Preggers Parker pt 2

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For all of those who wanted a part 2!! Also I have not proof read this, so please let me know if you see any errors :)

     Pregnancy is currently kicking Peter's ass. He was told that the morning sickness would dissipate after the first trimester. Of course, Peter being Peter, he is stuck being one of the unlucky ones and the morning sickness has persisted-now being 5 months along. He can barely reach the toilet with his growing belly, so he's not the most comfortable. However, Harley's presence next to him does make him feel a little better. 

     All thoughts of gratefulness fly out the window as Peter heaves once more into the porcelain bowl. 

     "I hate this." Peter whimpers, spitting into the tainted water and flushing the toilet. "Just my fucking luck." 

     "You're over halfway done." Harley tries to reassure. He's seen how much Peter has struggled with this pregnancy. His senses seemed to be even more sensitive, he's upset about the way his body is changing, he's having a hard time eating for two and keeping up with his metabolism, and his symptoms seem to be worse than a normal pregnancy. "You are doing such a good job, darlin'. I am so proud of you." He presses soft kisses to Peter's temple, knowing it's a sure fire way of making Peter relax. 

      Peter just cries softly in the arms of his boyfriend, his emotions stronger than ever. Harley continues showering him with praise, love, and kisses, before helping him off of the bathroom floor. 

     "Don't need your back to start hurtin' because we sat on the floor for too long." He reasons.

     "Everything already hurts." Peter complains. "I can't sleep, I can never get comfortable, I'm losing my muscle, and my back and feet are always aching."

     "I know, baby." He really does know- he does share a bed with Peter after all. He's with him more often then not and can see how he's struggling. "I wish there was more I could do." Harley deposits Peter on the bed, helping him get situated with his pregnancy pillow. "For now, why don't you try to get a little more sleep, while I get us some food." 

     "Pizza?" Peter asks hopefully- he is still a teenager after all.

     "Bacon and pineapple?" Harley confirms, already pulling out his phone to place an order. 

     "And garlic knots please." The younger teen requests, closing his eyes and snuggling into the mattress.

     "Anything for you." Harley smiles, running a quick hand through his boy's hair before leaving the room with a "sleep tight."


     Peter managed to catch another hour and a half of sleep before waking up again, already hearing the noise of the other Avengers in the common room. He smiles sleepily, glad that all of his family is back under one roof again. 

     He rolls out of bed with a grunt, giving himself a moment before making his way towards the noise. He walks out to the sight of Earth's mightiest heroes playing Mario Kart- a team favorite after Peter and Harley taught them all how to play. Currently Clint, Sam, Tony, and Harley are playing, Tony of course trying to sabotage everyone else. Peter observes for a few seconds before joining his Papa on his favorite plush loveseat. 

     "Hey, Bambi." Steve greets, wrapping an arm around Peter's shoulder and pulling him close. "How was the nap." 

     "Amazing." Peter sighs gratefully, openly leaning into the affection being provided to him. "That pregnancy pillow is a god send." 

     "Your dad had one when he was pregnant with you." The super soldier laughs, fondly thinking about his husband. "Of course he had to make his own as normal ones were not good enough for the oh so great and amazing Tony Stark."

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