Chapter 39

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Chapter thirty nine: When it Rains it pours

Rain Moretti

Relapsing is one thing, but being lied to your entire life is another.

Pretend pretend pretend, that's all I've been doing. Fake birth certificate, fake family, fake friends or no friends at all and the topper fake smile that pleases people.

It's not like I asked to be born or anything. Matter of fact is I would have rather preferred it, if god had given me a preview of how my life would be, because I didn't sign up for this and I know 75% of the population feels the same.

Everything hurt, my head was pounding, it felt like it was about to explode and I couldn't even move my body, or at least it felt like it.

I know for a fact I didn't fall asleep.

I tried opening my eyes and failed miserably as I was blinded by sudden brightness. The bright light forced me to squint my eyes as I tried to adjust to the harshness of it.

White walls and the smell of sanitizer as well as bleach strongly invaded my senses. The steady sound of the heart monitor, rang across the deadly silent room along with my breathing.

I knew exactly where I was, in a hospital room, excerpt this time I wasn't strapped to my bed.

I was in a pink hospital gown and my arm had an IV attached to it.

My mind went back to the events that lead to me here, Heather telling me I wasn't her biological sibling and Angelo hiding the truth about my identity. 

My train of thoughts was broken by a nursing entering and giving me a soft smile. She looked to be in her mid forties and had black mid night hair. I didn't realize I was staring until she mentioned something about the doctor.

"I'll go inform the doctor that you're awake." She said taking her clipboard from one of the shelves and leaving.

Silence follows soon after, leaving me drowning in a sea of dark thoughts and what if's.

Had I grew up with my real family, would my life turned out completely different from what it is currently?

The sound of heavy footsteps interrupt my thoughts and I raise my eyes, only to see the grey ones I've been dreading.

Suddenly I feel suffocated by the air around us.

"You lied to me." I stare at him without breaking eye contact. "God this is so messed up, and I was beginning to fall for you like some love struck teenage girl.

How could lie to me about my own identity Angelo-"

"For goodness sake Rain, I get that you're angry, but can you at least calm down."

"Calm down?" I asked with a offended tone and a little scoff. " Do you even know what this means? I don't fucking know who I am anymore." I told him, getting angry at how he took this matter lightly.

"I did it for your own sake." He shot me a glare over his shoulder and  kept pasing back and forth, clearly frustrated.

"My sake? Did I ever ask you? No! You did it for your own selfish reasons."

"It would broken you. You're already fragile as it is."

"In case you didn't know, I'm already fucken broken! It wasn't your decision to make." I snapped.

"You need the calm the fuck down woman." He growled, coming to my side.

"Don't touch me. In actual fact. Get out." I muttered, I could feel my chest tighten and tears well up. "Get out Angelo." I couldn't even look at him.

Angelo glared and narrowed his eyes at me as if I've lost my mind. He stood there as if telling me he won't complie to my request. 

"If you don't get out, I will."

"Don't you dare test my fucking patience Rain, I'm not going anywhere and if you ever think about leaving this room, I'll have you strapped to that bed."

I stared at him with wide eyes, while he had a deep scowl across his face.

I was kind of triggered but he didn't need to know that. It's enough I just found out that my whole life was a lie, I didn't need to be thinking about things of the past.

The room fell into silence, and I tried to breath as little as possible.

What Angelo had done wasn't just going to vanish somewhere in the back of my head. He knew the truth and buried it from me. I mean it couldn't have been so hard to tell someone that their entire life was a lie.


Some how I managed to fall asleep and woke up alone, just like before. Luckily Angelo didn't go ahead with his threat of having me strapped.

The nurse from earlier had returned but she wasn't alone this time. A guy in a doctor's coat and glasses stood next to her reading some files. His looks were fan girl worthy but to be honest I thought looked way much better than him. 

"Mrs Moretti it's good to see you're finally awake." The doctor spoke in a British accent.

"When can I leave?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

The doctor looked taken aback by my question, before glancing at the nurse next to him. They seemed to be having some eye conversation, and the nurse looked excited.

"Actually..." The nurse's voice tralied off, but she didn't get to even say anything course the doctor spoke. "Wouldn't you like to wait for your husband first?"

I frowned in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

Before I could get my answer, Angelo came in, dressed in different clothes from the ones I last saw him in.

He actually looked like he barely got any sleep, but at this point I didn't care or at least I think I didn't.

The doctor cleared his throat as he looked away from Angelo's dark glare, and gestured for the nurse to speak.

"You're just in time for the good news." The nurse said to Angelo, in return he just looked at her blankly and raised a questioning brow at her.

"Congratulations.... You're pregnant."

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