Call Me Tony

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I'm baaaack. Oh how I've missed writing, honestly I've written so much today and I feel so accomplished. Okay so this Peter and Tony living together after the death of May Parker. :/

At this point Tony can't even remember how many times he had told the kid "call me Tony." Or "Mr Stark makes me feel old." Why is Peter so hellbent in not calling Tony by his first name? Tony thought it was the kid just trying to be formal and all that junk but...they live together now! He honestly wouldn't be shocked if the kid started calling him dad at this point. Well, turns out Tony Stark isn't as much of a genius as he may have thought.
"For Christ's sake kid!" Tony yells, no real anger behind his voice. "Just call me Tony already! Or at this point you might just start calling me dad or papa or anything besides the title people called my dad."
"Sorry, Mr Stark." Tony is about to combust.
"Why can't you just call me Tony, underoos?" Tony asks seriously. "It's not like I mind the informal title! So what gives."
"I just can't, Mr Stark." Peter says as a sad excuse of an explanation.
"Why not? Give me a valid reason and I'll drop it forever." The elder man tries to reason.
"I can't." Peter says firmly.
"Why not?" Tony tries again.
"Mr Stark, please just drop it." Peter pleads.
"No." The ever persistent Tony Stark rebuts. "I'm not stopping until I get an answer." He says sternly.
"I don't want you to leave me too!" Peter finally yells, setting his tools down forcefully. "People get close to me, everything's fine. I get too comfortable and before I know it they're all dead Mr Stark."
"Peter-" Tony attempts to interrupt.
"You're the last person I have left, Mr Stark. If I get too close to you, you're going to die too!" Peter exclaims with tears in his eyes.
"Pete, you know that's not true." Tony says softly. God this kid has been through too much.
"Really?" He yells, exasperated. "My parents, Ben, May? Gwen?" Peter challenges. (Ik shes not from the homecoming universe but just work with me here.)
"That's not your fault Peter." Tony insists. "You have been thrown into shitty situation after shitty situation and yet her you are. You're still her and living and for the most part, happy."
"I can't call you anything other than Mr Stark because I can't get too comfortable and lose you too." Peter explains, letting the tears fall freely now.
"I don't know if you've noticed, buddy, but I've been put the wringer a few times and then some. If going through a wormhole in space didn't knock me down, there's not much else that can." Tony says, putting a hand in Peter's shoulder. "And look at it this way, how long have you been best friends with Ned?" Tong questions.
"10 years." Peter sniffles.
"Exactly, and he's still here, building legos and fretting over you like everyone else." Tony soothes. "I believe that Thor or whatever god is up there watching us has a plan for you. And I'm almost positive me being there is a part of that plan."
"Are you sure?" Peter asks. "I just- I already feel like a burden and I-"
"Shut the hell up kid." Tong says with a chuckle, finally pulling his kid in for a proper hug.
"No door?" Peter asks. My heart I can't.
"No door." Tony confirms and Peter hugs him just a little bit tighter.

This one is kind of short but I liked it and I haven't seen any like this before so...yeah.
Thanks again for reading!
xoxo spiderxmarvel

Word count:623

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