sick spider

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I'm putting an emetophobia warning here just in case. I won't get too graphic, but I know it makes some people uneasy.

     The spider bite had rid Peter of both his glasses and his inhaler, he assumed that his crappy immune system went away with them. While that was somewhat true, Peter still fell sick more than most.
     His dad tells him that he would be healthy longer if his immune system wasn't so occupied with healing all of his patrol injuries. Whether that's true or not, well, Peter can never not get injured long enough to find out.
     So not only does the spider themed hero have to deal with a crappy immune system, it's winter in New York. Most days, the temperatures have dropped below zero by the time Peter gets to go patrolling. The icy streets and roof tops do nothing to assist Peter's attempts in masking his clumsiness- it's hard to take a hero seriously when they're constantly tripping over their feet.  The heater Tony installed in his suit is a godsend. It does it's best to keep Peter safe from the frigid winter temperatures, and it does a pretty good job.
     Until Peter gets thrown into a giant - 7 foot - snow bank.
     Peter was attempting to apprehend a group of thieves who had high jacked a maple syrup truck. Why maple syrup? Peter still isn't quite sure. What he was sure about, however, was that he was on top of a moving truck (which is awesome-he will be telling Ned about this) and that there were a lot more goonies than he had originally thought.
     Whoever had been driving the truck clearly needed to revisit driver's ed, as their rough driving wasn't making the fight any easier for either party. Peter had managed to safely web up some of the men to a side of the truck, when the truck took a very sharp right turn, sending Spider-Man flying off the back.
     He'd landed in the snow pile ungraciously. The hardened slush and snow feeling like knives as he sunk into the snow bank. The only thing his suit heaters were doing was melting the snow around him, turning it into ice water. The experience much less than pleasant.
     Peter had ended up walking back to the tower, as his shivers would have led to him plummeting from a skyscraper if he were to try and swing. He arrived home just past midnight, half an hour after his designated curfew. As expected, he had two disappointed super dads waiting for him when he arrived in the Avengers common area.
     Their stern looks turned into concern quickly, when they saw the state their some was in.
     "Peter, baby, what happened? You're shivering." Steve, of course, was the first to start mother hennaing, rushing to get closer to his son. Peter had abandoned his mask by now, so his fathers were able to see his blue tinged lips. "C'mon bubba, let's get you out of this suit." Steve pressed the spider emblem on Peter's chest, while Tony went to get him a change of clothes, happy to find a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie fresh out of the dryer.
      Peter's body racked with shivers as he stepped out of his suit, left in only his soaked boxers. He leaned into the warm embrace of his papa, chasing any semblance of warmth he can get.
     "I've got some new clothes." Tony announces, holding up the items as he takes strides towards the huddle pair.
     "Okay, Petey. Is it okay if I take off your boxers? Your dad and I are just going to get you changed into something warmer." After receiving a nod of approval, Steve delivers a kiss to Peter's forehead, and hooks his thumbs on the waste-band of his boxers. He removes them in one quick motion and before Peter has time to get embarrassed, Tony is helping him step into the pair of dryer-warm sweat pants. There's a few tears shed as Peter is wrestled into the hoodie, as his joints scream in protest after the large change in temperature his body was experiencing. The tears don't last long, as Tony is soon wiping them away with his thumbs, mumbling words of praise and encouragement.
     Shortly after, Steve is swooping him into bridal carry and carting him off to his and Tony's en-suite. He sets Peter on the counter top, then brings to blow dry his soaked curls. After Peter'a hair is back to its normal fluffiness, he's tucked into bed between his two dads. The trio falls asleep quickly, Peter's body absorbing all of the loving heat his fathers are providing him with.
     When Peter wakes up in the morning, the cold iciness he felt was replaced with blazing fire. He's sweating bullets, yet still shaking with the same fervor as last night. The joint pain is definitely still there, and if Peter were to open his eyes, he's pretty sure he's see an elephant sitting on his chest. So, he does open his eyes. The lack of elephant providing him with zero comfort as his chest aches and pressure sits heavily on his sternum. Peter let's out an embarrassingly high pitched whine, curling into the nearest source of comfort.
     Steve, who has obviously been awake for awhile (as always) cooed at his son as curled closer to him. He placed a hand under the boy's curls, gauging a temperature from his forehead. Steve sets his book in his nightstand and clicks his tongue.
