Pt 2: The Raft

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      3 days, 6 hours ,35 minutes. 16 year old Peter Parker has been sitting in this prison for 3 and a half days. The only human contact he's received has been from Ross. The man won't even feed him real food, it's all intravenous and Peter can tell he's not just being fed nutrients. He is dealt some form of punishment everyday and Peter doesn't know how much more he can take of this.
      They've chained him up like an animal. Peter's reminded of the chained up pit bulls you might see in some sketchy yard. The heavy chain collar around his neck a constant reminder of how much he misses home. He doesn't dare complain though. He's already nursing a, probably infected, stab wound, the vibranium cuffs around his wrist not only dampening his strength, but his healing factor. Out of everything he has faced so far, today has been the worst.
      Ross walks in with old fashioned camcorder, already in the process of filming. He's going through some long speech with the camera facing towards the general, but Peter's drug muddled mind can't keep up with his words. Peter is able to clear up his mind to hear Ross's next words.
     "...I'd like to introduce my newest accomplishment. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to see the man, or more so teen, behind the Spider-Man mask." Ross flips the camera around so it's now focused on Peter. "Smile for the camera, Pete. You've got the whole world watching. Everyone say hello to, Peter Stark-Rogers."
       Peter dazedly looks back up at the deranged military general, paling at the thought of everyone watching. His school is watching this. Any time the government, if you can even consider this the government, says anything relevant to current events, Midtown is talking about it. Peter can not afford to look weak now.
      "Make s-sure ya get ma' good side." Peter slurs smiling toward the camera.
      "Even stripped from the suit you're still a smart ass. Maybe I haven't enforced the rules on you enough." Ross growls at the teenager, stomping on the hand that's laying limp on the floor. Peter let's out a squeak of surprise at the pain that jolts through his limb.
      "Y'know with all...all the s'uff you're givin' me, ya'd think I'd get some mo'phine or somethin'." Peter tries to remark, but his tongue feels heavy in his mouth and the pain radiating from his hand is too distracting.
      "Oh don't worry, Spider-Man. Soon, you'll be feeling nothing at all." The older man smirks, delivering one sharp kick to Peter's ribs before swiftly exiting the room.

Back at the tower...

      "Oh shit." Clint pales as Tony turns off the livestream.
      "The didn't even treat me like that on the raft." Wanda states. "So why the hell is Peter so special?"
      "It's 'cus the guy is an ass and knows he can break him." Tony says with his head in his hands. Steve rests a large hand in his husbands back and encourages him to take deep breaths.
      "We're going to find him. I know for a fact Ross has no idea how to cover a signal, so if he can livestream, he's still on the grid somewhere." Steve explains in his Captain America Voice®️.
      "Yeah the idiot thinks using an old camera will mess with the signal." Sam snorts. 
       "Well," Tony looks up at his team, "let's go find our boy. FRI?"
      "Already have the coordinates, Boss." The AI returns dutifully.
      "I'll go start up the Quinjet." Natasha informs.
      "Wait, wait." Clint says, trying to hide a smile.
      "What now?" Sam groans.
      "Steve has to say the thing." Clint says gesturing to the Captain.
      "Come on dude."
      "I'm not leaving till he says it." Clint rebuts, crossing his arms like a toddler.
      Steve smirks and grabs his shield. "Avengers assemble!"
      "Sir yes sir!" Clint yells running to go find his quiver and bow.
      "Let's go get our baby." Steve commands, pressing a kiss to Tony's temple.
      "And then ground him until he's 30." Tony adds. "I'm never letting him out of my sight again.
      "Might wanna make some amends to that when we get back." Steve chuckles. "That May be a bit excessive."
      "My tower, my rules." Tony calls while running towards the jet. Steve chuckles and jogs after him.

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