just a stomach ache?

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this is me trying to redeem myself. i wrote a story about appendicitis but that was SO long ago and it's so cringy😭 (also this was a request!)
i'm thinking of rewriting it or editing it but for now...here's this!

slight emetophobia warning, mature language (as per usual)

       It's not exactly unusual for Peter to wake up sore—especially after a rough patrol. So when he wakes up with a tender side, he thinks nothing of it.
       When he gets to the bathroom, however, he throws up.
       Which is definitely not normal.
       FRIDAY had asked if he needed any assistance, he (of course) declined. It's rare for him to throw up from being sore, but it's happened.
        It's really nothing to worry his dads over.
       So Peter goes on with the rest of his morning routine, pretending like it's just any other day. His parents don't question him during breakfast, which lets Peter know that FRIDAY did not snitch, so he's making his way to school with time to spare.
       The twinge in his side never strengthens or dulls, it just stays as a constant reminder of his after school activities. It starts to throb a bit more during patrol, but really, he has nothing to worry about.

       When he wakes up in the morning, his side is now consistently throbbing, any twist or turn has him gritting his teeth. Once again, Peter just brushes it off. He probably just pulled a muscle or something anyways.
        "You feeling okay, Pete?" His Papa asks, running a hand through his hair. "Your looking a little pale."
        "Just feeling sore from patrol last night." It's most of the truth at least.
        "Brucie and I made a few more of those super painkillers for you if you want one." Tony says, already standing to go retrieve them.
       "Yes please." Peter sighs, taking a seat to eat his breakfast—although he doesn't have much of an appetite. He takes the painkillers when offered, and goes back to playing with his food.
       "Sure you're okay, Bambi?" Steve asks again, noting the unusual behavior.
       "Yeah, I just don't feel very hungry right now." The teen reveals.
       "You probably just have to wait for the pain meds to kick in a little. Throw some of those super metabolism protein bars in your bag, you can eat those at school." Tony conquers.
        "Also," Steve adds ,"remember to come home after school today, Fury wants us all in a meeting." Peter and Tony both groan at that.
       "Fine." Peter sighs dramatically—the smile on his face shows that he's joking.

       So he goes to school.

