't advertise your mutation and you haven't been here long.

Tola: That's right. The people we came here with knew, but we've been with them the whole time and I don't think they told anyone.

"If they did, we weren't there to hear it," Matte added. "I don't think they would. They understand how important it is...bare minimum, they owe us one."

Officer Landis: And there's no one else who may have said something?

He was staring at Arian when he said it. Normally, Matteo would resent that on his brother's behalf; the implication that just because he was a shifter, he must be involved in crime was insidious and annoying. But today, Matteo in the same boat. What'd you do, Arian?

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