Rape (Trigger Warning)

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WARNING this story does have mentions of rape and "rape kits". Do not read this story if you struggles with either of these topics. There is light mention of the actual rape process but the medical procedure is a main part of this story. So please, READ WITH CAUTION! And please request other stories/promts you would like me to write next.

      Peter awkwardly walks home that night. The pain between his legs is too painful to ignore. The teenager is still confused and heartbroken from the previous events. It doesn't make any sense! His boyfriend was so nice to him, so sweet and generous. He always gave Peter gifts and always comforted him when he needed it. Now he was told he needed to "repay" Dustin. The elder teenager had held him down and taken advantage of him. Peter had tried to keep his tears from falling, hoping for the pain to end, but they rolled down his cheeks at a constant pace, still falling half an hour after the tragedy. Peter starts to cry harder when he sees the outline of the Avengers tower in the dark. All he really wants right now is to be loved and coddled by his parents, but they are going to be so mad if he tells them what happened. They'll think he's weak, he's just overreacting anyway. 

      Peter walks into the Tower and continues his journey to the penthouse. He exits the elevator and finds both of his dads relaxing in the common room. 

      "Peter?" Tony asks from the corner of the couch. "What are you doing home? I thought you were with Dustin." 

      "I was." Peter chokes out. Both Tony and Steve turned to look at their son at the sound of his distraught voice. The scene before them breaks their heart. There stands Peter with red eyes and tear tracks on his cheeks. 

      "What's wrong, baby?" Steve asks while he and Tony stand up to move towards their son. 

      "I'm sorry." He cries. "I'm sorry for being so stupid and weak."

      "What happened?" Steve asks again while pulling Peter against his chest, Tony rubbing soothing circles onto the teen's back.

      "H-He..." Peter stutters out. "He hurt me."

      "What do you mean, baby?" Tony asks patiently. "Did he break up with you?" Peter shakes his head 'no'. "Did he physically hurt you?" Peter hesitates, but nods his head 'yes'.  "Peter," Tony starts nervously, "did he rape you?" Tony's entire world crumbles around him when his son nods his head. 

      "Oh, Peter." Steve says sadly. "I'm so sorry that happened, baby." 

      "It hurts so bad." Peter sobs. "He was so nice to me, then he hurt me so much, why?" 

      "There are some terrible people in this world baby. He just happened to be one of those people." Tony said while attempting to keep his anger at bay. How could someone do this? His poor, little baby is going through so much pain because of that sick bastard. 

      "I know you probably don't want to, kiddo, but we need to take you down to the MedBay." Steve says soothingly. 

      "No, they're gonna hurt me." Peter cries. "I just wanna sleep, papa." 

      "I know it might hurt, but we need to check you over. Then you can sleep with us in our bed tonight." Steve answers. 

      "Can you carry me? It hurts too much to walk." Peter whines. 

      "Of course, baby." Steve hoists Peter up, earning a wince from the teen. "I'm sorry." He says and kisses Peter's hairline. The super-soldier situates Peter on his hip and makes his way to the elevator with his husband by his side.  

      "FRIDAY, alert Bruce and inform him of everything that's happening." 

      "Of course, Sir." The AI responds.

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