       He throws up in the bathroom three times before lunch, despite not having eaten anything today. He doesn't eat anything during lunch either. Peter just lays with his head in his folded up arms while Ned looks on worriedly. MJ, on the other hand, isn't one to take shit from anyone, and speaks up.
"You're normally inhaling your fifth sandwich by now, what's up?" She says, feigning nonchalance while taking a bite from her apple.
"Patrolling was rough yesterday." Peter groans, keeping his head in his arms to hopefully conceal the fact that he was lying. "I'm too sore to eat."
"Your super-metabolism needs you to eat." MJ continues to stare at him, analyzing his story. "At least eat one of those calorie bars your dad keeps sneaking into your bag." Referring to the protein bars Steve likes to force feed Peter due to his advanced metabolism.
"The mother hen of all mother hens." Peter sighs, unwrapping a bar and taking bite from it, which seems to appeal the other inquisitive teen for the time being.
Unsurprisingly to Peter, the little food he ate during lunch resurfaces during his study period. The poor boy spent most of the hour hunched over a toilet trying to keep his retches quiet. The young hero holds his side as he feels a slicing hot pain burn through him.
"Just two more hours." Peter whispers to himself, splashing his face with some cold water form the sink, and joining the group of bustling students in the hallway as the bell rings.
Peter stays silent during physics, resting his head in his hands and listening to his teacher explain equations and theories he already knows. The final bell rings telling Peter that he'd somehow made it through the entire day, but his swing back to the tower makes him wish he was still stuck at school. Every pull and release of his webs has him gasping in pain, his right side flaring in protest. He collapses on top of the tower in a heap, pulling off his mask to reveal sweat soaked hair. The teen takes heaving breaths, trying to sober up before his meeting with the team and Fury. He tries to push himself up off the ground, but immediately falls back onto his hands and knees.
"Holy shit." He gasps, clutching at his right hand side. "It's like running the mile in gym all over again." He sighs, getting up again, this time staying upright. Peter continues to breathe deeply as he makes his way to the conference rooms, taking off his suit to be back in his civilian clothing.
He walks into the room full of heroes, feeling all of their eyes on him. He smiles awkwardly and goes to sit between his dads.
"Hi, baby." His papa greets him with a kiss on his cheek. "How was- oh you feel warm." The blonde's eyebrows immediately furrow as he takes his son's face into his hands.
"I did swing here." Peter says as an explanation, even though he does feel like a furnace.
"Go grab a water bottle, you look flushed." Like Peter said before, the mother hen of all mother hens.
"I'll be fine, Papa." Peter tacks on a smile for extra reassurance, even though he feels a little concerned himself.
"It's my job to worry." He pressed a few more kisses to Peter's head before releasing him from his grip. "So how was school?"
"Pretty boring." Peter shrugged as if he hadn't spent half of the day spilling his guts in the men's room. "Ms Garcia had to go over tangents again today in calc because people did bad on the quiz last week."
"Not everyone picks up material as fast as you do, bud." The blonde tries to reason, knowing that even he has trouble keeping up with Peter and Tony.
"I know, I just get bored is all." The teen sighs, thinking about the practice problems he has to do tonight.
"Your genius brain needs to be challenged." Tony agrees. "I don't pay an arm and a leg for you to be bored all day."
"Dad, I'm there on scholarship." Peter rebuts, giggling at his dad's antics.
"Well I still donate funds to the school!" The billionaire says dramatically. "Might as well send you straight to MIT."
"MIT can wait until me and Ned graduate and go together in 3 years." Peter says, feeling as though they've had this conversation a million times before (they have.).
"I'm just saying-" Tony starts before being cut off by Fury entering the room.
"You've always got something to say, Stark." The leader says with a sarcastic eye roll. "Let's get this meeting over with shall we?" Everyone was quick to agree. "Now on regards to your most recent mission..."
Peter tried to listen to what director fury had to say, he really did! But the red hot pain was back with a vengeance, making it hard for Peter to act normal around the group of heroes. The teen tried to subtly readjust in his chair, hoping that a change of position was all he needed to heal his ailments. He used his arms as leverage to lift himself up, regretting it as his senses flashed white.
"Ah!" Peter yelled, hunching over on himself. He squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to regain any sense of reality.
"Peter?" Steve questions worriedly, setting a hand on his son's back. "Peter, baby, what's wrong?" Peter's breathing is rapid as he tries tried to get a grip on the pain.
"Bambi, talk to us. What's going on?" Tony jumps off of his chair and crouches in front of his son.
"Can't...it...augh." The teen attempted to form a coherent sentence, but couldn't seem to gather words in the state he was in. Instead, he promptly threw up in front of the Earth's mightiest heroes, sobbing out when he sees the puddle in front of him on the floor.
"Oh...kay." Steve sighs out, looking up at Tony helplessly. Everything had escalated so quickly neither parent knew how to react.
"Fri? Do you have any idea what's going on?" Tony asked, never taking his eyes if Peter.
"His appendix is severely inflamed, immediate medical attention is advised." The AI supplies.
"What?" Tony says in shock. He looks up at the team, similar looks of shock all around.
"His appendix? I-" Steve is at s loss for words.
"I alerted the med staff." Fury said seriously. "Stark, Rogers, get him up to them immediately." The command seems to knock both heroes out of there stupor, Steve swooping Peter into a bridal carry, the boy groaning in protest.
"Sorry, baby." Steve says genuinely, pressing kisses to the boy's hairline. "I'm sorry, you're okay." A few tears trickle down Peter's temples as he curls towards Steve. The father's heart aches as he tightens his hold and rushed to the elevator.
       The trio makes it to the med floor in record time, Steve setting Peter on the bed that's waiting for them when they arrive.
"We have to operate." Cho, their head doctor, says immediately.
"But we don't have an anesthetic that matches his metabolism yet." Him and Bruce have been working on a formula, but are yet to find one that's safe for the boy.
"We're able to at least numb him so he won't feel a thing, and we'll drug him up the best we can." Helen says seriously. "We don't have many other options."
"You want him awake?" Steve asks incredulously.
"He'll hardly be awake. We'll give him laughing gas and pain meds, he won't feel or remember anything." She promises. "We'll put up a divider so he won't see anything either." Cho adds.
"It's our best option." Tony sighs. He looks down at Peter who's now as white as a sheet. "Everything's going to be okay, Bambi."
"Dad." Peter sobs. Tony presses a hand to his son's forehead, frowning at the heat he feels.
"Helen's going to take good care of you, bubs." Tony presses a kiss to Peter's warm cheek, running a paternal hand through his hair. "And then after you're all better, we're going to have a really long talk about hiding things from your dads." He adds, but he can't stay stern for long (it's so hard to be mad when Peter's big bambi eyes are staring right back at him). "We love you so much, baby." Him and Steve both plant a final kiss to Peter's head before he's being wheeled away into the operating room.
       "What just happened?" Steve asked as they slumped into two waiting chairs, feeling their adrenaline wear off.
       "I just got 10 years added on to my life, that's what." Tony sighed, releasing a long breath and intertwining his hand with his husbands. "He is so fucking grounded."

       The two heroes couldn't help but hold their breath while they waited for Peter. They trust Helen Cho with their lives—she is their doctor after all—but they're parents, they can't help but worry about their baby. They're only left waiting for an hour, before Helen is coming to greet them.
       "Everything went off without a hitch." The parents let out a sigh of absolute relief. "He's a little loopy, but he's on the mend. I'm going to keep him here for the night, just as a safety precaution. He'll need to take it easy for the next few days, however." She leads them back to the room in the MedBay deemed 'Peter's Room', considering he winds up in there enough.
       Tony and Steve can't help but smile when they open the door and a definitely drugged up spider.
       "Hey, bambino." Tony runs a hand through the boys hair, grabbing his attention.
       "Missed you." Peter says with a pout, practically nuzzling into his dad's hand.
       "We missed you do, bub." Steve settles down next to Peter, the younger cuddling up to his papa almost immediately.
       "Cuddles!" Peter says happily, sighing contently as Steve wraps an arm around him.
       "Okay, scooch. I'm feeling left out." Tony shoos them closer to the right side of the hospital bed, slotting himself next to Peter on his left side.
        "Cuddle party!" Peter slurs, giggling for no apparent reason. "Now we...we just need um." He pauses to think. "A screeny thingy!"
        "A...screeny thingy?" Steve asks confused, chuckling at his son's antics.
        "Yeah so I can see Han Solo!" Peter tries to explain.
       "Oh so your drugged up spider brain can remember Han Solo but not TV?" Tony quips, getting Friday to play the boy's favorite movie. 
       "Only remember 'portant stuff." Peter mumbles, growing quiet as the movie starts, Steve audibly laughing at the response.
       "Of course, of course." Tony jokingly agrees before tuning into the movie himself, glad to have his boy safe between him and his rock.


yeah over 2000 words....I'll proof read later.

xoxo spiderxmarvel

word count: 2266

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