Chapter 52

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Chapter fifty two : ten fingers ten toes

Rain Moretti

As a child I've often dreamt about having a big family, and getting to see my husband's family piece by piece, was nerve wreaking.

Nova Moretti looked gorgeous but at the same time in a different manner, she held herself with grace and to point I thought her pick up line was kill them with kindness. And her role in the family? She was Angelo's young aunt, the last out of four kids.

She looked English and even her Italian had that British accent. Now I definitely knew where Roman got his energy from, because it was the same.

"When did you decide come back from Africa zia?" inquired Julian. Still not sure where he fits.

"You know it is traveling. I was homesick and just had to come back and just in time to host our year end ball. Right papa?" She said, full of enthusiasm.

Alessandro said nothing except nod his head, and I didn't blame him. It was too early for Nova's energy.

One of the guards had came to inform Angelo that the cars were ready for departure, just as Nova's eyes settled on me and shrieked.

"Oh my goodness. Who is she? Doesn't she know that it's a crime to look so gorgeous and to have such flawless looking skin." She ranted to no one in particular.

I could feel my neck getting red to my face. She was so blunt and if I'm being honest, I wasn't used to compliments.

" Awwwe look her, she's like a doll and she's blushing. I just want to pinch her red cheeks all over."

Angelo cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Zia, I think that's enough now. You are making her uncomfortable."

Her eyes grew wide with excitement, "Is she the girlfriend?Lila?"

The atmosphere grew tense as Angelo's deathly look entered the room and Dontello intervened. "Zia this is Rain, Angelo's wife."

The car ride to my unknown destination was peaceful, and I found myself tired and sleepy, which prompted Angelo to make small conversations with me. "You never told me about your day yesterday."

"It was nice, nothing out of the ordinary." I told him looking out of the window.


"Mhhmm, and the fact that I met Aria. She was very weird."

"How so?" Angelo inquired in a strangely calm tone.

"I don't know how to explain it, but I felt uncomfortable."

Our conversation drifted from my day yesterday to me telling him about what happened in the kitchen this morning. It was nice, like a sort of dating stage in a relationship.

"Do you it's going to be a girl or boy?" I found myself asking out loud.

"We'll be finding out soon." Angelo told me as, the car pulled up to an underground parking lot. We took the lift to reception, with my hand entangled in his.

I was nervous.

We literally spent two minutes in reception, when the nurse directed us to the doctor's office. I'm guessing everyone in this building knew who he was, although it was almost vacant.

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