Jellyfish Sting

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Okay so I know it's been awhile, a really long while, but here I am! I'm back from the dead. Now I'm going to be honest here, this isn't my best work, but I'm working on getting back into my groove. So please enjoy and give me some ideas!
The Stark-Rodgers family was on their way to the beach with the team, ready to enjoy a warm day out in the sun. But of course, Peter's luck had to get in the way of him spending one normal day with his family. (He only wanted one! Was that really too much to ask?)
Everything started out easy going. They started off with a picnic for lunch (soy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Peter, don't need to add an allergic reaction to Peter's list of struggles) and then Peter, Steve, Sam, and Clint all went into the ocean to swim and play as the others relaxed on a large beach blanket. The boys were throwing around a football, splashing wildly with joy. Peter was running to go catch the ball when a stinging pain seared through his right leg and the rest of his body. He lets out a cry of agony as his family looks over at him, Steve running (or swimming) speedily towards Peter.
"Hey, Peter, baby what's wrong?" Steve questions while hoisting a crying Peter into his arms and carrying him bridal style towards the shore.
"Hurts!" Peter cries. "Please, it hurts Papa!" Peter cries. Steve lays Peter onto the blanket while the rest of the team crowds around them.
"Honey, what's wrong?" Steve asks calmly.
"Steve, look at his leg." Tony says worriedly. Steve looks down at Peter's right leg and is horrified when he sees the mess of blisters and blood located on his calf. Bruce bends down to get a closer look at the appendage, fingers hovering over Peter's leg.
"This is definitely a jellyfish sting and a really bad one at that." Bruce says while running a soothing hand along Peter's side.
"Aren't we supposed to like...pee on him or something?" Clint asks, not taking his eyes off of the sobbing teenager.
"You are not peeing on my son." Tony says sternly.
"I never said I had to do it!" Clint says innocently with his hands raised. "Steve can use some of that super soldier pee of his to heal him." At that statement, Sam looks at Clint with the most confused face he could manage.
"That is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life." The falcon stated.
"Th-That doesn't e-even w-w-work." Peter says shakily with an arm strewn over his eyes. "But holy shoot does this hurt!" He cries.
"Only the son of Steve Rogers would say 'holy shoot'." Natasha says while shaking her head.
"Okay how about we stop bullying the poor kid and get him some medical help?" Tony suggests and runs a hand through his "baby's" hair. The billionaire notices that Peter still shaking with his uneven breaths and musters a smile. "Think you'll get powers from this creature too, kiddo?" Peter smiles slightly at the comment and looks up at his dad.
"I-I could zap p-people instead of using w-webs." He responds through tears
"What would that make you then?" Steve wonders aloud. "Spider-fish?" Peter giggles at his dads' antics and the rest of the team watches in amazement.
"I was th-thinking Jelder-man." The teenager says while wiping the tears from his eyes. "Gotta establish my dominance w-with the 'man' part of my name." While Steve and Tony have Peter distracted, Bruce starts to wrap Peter's leg into a towel that he's soaked with one of their water bottles. As he secures the towel tightly around Peter's calf, the teenager starts to whine at the sensation.
      "I know, I'm sorry kiddo." The scientist apologizes but continues to hold the towel in place. "We're gonna get you back to the car okay buddy?"
      "I-I don' think I can walk." Peter admits sadly.
      "That's okay baby. Papa can help you out." Steve says while lifting Peter up bridal style. Peter shuts his eyes tightly as his leg is jostled.
"Deep breaths, buddy," Tony says softly. Steve, Tony, and Bruce take Peter to the car while the rest of the team stays back to clean up their supplies. Steve takes a seat in the back with Peter still situated in his arms. "I'm going to call my hired staff at the hospital so we can get help faster." Tony says while taking his phone out of his pocket.
      Because of Peter's secret identity, Tony hired some hospital staff and made them sign a PDA to make sure that the spider-kid's identity is safe if he ends up in a hospital rather than the MedBay at the compound. These doctors also agreed to step back and let Bruce or Helen take over if needed. The doctors don't know the full story about Peter's identity, but they know he has enhanced abilities and an enhanced metabolism.
"Okay, the staff is aware and Helen said that she can meet us there." Tony says as he puts his phone away in his pocket.
"The rest of the team can use Clint's van to meet us there, but I think we should get going before Peter's healing starts to kick in." Bruce says while getting into the driver's seat. Tony sits down in the passenger seat while Bruce starts the car.
