may's boyfriend

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this story is a little more canon- Peter is Tony's intern in this, and the avengers are not present.

       Peter Parker has always been an anxious child- at least as far as Tony Stark is concerned. When he first met the kid he could barely look him in the eye, he's still calling him "Mr Stark".
       When he meets new people he stutters, when plans change Tony can see the trembling of his hands, he's always fidgeting, the poor kid always looks so lost and nervous- it's heartbreaking for the billionaire to see.
       Recently, he's gotten Peter to open up a bit more, the kid will finally trust his own brain in the lab, but still blushes like crazy when Tony gives him even the slightest hint of a compliment. He still fills the room with nervous chatter, but it's a little more endearing then it was before, Tony really does like hearing about his day at school.
       Today...well today was certainly uncharted territory. Peter walked in to the lab for one of their weekly "intern sessions" hunched in on himself. His eyes were trained on the floor, hands have a tight grip on the his backpack straps, and the kid is practically drowning in the hoodie he's wearing.
      "Hey kiddo!" Tony greets from his lab bench. He looks up when he doesn't get an answer. "Pete?" The elder man tries again.
"Hi, M'ser Stark." The teen mumbles, eyes still trained on the floor.
"You okay?" The inventor asks, concern etched into the frown lines above his eyebrows.
"Y-Yeah fine. Just a long night patrolling is all." He offers as an excuse. "Just tired."
"Alrighty then." Tony relents, throwing in arm around Peter as they begin their work.
Tony's tampering with the Spidey suit while Peter works on homework. He's taking his time to check all the security measure and make sure the kid didn't hack the suit...again. He's looking through the suits data when he sees something off.
"Hey Pete?" He questions.
"Yeah?" The teen answers absentmindedly, scribbling calculus nonsense onto his worksheet.
"You didn't go patrolling last night." Tony looked up just in time to see the kid freeze, face paling. He takes a moment to see if the kid will say something, but he never does.
"So do you want to tell me the real reason in why you're acting so weird?" Tony asks, standing up and taking casual strides towards the teen.
"I'm not act-" and that's when the heartbreak hits. Tony lifts a hand to run through the kids hair, and he flinched. Full body, terrified flinch. A mannerism Tony unfortunately know all too well.
"No. Nononono." Tony mumbles to himself, looking at the broken spider in front of him. "Pete. I have a hypothesis. And I hate it, and I really need you to tell me if I'm wrong. Please tell me I'm wrong." The man rambles.
Peter looks up at his mentor with tears in his eyes because Tony knows and they both know he knows but neither of them want to admit it's true.
"Peter...has someone been hitting you?" Tony asks seriously, both eyes staring intently into Peter's chocolate brown ones.
"It comes with the job mister Stark." Peter tries to brush it off.
"Now you know that's not what I meant kiddo." Tony says gently. He's quickly pulling Peter to his chest however when the boy lets out a quiet sob, because he didn't have to say it- Mr. Stark figured it out.
"May got a new boyfriend." Peter cries, rubbing his forehead against the soft material of Tony's old band T-Shirt. "He's so mean Mr Stark."
"Oh, Peter." Tony almost wants to cry himself. Can this kid bit just catch a damn break? "What's he been doing, buddy?"
"H-He pushes me and l-locks me in my room—he won't give me any food but my metabolism is already so high I need more of it— and..and he tells me I'm s-stupid and worthless and that May doesn't love me. And it's already so hard to think this about myself, Mr Stark. But to hear him say it it hurts so bad. Y-yesterday he came home with a gun, Mr. Stark. He said he was going to kill me, please don't let him. Pleasepleasepleaseplease-"
"Peter, breathe." Tony instructs, holding the boy at arms length. "I will not let that man near you ever again. You're safe. You're always safe with me. I promise. How long has this been going on?"
"He moved in two months ago." Peter whimpers. "Mr Stark please don't let him kill me."
"You're staying here tonight, buddy." The billionaire reassures. "You're nog going home until he's gone."
"Why does he hate me?" Peter questions sadly.
"I don't know how anyone could hate Peter Parker." Tony responds honestly. "He's a genius, fights for all the right reasons, is probably too polite, and is so loving." He emphasizes his point by pulling him in for another hug.
"Thank you, Mr Stark." Peter whispers. "I was so scared to go home I-I can't leave May alone. What if- what if he hurts her?"
"No ones taking away our spider kid, you aren't going anywhere." Tony reiterates. "The world is gonna need Peter Parker." He gives Peter one final squeeze before pulling away. "'re going to go to bed and relax, while take car of some Ironman business." Tony smirks.
Finally, Peter smiles, feeling safe for the first time in a long time. Tony will always protect his little intern. Because he wasn't just being nice. This world needs a Peter Parker to bring out the good in everyone.

I'm alive lol. Sorry this isn't that long but hey, it's something. TWO MONTHS TILL NO WAY HOME WHOS EXCITED? Any who, I hope you enjoyed, hopefully I'll continue to feel inspired. Hope everyone is doing well!!
Thanks for reading
xoxo spiderxmarvel :)

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