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[Annika - A, Shivaay - S]

Annika avoided Shivaay for the rest of the day. She was worried about the previous night

Over call

A: I'm worried, Conner. It's getting harder to not ask him to stay. Last night I asked him to kiss me

Conner: you were drunk Annie

A: Yeah, which means I really wanted it. I've been trying to push him away, he just doesn't listen. Time and time again I've told him I don't want him but he won't leave. He keeps doing things for me, looks after me. Last night not only did he put me to bed, he removed my makeup Conner, he remembered I don't like to go to bed with makeup on.

Conner: He loves you and you still love him. Why are you wasting your time and energy Annie? Just get back with him. He seems to have changed

A: He is different for sure but how do I know when the next problem comes up he won't hide it from me again? How do I trust him? I can't go back to him and end up getting hurt again

Conner: Only time can tell you that Annie. He failed you once doesn't mean he'll always fail

A: You know Oliver is mad at me because of you, he asked me to come back to stay away from Shivaay. Why did you tell Shivaay where I was? I wouldn't even be in the mess if you hadn't sided with him

Conner: I'm not on either of your sides Annie, I just want you to be happy. And Oliver is more mad at me than you. I've had to postpone my proposal planning because of this

A: What! You were planning to propose?

Conner: Yeah, do you think he'll say yes?

A: Hell yeah, but mister, you didn't ask for my blessing

Conner: How would I do that when you're over there? I can't even pick a ring without you. Get back here soon with your heart intact please. Otherwise Oliver will kick me out. I warned Shivaay as well, if he messes things up, Oliver will kill both of us.

A: He will for sure. I'm so excited, my Ollie will get married. Yay!

Conner: hold your horses, what are you going to do now?

A: Ahhhhh why did you remind me? I can't ignore him on the trip, it was a deal.

Conner: best of luck, and if at any point you think you can't handle it, just call me okay

End of call

Annika's wish to avoid Shivaay was fulfilled by the universe. She didn't see him for the rest of the day without making any efforts because Shivaay never left his room.

A(in her mind): this is weird, he neither came out for lunch nor for dinner. I hope he's okay. Should I go check? What if he's sick and has fainted or something? I should check

She knocked on his door but got no answer, she opened his door slightly and saw he was on a call. She entered, he was facing the opposite side, she tapped on his shoulder. When he turned to face her, frustration and anger were clear on his face.

S: Annika, can we talk later, this call is important (he tried to be as polite as possible)

A: sure

She left his room but it seemed like she brought some of his worry along with her

A(in her mind): What's going on? He looked stressed and angry. Why should I bother, it's not like he's going to share it with me. He's alive and well, physically at least, so my duty as a housemate is over. I am gonna go to bed now.

About an hour later Annika was woken up from her sleep as she heard her door knock.

A: it's open

Shivaay opened the door and entered. Annika turned her bedside lamp on, she saw shivaay looked worse than before

S: Can we talk, (he paused) for real?

A: yeah

Annika was getting scared now, something was wrong

S: I.. I have to go back

A: Is everything okay?

S: It's work, I need to be there. It hasn't hit the news yet but we have a crisis. One of the board members was accused of sexual harassment

A: what?

S: He's been with us for over 15 years, it's really hard to believe. I have worked a lot with him in my early days, so it all came as a shock to me. We have a committee for such purposes, we have strict policies against sexual harassment. The committee has proof that he actually made advances on one of the employees. Since he's a board member, we can't fire him. So all the other members are going to vote him out and I can't do that virtually, we need to sign some confidential documents in the presence of a notary and everything.

A: oh

S: I've been on call the entire day, trying to fix it with bade papa.

A: okay, don't worry, it'll be alright (she placed her hand over his)

S: It's like I'm cursed or something. Every time I get a sliver of happiness, something happens and takes it all away. Don't I deserve to be happy? Am I such a bad person?

A teardrop rolled down his cheek, Annika wiped it and cupped his face

A: Hey listen to me, you're not a bad person, okay. It's just not your time. Bad things happen, Shivaay, we can't control it. But it is upon us to decide how much of ourselves we're going to let them take away. And you, you're shivaay singh oberoi, you're the strongest, you can fix anything

S: No I can't. I can't fix your heart that I broke. I can't change the past. I wanted to protect my family and ended up hurting you so much. I was looking forward to our trip, to spend some quality time with you, to fix us.

A: Shivaay, please stop. This trip, it wasn't going to change anything.

Shivaay's heart stopped, he looked into her eyes

A: I still love you Shivaay and maybe I always will but I can't do this. I do not have the strength to handle another heartbreak. A month ago I found it hard just to get up in the morning. I need time for myself, to be myself. I'm not ready to have you back in my life. I'm sorry for putting this on you at such a horrid time but I think you should move on.

He felt like someone had ripped his heart out and put it inside a grinder.

S: Annika, you don't need me but I need you. You're it for me, there's no moving on. I can't love anyone else even if I tried to. You have changed me in ways that I can never go back to being my old self

A: Shivaay, please, I want you to be happy, I really do.

She touched her forehead with his, still cupping his face. She gently pecked his lips and moved apart. Shivaay hugged her, holding the broken pieces of his heart together.

S: I love you

A: I love you too

The next morning Shivaay returned to India. Annika tried to get back to her routine but she couldn't. All this time she wanted him to leave and now that he had left, something didn't feel right.

Hey guys i hope you like this chapter

Junior oberois take Shivaay out for a night out.

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