     "You're burning up baby." Steve murmurs. All Peter can do is just whimper and try to burrow himself into his papa's stomach. "C'mere bubs." Steve lifts the boy up onto has lap, Peter curling around Steve like a koala and stuffing his face into his neck. "You're okay." He soothe, gently swaying back and forth.
     Tony wakes up when he feels Peter's absence from beside him, becoming more alert when he hears Steve's words of comfort. He sighs sadly when he catches a glance of the pair. It's obvious that Peter had fallen ill after last night's events. He sits up as well, placing a comforting hand on his baby's shoulder, feeling the heat radiating from the poor boy.
     "I'm going to go get the thermometer." Tony whispers to Steve, who responds with a silent nod. As Tony gets up, Steve takes his time rubbing Peter's back, trying to get rid of some of the tenseness.
     "Relax, Peter." Steve hushes, feeling Peter's shaky breaths. "I've got you. Your dad and I are gonna take care of you. Just breathe."
     As per usual Parker Luck ™️, Peter tends to get a little more affected by fevers. His head feels all cloudy and things get all muddled and confusing. In turn, the alway present pit of anxiety in Peter's stomach only grows. So sick days are both physically and mentally stressful for the poor boy. So for now, all Peter can really do is snuggle into his papa.
     "There you go." Steve plants a kiss to Peter's forehead, sighing at the warmth he could feel.
     "Can't think." Peter mumbles, tears glazing his eyes.
     "That's okay. You let me and Dad do all the thinking okay?" Tony then walks back into the room, thermometer in hand.
      "Okay Petey, open up." The genius softly instructs, placing a calloused, yet gentle, hand under Peter's chin. One the thermometer beeps, Tony takes a looks at the results, sighing at the numbers displayed. "101.7, we're going to need to keep an eye on that." He sets the thermometer on his nightstand before turning back to face his husband and son. "How are we feelin' Bambi?"
     "Dunno." Peter responds sadly, voice cracking as tears finally leak from his eyes. " 'm sorry." He whimpers.
     "Now why are we apologizing?" Steve questions, rocking Peter, trying to soothe his anxieties. "You haven't done anything wrong."
     Before Peter can even think of a response, he's bombarded with an onslaught of chest rattling coughs. Steve helps the struggling teen sit up straighter, hoping to ease the strain on his airways. The dads cringed at how painful the coughs sounded, not wanting their poor boy to be hurting.
     "Oh, Peter." Tony says sadly, running a hand along the boy's back as the coughs come to an end.
     The morning is filled with smoothies, tissues, and teas. The dads coddling Peter and giving him all the physical touch he needs.
     Lunchtime hit and Tony was slowly helping Peter make his way to the kitchen, where Steve had prepared some soup. About halfway through their journey, however, Peter threw up. All over the floor.
     "Woah there." Tony places a steadying hand on Peter's chest as he lurches forward. "Okay it's okay. Get it all out buddy. Steve!" The super soldier in question come rushing in, faltering a bit when he sees the scene in front of him.
"Oh boy." He says, before sobering up and rushing into action. He goes to get a few towels, being a pro at the puke clean up game by now. When Steve makes it back to the duo, Peter is in tears, profusely apologizing.
"It's okay, Peter. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Tony repeats, trying to soothe the distressed boy. Peter let's out an ugly sob when he sees Steve starting to clean up the mess he's made.
" 'm sorry, Papa." He snivels. "I can clean it up."
"Oh hush." Steve admonishes gently. "I was in world war two, cleaning up puke is a delight compared to some of the stuff I've seen." Steve ends up cleaning up the mess before Peter stops crying, quickly throwing the towels in the wash before making it back to his son.
Without saying a word, Steve lifts up his boy. He carries him like one would carry a much younger child. Peter has his arms wrapped around his neck and his legs wrapped around his waste. Steve bounces the boy gently, mindful of his seemingly sensitive stomach. The gentle actions seem to do the trick, as the young hero's harsh sobs have turned into soft hiccups. Peter lays his head on his papa's shoulder, playing with hood distractedly.
"There we go." The captain coos. "We're okay."
"Scary." Peter mumbles, breath hitching.
"I bet. You weren't expecting that were you? It's all okay now, though. It's over." Steve's heart is bursting for the boy I'm his arms. Someone so full of love and life is betrayed by the universe time and time again. The kid just can't seem to catch a break anymore. "It's over." Steve repeats. "We're okay."
Thoroughly soothed by the gently actions of his papa, Peter Parker falls asleep. Safe in the arms of his family.

The End.

hey:) I don't know where this sudden inspiration and motivation came from but I'm working with it. I hope you enjoyed! I was in a very big papa Steve mood today I guess.
hope everyone is staying safe and doing okay <3
i love and appreciate you all!
xoxo spiderxmarvel

word count:1842

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