Chapter 36

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Chapter thirty six : He cares?

Rain Moretti

You know that moment someone you didn't expect to give you a hug and it just so happens that it turns out to be one of the best hugs you've ever gotten.

Currently I was wrapped in Angelo's arms and it felt good, none of us said a word and I hoped it would be like that for awhile before he decides to let go of me.

But I guess the situation at hand couldn't be avoided as Angelo spoke up, annoyed than before. "She emotionally blackmailed you into falling sorry for her."

Slowly removing myself from Angelo's arms I looked at him, our height different was a problem since I had to stand on tiptoes to touch his face. "You're not going to let this go are you?" I asked him.

His eyes darkened and he tensed. "No, in actual fact I've warned Giovanni about his wife but it seems he couldn't handle her, so I will." He said almost casually.

"What's that supposed to mean? You not going to hurt her are you?" I asked frantically trying to keep my voice steady.

"You shouldn't be worrying about her, worry about yourself. You haven't eaten anything today, why?" He asked brushing me off and changing the topic.

I narrowed my eyes at him before pulling away and answering his question." I wasn't hungry."

He raised his brow questioningly at me, "Am I really hearing this from you? Because if I am than I certainly should be worried."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked genuinely offended. "Are you insinuating that I eat too much?"

For a moment he looked shocked at my outburst and his features visibly softened. And for the first time I think I witnessed Angelo struggle to find the right words.

"Well... I didn't mean it in that manner... What I meant to say .. is that you really love your food, so it was strange to hear that you haven't eaten all day." He said as if this was the most awkward thing he had to say.

"I know how girls stress about their weight and appearance and if you felt offended by statement, I apologize." He finished off leaving me dumbstruck.

Did he just apologize? To me?

What the fuck

For a moment I was just so  shocked I couldn't move or bring myself to say anything. Does this mean he cares?

"Eh... It's okay, I was only kidding." I replied with a light smile, slowly coming out of my daze and trying to ease the awkwardness.

I'd like to believe that I've moved on from my weight issues that were implanted by mother and unhealthy eating habits, but as they always say some habits die hard and I'm glad Angelo hadn't caught on to this specific issue.

"I'll go eat something now." I said excusing myself. I raised my eyes to see his grey ones starring intensely at me, and I slowly walked out without looking back.

Angelo Moretti

I watched her as she shyly left my office and I was left wondering what the hell just happened.

If I was observant, I would have missed her offended tone and the way her body tensed when mentioning her eating habits.

I mean I found it cute when she ate without a care in the world and how she would always mess food all over her face. Heavens know she what goes in her head.

Why I even having such thoughts about her?

The doors opened with a bang and Marco came in followed by a bored Donatello. The annoyed look on my face didn't go unnoticed by the two, who already made themselves comfortable.

Marco poured himself a drink while I took a seat. He offered Donatello and I and we gladly took his offer because heavens, would this topic need more than one drink.

"So.. what's got you looking so sour?"Donatello tried to break the ice.

"The  Venturi bride."

"Which one?" Marco asked, making me growl in annoyance. If he wasn't one of my most loyal and trusted men, which so happens that I shared a childhood with, he would have been dead.

"The Venturi only have one bride dumbass." Donatello replied to Marco's question while glaring at him or his invisible stupidity but I'll go with the latter.

"Oh... What about her?"

"She managed to get to Rain."

This caught Donatello's attention. "Does this mean she knows? And why are you so calm about their interaction?"

"Knows what? Aren't they sisters? So why would he have a problem?" Marco asked, looking confused.

I gave Donatello a look that said we'll talk about that later and briefly explained what happened between Heather and Rain from what she told me.

In actual facts thinking about the conversation we just had minutes or maybe an hour before before made my blood boil and my skin to crawl with irritation.

I should have known it was that snake that was behinds Rain off behavior for the past few days. She way too fidgety and on guard for my liking.

In anyway had her behavior not improved I would have confronted her about it, but I'm glad she had the courage to come to me first. Rain was still too gullible and naive after a this time. Like how's that fucken possible?

I would have thought she'd pick up a thing or two by now.

After summarizing everything that happened, I was left with a shocked Marco and a half disgusted Donatello, probably on how Heather emotionally blackmailed her own sister for her selfish reasons.

"Have you informed Giovanni of this fratello?" Asked my brother with a hint of concern.

"Not yet but I will once I've got the bitch captured." I calmly responded. "Do we get to torture her?" Marco inquired with enthusiasm.

A frown appeared on Donatello's face, before he saying to Marco," Are you insane? Why would you want to torture a pregnant woman? That's just beyond me."

Marco looked at me hoping I'd support his psychotic mindset. "Don't look at me, I only need her away from my wife, she's starting to become a liability. Giovanni needs to put his bitch on leash and away from what's fucken mine."

Heather was going to course problems if not kept away from my Rain, she knew secrets that would destroy her mentally and I'm not certain of her recovering because of how fragile she looks.

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I should have been studying ☠️ but I'll do better hopefully 🙂

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