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        You see, the thing about Peter is, he doesn't try to get into trouble. When he's on patrol, he really does try to keep himself from getting hurt. Trouble just...follows him.
       Hence, why Peter has his own room in the Avengers MedBay. His Dad and Pops have seen their fair share of battlefield injuries, of course they have, but it never gets any easier seeing Peter on that bed.
        Which is why they wanted Peter to take a break from patrol, just for this weekend. Have some family time- in the living room and not in the MedBay. Peter agrees easily, he loves his dads and always wants them to be happy, and vice versa.
        So that's how the teenager found himself snuggled up on the sofa with his pops, watching Friends- a current family favorite.
       "Okay lazy bones, you two are helping me make lunch." Tony announces, strutting into the living room.
       "Okay!" Peter hops up, truth be told he hasn't always been the best at sitting still for too long, so he was anxious to do something.
       "What's on the menu today?" Steve asks, keeping a hand on Peter's back as they walk to the kitchen.
       "I'm thinking tacos, they're easy to make in bulk because I'm feeding two super-appetites today." Tony teases.
"I'll cook the meat." Steve volunteers. "I don't feel like dealing with a kitchen fire or food poisoning today."
"That's fair." Peter agrees, knowing him and his dad aren't the most reliable when it comes to the stove.
"I'll make the salsa!" Tony declares excitedly. "Pete can cut the fixin's."
"Fixin's?" Steve questions, turning to look back at his husband. "Since when do you say that?"
"Since I decided I wanted tacos for lunch." Tony sasses.
"Go make your salsa." Peter shoos his dad away, starting to chop up the array of food handed to him.
"Hey Pops?" Peter calls to his dad who's by the stove. "How do you cut an avocado?"
"You have to cut around the pit, it's a little tricky." Steve instructs.
"Oh, okay." Peter responds, turning back to the task at hand. He's seen people cut an avocado before so he feels like he can do it. He puts the knife in the top of the avocado, starting to rotate around the pit and-
Avocados aren't as tough as he thought they were, and the knife when right through the avocado and cut a nasty line down his index finger into his hand.
"Fuck." He says out loud this time, dropping the avocado and the knife.
"Language." Steve chides, but freezing as he turns around to see his son. "Oh my god- Tony!" Steve is quick with wiping off his hands and attending to his baby. "What happened, Bambi?" He asks with concern.
"I-I was cutting the avocado, but it was a lot softer than I was expecting and the knife went through too fast." Peter rambles nervously.
Even doing what he does, Peter has never been a big fan of blood, and he's getting a little nauseous at the sight of his dripping onto the floor.
"What's up- oh." Tony says as he comes to see the scene in front of him.
"We had a little accident trying to cut an avocado." Steve explains calmly, leading Peter to the sink. "Let's run it under water first, so we can see the damage." He says soothingly to his son.
"M'sorry." Peter whimpers as his cut is run under the tap.
"Nope, none of that." Tony chides. "Not your fault, accidents happen." He states firmly.
"I think this is gonna need stitches, baby." Steve says, remorsefully.
"I heal fast, Papa." Peter tries, letting the childish title slip.
"Pops is right, Petey. That cut is too deep and we don't want it to get infected." Tony agrees, grabbing a hand towel to put pressure on the wound.
"B-but Uncle Bruce isn't even here!" Peter tries in one last attempt to get out of going to the MedBay.
"Either one of us can do it, or if you really want I'll call one of the other doctors." Tony argues. "Don't pull the Bambi eyes on me, Pete, we wouldn't be doing this if we didn't have to."
"Trust us, we hate seeing you here as much as you hate being here." Steve agrees, leading Peter towards his room in the MedBay.
When they reach the room, Peter's anxiety heightens.
"I think I should do the stitches so you can sit with him." Tony says to Steve. "You can handle his super strength, so he can hold your hand."
