Bucky and Sam's Babysitting Service

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Someone requested this so long ago, so I'm sorry that it's taken me this long to write this. I hope you're still reading 😅. Enjoy!

Tony and Steve had been sent on a mission with Nat by SHIELD. The super parents were not very happy that they both had to leave their spiderling, but Nick Fury insisted that both of their skill sets were needed for this particular mission.
So that left Peter in the care of his Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam ("isn't your father the symbol of America? Why am I Uncle Sam?") Peter, as always, was very upset to see his dads leave. He only cried for like 20 minutes this time, though-progress. He was quickly distracted by the abundance of activities his uncles had agreed to do with him. They played Mario Kart, a family favorite, made their own pizza for dinner, and even managed to watch a movie before Peter got ready to go on patrol.
"Now, your dad said that you have to be home at 11:30. Please just come home then, I don't want iron man to throw me off of the Empire State Building." Bucky says as Peter puts on his mask. "And please be safe. I'm an old man, I don't know if I can handle worrying about you all night."
"I promise, Uncle Bucky." Peter says with a smile (well, Bucky can only really see the eye pieces of Peter's mask move...but it's the thought that counts). He gives both of his uncles a hug before climbing out the window.
Patrol is patrol. Mostly petty crimes. Bike thief here, purse snatching there, confused old ladies all around. It was about to be 11:15, so Peter took a final bite of his street taco, and prepared to swing home. Just as he was about to shoot that first web, however, a scream sounded in the distance. Spidey sense tingling, Peter zips off to help. He lands in an alleyway, an armed mugging in progress.
"I want everything out of your pockets!" The masked man yells, pistol in hand. The people on the other end of the gun-an obviously wealthy couple-were shaking, frantically emptying their pockets. "Phones too!" The man adds. "I want everything." As the couple reaches back into their pockets, Peter makes is presence known.
"You know there's a Verizon at the end of this block right?" He quips, nonchalantly walking towards the armed man. "They can hook you up with a new phone."
"Shut the fuck up." The criminal snarls, gun now aimed towards Spider-Man. Good, Peter thinks. Keep the weapons away from the civilians. Peter's startled when he hears a click behind him, senses buzzing at him in warning.
Peter turns around, facing where the victims were standing. Their expressions had completely shifted. The couple now held matching cocky grins, guns in hand.
It was a set up!!!
Before Peter could react, he had two bullet holes in him-one in the arm, one in the stomach
"Now let's get out of here, before those Avengers show up." The original criminal demands. As the three make their escape, Peter drops to his knees.
"Okay okay okay." He's desperately trying not panic. Thank god his suit is red or he'd be freaking out a lot more. "Okay. K-Karen." He coughs, praying that it wasn't speckled with blood. "Call, um, call Bucky. Yeah call Bucky." Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe.
"Pete?" His uncles voice rings through his mask. "Hey, buddy are you okay? It's almost curfew."
"Need help." Peter whimpers. Getting shot really hurts.
"Okay. Okay, me and Sam are on our way." Bucky had a feeling Sam flying them there would be the best option, knowing that time can be crucial. "We're on our way right now. Can you tell me what happened?"
"Guns are bad, Uncle Bucky." Peter tries to laugh, but god everything hurts so much.
"Oh, Petey." Bucky sighs. With what Peter has told him, he's got a pretty good idea of what's happened. "Just breathe, we're almost to your location." Peter can vaguely hear the sound of wind flying past Bucky in the background.
      "I want Papa." He sobs, feeling absolutely awful. He always becomes a Papa's boy when he's sick or hurt...and boy does he hurt. "Wan' Papa." He whines again.
      "I know, Pete." Bucky and Sam finally land at Peter's location, seeing the vigilante shaking as his adrenaline crashes.
      "There ya go." Sam hells Peter up, applying pressure to his wounds with gauze- a temporary solution until they make it back to the MedBay. "You did good tonight, Pete."
