Separation Anxiety

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      Surprisingly enough, the problem didn't truly arise until Peter was older, around 14  years old. When he was younger, he adored watching his family fight on TV. 'They always win.' He would think to himself. When his dad and pops would get home, they would arrive with sore muscles and occasionally some bruises, but nothing too concerning for the young boy.
      Then there was the attack on New York. Peter May have only been 10, but this was the son of Tony Stark, he was no idiot. He was watching the fight eagerly, his eyes flying around to keep up with both of his dads. His eyed glance over to a certain red and gold hero and-oh, he's...why is he holding a rocket? Wait, no!
      "Dad!" Peter yells at the TV located in his dads' master bedroom. Why is he flying towards the gaping whole in the sky?! There, there has to be another way!
      The suit disappears into the worm hole and Peter is 99.9% sure every organ in his body stops. The hole is closing and his dad is still in there! He grips the sheets tightly as Captain America goes running towards the hole and-holy crap Ironman is falling from the sky.
      "He's not slowing down." Peter mutters to himself. He taps his leg anxiously as he watches his dad fall limply from the sky. He almost closes his eyes, not ready to see what's about to happen when-"YES! Uncle Bruce!" Peter screams as he rises to his feet. Happy tears fill the 10 year old's eyes as the hulk lays his dad on the ground. "Wake up." Peter pleads as he watches Thor rip off the Ironman faceplate. The tears finally escape Peter's eyes as the hulk's roar rips through the air, his dad's eyes flying open at the thunderous sound. He sobs out another laugh after receiving a text asking if he wants to go get shawarma.
      Peter is a little clingy for the next few days, always making sure the light of the arc reactor is glowing it's regular light blue rays. He soon grows past the moment, only occasionally being reminded by it through the rare nightmare.
      Then there was the whole deal with Ultron and Sokovia with a flying city! 12 year old Peter Stark-Rogers watched the whole thing as it was broadcasted on some foreign news station JAR-FRIDAY found. His dad and pops came home more beat up than normal but it's nothing that wouldn't heal, nothing as bad as the last big fight.
      Peter was 14 when his parents were taken by HYDRA. They were. Off the grid for a total of 5 days and it took another 2 days to get them back. He wasn't granted access to see them for another week, only given information that they would both be okay.
      He hasn't seen his dads in two weeks. His pops should be almost completely healed by now, right? He was shocked to walk into the MedBay room, alongside his Aunt Nat, and see both of his dads connected to all sorts of monitors and machines. They were both awake and seemed for the most part...okay. His dad had a sling on his right arm, some bandages covering up the comforting flow of the arc reactor, and what seemed to be a healing black-now more yellow-eye. His pops had both of his hands wrapped in bandages, an ice pack wrapped around his left knee, and a stitched cut near his hairline. Peter knew there had to have been more, his parents had to have been in serious condition if he was not allowed to see them.
      "Hey, Bambi." Steve greets with a calming smile. And Peter can't help the tears that he feels run down his face. He's just missed both of them so much and he needed a hug from them like, yesterday. So of course he runs and sweeps his pops into a gentle yet fierce hug. "I've got you." Steve says as he tightens his hold on Peter. Unlike Tony, his ribs have healed completely thanks to the serum, so the hug causes him no harm.
      The super soldier moves over in his bed to allow Peter to lay next to him. Peter is quick to move next to the blonde, snuggling close to his pops.
      "Has dad woken up yet?" Peter asks quietly as Natasha swiftly exits the room.
      "He was awake to answer some questions for a bit, but Bruce and Helen sedated him because the arc reactor was aggravating his broken ribs. They'll wake him up once he's healed a bit more." Steve reassures his only son. "We're both okay, they kept you from us because there were some toxins in our systems that made things worse. Everything is good now, though, everything was flushed out with an IV."
       "I missed you both so much." Peter says tearfully, trying to show Steve his acknowledgement to their current status.
      "We missed you, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Steve says seriously. "I know that must have been very scary." All Peter can do is nod his head silently and snuggle into his pops.
       That's where it all started. Tony and Steve both made a full recovery without even a scar to "show their toughness" as Tony would put it. Yet, after that day Peter was a tad bit more...attached to his dads. It made sense at first, all of the cuddles while his dads were laying in their respective hospital beds, the reluctance to leave them at night, it was all typical, expected behavior.
       "He was worried about you guys, I would be surprised if he wasn't clingy." Helen reassures the two heroes.
       Tony and Steve were cleared from the MedBay about a week later, the super soldier of the pair almost completely healed, Peter still glued to their sides. When Peter was told he had to return to school was when the first breakdown occurred.
        "Please don't make me go!" Peter sobbed into Steve's chest as the man held him in their kitchen.
        "Don't you want to go see Ned?" Tony tried you persuade his teenage son.
       "Yeah, I bet he's missed you." Steve adds, hoping it'll help convince Peter.
        "Wanna stay with you!" Peter coughed out, tightening his grip on his papa.
        "I know you do, bubba." Steve croons, his heart breaking at each sob that leaves his baby's mouth. "But if you stay here you won't be able to go to Academic Decathlon. Or show off your new BB8 you were working on in robotics."
       "Don' care. Wanna stay." Peter cries again.
       "Where's this coming from, Petey?" Tony asks gently. "You love school, even when that asshole who calls himself flash torments you."
       "Language." Steve gently chided before returning to comforting his son.
       "Don' wan' you to leave me." The boy whines in response.
       "We're not gonna leave you, bambino ." Tony soothes. "Never ever."
       "You almost did. Don' wanna lose you." Steve and Tony share a look when they finally realize why Peter is so distressed.
       "We're okay buddy. We're all here in one piece." Steve reassures. "I know you're scared somethings going to happen to us, but we're not going anywhere." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "So here's what's gonna happen, your dad and I are going to both drop you off at school this morning and pick you up at lunch. Only half a day then we can lounge on the couch and cuddle. Tomorrow, we'll see if you can handle a full day, if not, that's fine too."
       "Does that sound good to you, Petey-Pie?" Tony asks while rubbing the shuddering boy's back.
       "Only half the day?" Peter confirms.
      "We'll be there right at 11:50 when your lunch period starts." Steve promises.
       Peter takes a deep breath through his nose before nodding his head to say, yes that sounds perfect.
       "Good boy." Steve praises and takes Peter's hand to lead him to the car, Tony easily wrapping an arm around the boy's slender frame.

Should I do a part 2 to this or???
Kinda just felt like it was long enough  and you guys deserve some content.

Word count: 1379 words

Thank you sooo much for all of the lovely comments and for taking time to read my stories :)

xoxo, spiderxmarvel 🕷

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