Adoette: Epilogue

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She'd known, of course, that she was going to be adopted. They had told her pretty early on. She remembered being excited about it, thrilled that it was finally her turn. She'd packed her bags herself and everything. But when the day came, she didn't believe it. Suddenly it seemed like a dream, like at any second they'd change their minds and decide they didn't want a fourth child.

She stayed in that doubtful mindset until they took her into her room. To an adult, it would seem very small, but to her, it was massive. And, most importantly, it was hers. No room mates, no sharing, no one in her business. For the first time in her life, she had real privacy.

"Is this mine?" she asked, still unsure and unbelieving.

Mom smiled brightly, gently. "Yes it is. This is all for you." She kneeled down and gave Adoette a hug. "Welcome home, Adoette."

That was when it became real.

She had a family. She really had a family. And she was never going to leave them, ever.



(Author's Note: This story was cross-posted from If you'd like to see more stories like this one, including ongoing stories and ones that haven't been posted to WattPad yet, check out the site! ) 

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