      "Hurts." The teen sobs again. Sam hoists better into his arms in a bridal carry while Bucky holds on to his wing pack from behind.
      "I know, I know." Sam lifts off towards the tower, Peter can't help but to close his eyes as the rushing ground makes him feel dizzy. "We've gotcha."
      The second they land, the two heroes are hastily running to the MedBay, where Bruce is waiting for them.
      "Shot twice, once in his upper right arm, and once in his stomach. There's an exit wound in his arm but not in his stomach." Sam is quick to brief, having examined Peter as much as he could while they were in the air.
      "Alright, we can deal with that." Bruce nods putting on some gloves and getting to work. "Buck?" He looks up towards the winter soldier. "You might wanna give him something to hold on to." The scientist gestures towards the teenager who has his teeth grit in agony. Bucky nods, and kneels but Peter's bedside, grabbing a hold of his good arm with his own metal arm. Sam makes himself useful and sits near the kid's legs, ready to hold him down if need be- knowing he could in his weakened state. "Let's get this top half of your suit off, Pete." Bruce instructs, him and Bucky easing him to a sitting position and stripping him of the top part of his suit, leaving it bunched up at his hips.
"There we go, just keep your eyes on me, kiddo." Bucky uses his other hand to shield Peter's eyes from the work Bruce is doing below them, knowing that wouldn't help his anxiety.
"Just gonna use a little freezing, it's the best I can without a proper anesthesia for you." Bruce apologizes, prepping the needle and freezing both bullet sites.
"Yeah, you're alright." Bucky soothes, running his thumb along Peter's cheekbone as the boy winces at the sting of the needle. He lets out another cry as Bruce starts digging for the bullet that's still lodged in his stomach. He can't feel as much due it the numbing but, it still hurt like hell.
Sam resorts to sitting on Peter's shins and pressing down on this thighs with his hands as he starts to jerk. He runs one of his hands up and down Peter's leg a bit, still trying to provide any form of comfort he can.
After a few more minute of digging, Bruce had finally dislodged the bullet. He sets the bloodies bullet on his tray and reanalyzes Peter's injuries.
"There doesn't seem to be any concerning internal damage. I think we can get away with some stitches, just to help aid your healing factor along." The doctor concurs. Bucky and Sam both let out a hug sigh of relief at that, glad with knowing that Peter will be okay.
Bruce is quick with the stitches, being ever the expert, and is soon using a sterile cloth to rid Peter's body of dried up blood. Peter's breath is shaky and uneven as Bruce dabs at the tender flesh. Sam sees this, and is quickly moving up by Bucky, settling a hand on Peter's chest.
"We're almost done, bud." He soothes, getting Peter's eyes to focus on him. "Can I get a few deep breaths from you, Pete?" Peter shakes his head 'no' and squeezes his eyes shut.
"Hey, hey." Bucky chastised, tapping a finger on Peter's cheek to regain his attention. "Listen to Sam. Take some deep breaths." Peter finally listens to his angle and takes a few breaths, although they're a bit shaky.
      Finally, Bruce pulls the cloth away, and gets Peter sitting up so he can wrap the wounds with some bandage.
      "I know you've got a quick healing factor, but no patrol for at least a week. But no patrol at all until you get cleared by either me or Helen- capische?"
      Peter gives him a silent nod and leans into his uncle Bucky, thoroughly exhausted from the night's events.
      "Time for spider-boy to hit the hay." Bucky says, gently lifting Peter into a bridal carry. Him and Sam are quick with escorting Peter to his room, the teen already being half asleep in Bucky's arms, and tuck him in with all the love and care they can muster.
      "No more heart attacks tonight, alright?" Sam jokes. "Bucky's almost 100 years old I don't know if he can handle it." The man in question laughs alongside his friend, both glad to hear Peter's delicate giggles alongside them.
      "Night, squirt." Bucky says, leaving with a ruffle to Peter's hair. Sam tucks Peter in and leaves with a small smile.

The end :)

I hope it was good 😀
i love u all.

xoxo, spiderxmarvel

word count: 1570

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