"Okay, let's go sit down on the bed." Steve instructs softly, leading the slightly out of it teen to the bed. Steve sits down first, bringing Peter to sit sideways on his lap, so Tony has easy access to the injury. "You're okay, we've got you."
"Alright, Bambino." Tony rolls a tray of equipment over to the duo on the bed, keeping his tone of voice soft for Peter. "I've just gotta clean your hand up a little bit, nothing hard yet." The genius holds out his hand, letting Peter bring his own hand to him.
"Deep breaths, Bambi." Steve instructs, feeling the way Peter's breath stutters against him. As Peter puts his hand out towards his dad, Steve pulls Peter's head to his own shoulder, shielding his view from the bloody appendage. "There we go, nice and easy." Peter jumps a bit when a cold cloth touches his hand, but otherwise he stays still for the cleaning portion.
"Good job, bud." Tony praises, grabbing a needle. "Now I'm just going to numb it really quick. You know this part, you're a pro." The dad reassures, bringing the numbing needle towards the cut.
The pinch was quick and easy, Peter really was used to that part by now. He still didn't necessarily like needles, but unfortunately he's become a lot more accustomed to them since he became Spider-Man. Tony was just about to begin the stitches when Peter spoke up.
"I don't feel so good." He says with a slight quiver to his voice. Both parents see the way he pales and Tony his quick to grab the small trash can and hold it under his chin.
"There you go." He soothes while the poor teen heaves into the basin. "Let it all out." When the heaves seem to have stopped, Tony sets the bin to the side. "Are you okay, Bambi? Any more nausea? Dizziness? Lightheaded?"
"'M still a little nauseous, but 'm not gonna throw up." Peter slumps back into his pops, feeling like utter garbage.
"Okay, I'm going to try to get these done quick so we can get you laying down." Tony goes back into doctor mode, while Steve is pulling Peter's head back to his chest.
"Sorry I ruined our family day." Peter says remorsefully. The two elder heroes look at each other with a sad glint in their eyes, their hearts breaking at their boy's words.
"You didn't ruin anything." Steve says, letting Tony get to work on Peter's hand. "We love you and all of your clumsiness." He presses a kiss to Peter's hairline.
"It can't be fun for you guys to always be in the MedBay though." Peter tries- this kid and his guilt complex.
"It's never fun seeing you get hurt." Steve agrees. "But we're so proud seeing you protect this city and doing what you love." God, they're so proud of him. "And most of the time you don't really need to be in here—your dad is just a big worry wort so he likes to keep you here."
"I'd wrap you in bubble wrap if I could!" Tony interjects. "You really are a walking hazard, bambino."
"But we love you." Steve emphasizes.
"Of course we do." Tony agrees easily, never looking up from where he's stitching Peter's hand.
"I love you too." Peter tells the both of them, snuggling into Steve a bit more when he feels a slight pull from the needle in Tony's hand. "I'll try not to end up here as often."
"I sure hope your not trying to end up here." Steve jokes. "I can't imagine it's very fun for you either."
"No." Peter says, almost distractedly. "I jus' wanna make you guys happy."
"Baby, I don't think you could ever make us not happy." Steve insists.
"Unless maybe you turn into one of those angsty emo kids." Tony buts in again.
"You could learn to love me." Peter jokes back.
"Of course." Steve agrees with full sincerity.
"Alright Petey, your amazingly handsome father is done." Tony declares, taking off his slightly bloodied gloves before wrapping the stitches.
"Thanks, Dad." Peter says lazily, gazing sleepily at his father.
"Anytime, bambino." Tony can't resist running a hand through Peter's curls.
"You wanna go take a nap?" Steve suggests, picking Peter up and walking towards the door.
"In your bed?" This makes Peter perk up just a little.
"I guess." Tony sighs dramatically, but he can't keep the smile off his face.

Peter fell asleep before they even made in to their floor.


wow I am on a roll today.
three uploads😩🙏🏻
hope you all enjoyyyyy

stay safe and spread kindness!
xoxo spiderxmarvel

word count: 1556

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