Chapter. 6

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Chapter six: New home?

Rain Moretti

After the awful hours at our reception we came to the Moretti house or should I say estate. It was so frikin huge and beautiful. We both were quite during the ride and non of us said anything. Which I was thankful for.

The house was heavy guarded, he can't be that famous can he? We entered the house and I couldn't help but stare in awe. It was very quite as we walked to the third floor which I think where our bedroom was.

When we got to Angelo's bedroom, he opened the door and entered with me slowly trailing behind him.

It was really big and had a huge queen sized bed. The colours in the room where mostly black with a little grey here and there. He must really like black I thought. There was also two different doors in the room, which I took a guess to be the bathroom and walk closet.

"I'm going to take a shower." Angelo spoke for the first time since the church or whatever.

I found his voice husky. Stop it Rain now's not the time. I sat on the bed and I regreted it.

My eyelids were slowly closing and before I fell asleep I saw Angelo's half naked figure.


I was sleeping in such a uncomfortable position. Wait was it the position or something else. Then it clicked, I was still in my wedding gown.

Peeling my eyes open I saw I was under the covers of Angelo's bed. I must have fallen asleep while he was In the shower. How did I end up here?

I was twenty and married for God's sake. I had my whole future planned ahead of me. We'll atleast I'd like to think.

I was going to finish varsity and be one of the best surgeons in the country, have a pet cat or dog. Settle down with my boyfriend of five years and have twins, one boy one girl.

Thinking about this made it all sound ridiculous. As I remembered father's words:

"Housewives don't need degrees Rain."

I wiped the silent tears that fell and went inside the bathroom. Which was big too big and had matte black tiles. It was luxurious and to think it was just a bathroom.

When I was done with my business, I decided to take a quick bath.

Once I was done with my bath I felt fresh and I felt like me. No make up was on me, my hair was in a messy bun or atleast I tried putting it into one. I didn't bring any clothes with me which I scolded myself for.

When I came out I silently prayed that the room was empty. But as always my prayers go unanswered. There was a figure by the bed and it was no one other than Angelo, his phone in his hand

He wore a black suit similar to yesterday's one but without the tie and the top two buttons of the shirt were untied His shirt stuck to him like a second skin. He looked hot yet intimidating.

When I looked at his face his blue grey eyes were already staring back at me. I felt exposed,

~Because I was basically naked in this towel.

~He's been staring at me the whole time.

"Amore  weren't you taught it's rude to stare?" I almost scoffed at his comment. (Love)

He stood up and started talking slow steps towards me, which I took steps back until my back collided with the wall.

His large tatted hands carefully cupped my cheeks, I looked anywhere but him because I was ashamed.

He's head drops to the crook of my neck and inhales my scent before he bites the skin there. A yelp left my lips, and the knock on the door interrupts the moment.

Angelo let out a groan, while I was thankful for whoever that was. It was a guy I think and both exchange words in Italian. While Angelo was busy with whoever.

I went to the walk in closet, I was amazed at the amount of clothes he had brought and shockingly they were all my size. Weird. I wore a simple sweat shirt and leggings.

"I've got something to attend to." He said as his hand trailed over my neck.

Something about his touch made me want more yet run away at the same time.

I gave him a narrowing look and he chuckled lightly before he turned to leave the room.

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