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    After he abruptly ditched Ned at Liz's party, the boy had been hounding Peter to go to another one. They're teenagers. He would say.
    Unfortunately for Peter, he'd never been good at saying no to his best friend.
    So here they were. Yet another high school party. There was no prior pressure for Spider-Man to show up at this party, and Peter has yet to see Flash. This party is already going a lot better than their last.
    Then Ned and Peter got separated. Peter is pretty sure he saw his best friend get swooped away by Betty and a few other decathlon friends. Peter, himself, was at the drink station. He hadn't planned on drinking tonight but a few upperclassman were being uncharacteristically nice to him. He doesn't really know any of their names, but they all seem to know his.
    Brett (Chett? Jett? Fuck, wait, was it Michael?) was mixing Peter a drink while he awkwardly tried to keep up with whatever conversation the others were having. The handsome man—Peter your gay is showing—hands Peter the drink with a smile.
    "Here." Maybe he's Prince Charming? 'Cus wow. "This'll help you loosen up a little bit." He pats Peter on the shoulder and the younger thinks he might melt into a puddle on that very floor.
    He's got an enhanced metabolism, it's not like one drink will do much—if anything—to him anyways.
    He downs the drink.
    It tastes a bit weird...but it's not like he's ever really had alcohol before anyways.
    Peter really should have listened more in health class. Apparently the foggy, murkiness of his drink was not normal and now he's feeling-
    he's not really sure what he's feeling. Weird? Perhaps. Confused? Definitely. Something is not right.
    His spider sense has been going off nonstop, but Peter can't help to care as he relates under the broad arm of the nice man who made him his drink. He really was nice. He's feeling a lot more loose. Loose goose. Peter giggles a little bit at his own internal monologue.
    "What're you thinking about?" The man in question giggles back. And—Peter isn't really sure anymore.
    "Dunno." He slurs. Hm, his tongue doesn't seem to want to work anymore.
    "D'ya wanna know what I'm thinking?" The man whispers into Peter's ear. Yes, actually. Peter would like to know what this man is thinking because he's having a hard time doing it himself. "I was thinking we go somewhere a little more private."
    "But, I-I like it here." Peter stumbles over his words a little bit.
    "C'mon it'll be fun." The man—Peter really need to remember his name—is pulling Peter up off the couch anyways, leading him to stairs of the large house. "I've been awfully nice to you, baby. This is how you can say thank you." Peter isn't really sure what he wants anymore. He feels his mind slipping away from him even more as he's draped over the man's arm. "Let's go." He starts tugging a pliant Peter up the stairs, where he makes eye contact with Ned who's all the way across the room. Ned. Peter knows Ned.
    "Mkay." Peter mumbles in response.

    Ned is very shocked when he finds Peter. When Betty had whisked him away he assumed Peter had found MJ or something. But when the scary girl had come to join them—no Peter in sight—he began to worry. So when he sees a very out of it Peter with Tyler (Tyler! That's his name.), his anxiety only grew.
    "Leeds." He hears Michelle's worried voice from beside him.
    "I know." They both know what's being unsaid. Something's not right. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna call Tony."
    "Hurry." MJ agrees. Watching that guy take Peter to one of the upstairs bedrooms.

    "Stark." Tony answers his phone. Not bothering to look at the name before he answers.
    "Um, hi Mr Stark. This is Ned—Peter's friend."
    "What's up, Ned?" Tony takes another sip of his coffee, blissfully unaware of why the boy is calling.
    "I'm, we're—Peter and I—we're at a party. I'd lost him for a little bit, but I just found him and...Mr Stark you need to get here right now." Ned tells him.
    "What happened?" It's not like Peter can get drunk, Tony knows the speed of the kid's metabolism.
    "He's-He's acting really weird. He's acting kind of loopy, oh my god what if he's been drugged?" Ned wonders aloud. "Tyler, he's on the football team, I just saw him taking Peter upstairs, Mr Stark." The blood drains from Tony's face.
    "Text me the address, I'm on my way." With that, he hangs up and immediately gets in a suit. He's gonna go kick some teenage ass.

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