The Boyfriend

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This idea literally struck me at 12am on Christmas Day ya go.

      "YOU'VE BEEN WHAT?!" Tony's yell reverberates around the entirety of Avengers Tower.
      "Listen dad, it's not a big deal really! I mean-" Peter tries to explain, but his father is having none of it.
      "You have been daring a man killing mercenary I'm secret for FIVE MONTHS Peter. You do not get to decide in what is a big deal and what is not." Tony says while running a hand through his hair in frustration.
      "Aren't you like 12?" Clint asks, concerned. "And he's like what, 40?"
      "I'm 17 and he's only 23!" Peter justifies.
      "Peter, that is a six year age difference." Tony expresses. "This relationship is almost illegal!"
      "You and Pops are like 100 years apart!" Peter tries.
      "That is a totally different scenario and you know it." Steve buds in sternly. "I wasn't even alive for 70 of those years and I don't kill people for fun."
      "He doesn't even kill people anymore!" Peter yells, becoming frustrated with the conversation. "He stopped because I asked him to. He knew how much it bothered me and he stopped!"
      "How do you know he's not lying to you?" Tony questions.
      "Because I love him!" Peter exclaims, gesturing wildly with his arms. "And he loves me. And when you love someone, you don't lie. Especially about things that important."
      "Peter your just a kid, you don't fully understand love yet." Tony says in a calmer tone.
      "I do understand it dad!" The teen shouts with tears forming in his eyes. "Because I've never felt that way about anyone else. He may be older than me, and he may have a past you don't like, but I love him. Regardless of whether you want me to or not."
      "Damn." Sam whispers forcefully.
      "I'm just scared of seeing you get hurt, Bambi." Tony admits quietly. "I've seen you go through so much in your life, I've already seen your heart get broken too many times."
      "I know. I know. I was scared of getting hurt again so I kept pushing him away, but he kept forcing himself into my little space of solitude. He makes me feel less lonely, dad. I really, really love him." Peter allows the tears to fall from his eyes.
      "Then we will all support you. 100%." Tony confirms, pulling Peter in for a hug.
      "Can I come out of hiding now?" A voice asks out of nowhere.
      "Yes, Wade, you can come out now" Peter answers with a smile.
      "Good, because that cupboard was getting a little cramped." Wade says climbing out of a kitchen cabinet and stretching his back. "And I missed seeing my baby boy." He directs towards Peter, who's cheeks tint pink.
      "Wade." Steve greets.
      "It's nice to meet you Mr Captain Peter's dad America." Wade solutes.
      "I like him." Clint says, moving to shake the mercenary's hand. "Unless he ever hurts Peter."
      "I don't plan on it." Wade speaks truthfully. "I'm pretty fond of the little guy."
      "I am not little!" Peter huffs.
      "Shhh, Petey, the adults are talking."
Wade whispers.
      "I'm practically an adult." Peter retorts.
      "You're barely up to my shoulder and you're still in high school. And practically being an adult does not make you an adult." Wade corrects.
      "Wow and your not even taking my side. You know what? I take back all of the stuff I said about loving you." Peter stomps away playfully.
      "WAIT! Baby boy. Come back!" Wade calls, running after him.
      "Yep, those two are perfect for each other." Tony admits.

Okay so this was more of a drabble cus it was kinda short but, at least I'm posting again! Woot woot.

Xoxo spiderxmarvel
Word count: 625 words

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