"I'm sorry I ruined our beach day." Peter says while silent tears fall from his eyes.
"This is not your fault, baby." Steve says and plants a kiss to Peter's temple.
"Your papa is right, Pete." Tony agrees. "This was way out of your control and not your fault."
The drive to the hospital went by quickly as Peter kept himself tucked into Steve. Tony tried to keep a conversation throughout the ride to help get rid of the tenseness in the car. He counted it as a victory when Peter even started to contribute slightly to the conversation.
"We're here," Bruce says while pulling up to the front of the emergency room. "You guys can go in while I park the car and wait for everyone else.
"Thank you, Bruce." Steve says while hoisting Peter into his arms and exiting the car, Tony following suit. Peter lays his head onto his Papa's shoulder while quietly sniffling. His dads are aware that he isn't very fond of hospitals and stay calm so that Peter will stay calm. Both men also make sure to keep physical contact with Peter at all times because it's what the young boy craves when he's distressed.
      "Helen said that she'll meet us in the waiting room and bring us to a private room." Tony says to his husband.
      "Sounds good." Steve says while walking through the automatic doors. Helen is waiting for them as promised, fully dressed in her while lab coat and scrubs.
      "Nice to see you guys again." Helen greets while leading the small family to the room she has set up.
      "It's nice to see you too, although I wish it was under better circumstances." Steve responds while sitting down on the examination table, Peter sitting sideways on his lap.
      "I agree." She says while washing her hands and snapping on a pair of latex-free gloves. "If I remember correctly the situation we're dealing with is a jellyfish sting, and by the looks of it a pretty bad one too." She says while lightly touching the blistered area of Peter's leg. "And how are you feeling, Peter?" She asks the teen while pausing her examination to look him in the eye.
      "I feel kinda nauseous," he responds truthfully, "and my leg burns."
      "That's understandable. You may feel nauseous from the pain or the stress that's been put on your body." Helen answers smartly. "And your leg burns not only from the sting itself but from the salt water and other contaminants you may have come in to contact with on your way here." She looks at both Tony and Steve before continuing. "I'm going to look you up to an IV for pain medication and fluids, then I'll clean the sting and wrap it into some bandages. You won't have to stay the night but I do want to keep you here for an hour or two to make sure you don't have any reactions to the treatments. Got it?"
      The only response she got from the teen was a small and hesitant nod, but it was confirmation nonetheless. Helen was quick with the IV, knowing all about Peter's fear of anything related to needles. She doesn't make Peter change into a gown, considering she only really needs access to his foot and ankle, but she does, however, give him a clean and dry pair of joggers to put on.
      "Just relax your muscles, Peter." Helen instructs. "This will be a little uncomfortable, but I promise it will not hurt."
      "O-okay." Peter responds, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.
      "Good." Helen praises, taking out some antibiotics (ugh I do not like the word ointment but like, that's what it is.) and applies some to the visible blisters on Peter's lower leg and foot. The teen whimpers quietly, but keeps his leg relaxed.
      "Good boy, Peter." Tony says soothingly while running a hand through his chocolate brown locks.
      "Alright, now all I need to do is wrap the wound and then we're done."
Helen says with a clap of her hands.
      "Thank god for enhanced pain killers." Steve sighs as Helen wraps Peter's ankle I'm red gauze. "You know I'm starting to think this 'Parker luck' is a real thing." The super soldier chuckles.
"Trust me I've been living through it, it's real." Peter laughs as well.
"Well, my work here is done." Helen says. "Now please try and stay out of trouble."
"Trust me, we try. It just doesn't work out with this one hanging around." Tony says gesturing towards his son.
      "Wow, okay. No need to attack me, dad." Peter says feigning offense. "It's the Parker luck."
      "Your last name isn't even Parker anymore." Tony retorts back.
      "Well Stark-Rodgers luck doesn't have as good a ring to it." Peter shrugs.
      "Glad to see you got your fathers snark kiddo." Steve says sarcastically.
      "What's that supposed to mean?!" Tony and Peter exclaim together.

Thanks for reading! I feel relieved to finally have another chapter out for you guys. Thank you for all of the support I've received. See ya next chapter!

Xoxo spiderxmarvel

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