Chapter 38

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Chapter thirty eight : River Jewel Black

Rain Moretti

Love it is an intense, deep feeling of affection towards another human. Love can also refer to a strong liking for something or to like something a lot. I mean it's really difficult to explain what love is.

In the South African language isiZulu it is described and called as uThando.

It makes me wonder how one knows when they in love, it is like how the definition refers or by something else? In actual fact I guess I'll never really know or experience it that ' intense ' feeling.

Never ever have I thought I'd be in a situation where I had to choose. Why? Because it's had and not nice.

I could tell Angelo was not pleased by my appearance at the moment, he went from really peaceful to annoyed and angry in less than 3 seconds all together.

But his anger was the least of my worries as soon as I saw my sister tied to a chair and bleeding. From where I don't know. The scene was horrible and quite sickening, I would have never thought Heather would be in such a position.

The silence was broken by Primrose when she started shouting in Italian, "Lasciala andare o muore." (Let her go or she dies) she pointed her gun at me.

I could faintly see Angelo's angry face from where I was. In the dimly lit room there was 4 guys and 1 girl in black clothes which were now covered in my sister's blood.

In an instant Primrose was on the floor clutching her wounded leg, that now had blood dripping everywhere.  She no longer had a grip on me which allowed me to move closer to my sister freely.

As I got close to Heather, I saw how she difficulty breathing, she then slowly raised her head and looked at me before looking at Angelo.

A guy I faintly recognized as the famous Giovanni, spoke something in Italian while looking at Angelo. "Non è una bella sorpresa? " (Is this not a lovely surprise) " Get her out of here."

Now maybe this was not the best time,but I said a little confidence prayer to help me get through this situation.

"No...  I'm not leaving without her."

Pin drop silence, Giovanni looked angry at the fact I talked back and Angelo looked unfazed but still tense. The woman looked amused and Heather took the moment decided to smile. 

Forgive for saying this but it wasn't a nice smile, I felt like gagging on the inside.

"Moretti dì a tua moglie di starne fuori." (Tell your wife to stay out of this) Giovanni said briefly glancing at me while talking to Angelo.

"Leave us."

Giovanni looked at Angelo as if he wanted him dead and walked away followed by the others dragging a limping Primrose.

A sigh of relief almost passed my lips as I heard the door shut and it was just the two of us including Heather who looked bearly conscious.

"Why? Why would you agree to this?"

"It needed to be done."

"For gods sake Angelo how could live with yourself knowing very well she's going to be a mother.... Why would torture like this, let alone agree to it?" I asked glaring at him, I'm pretty sure my eyes were glassy by now.

He laughed darkly and started taking steps towards me, each step seemed like every breath of oxygen that I took.

"Why do you have to be so gullible tesoro? Why?"

"Wh-a-t-t'a that supposed to mean?" With a confused frown I asked tiredly.

"It was all just a lie,  she had another miscarriage and didn't tell anyone... She tried manipulating you into helping her, knowing that you'd fall for her fake pregnancy and her none exist innocent child."

That was all it took for me to break down today, everything hit me ten times harder then my silver blade would make me hiss in pain. Why? Because I felt so used.

"But Heather wouldn't do that. Right Heather?" I hiccupped, clutching my fist.

All this time I thought she was bearly conscious, she was just listening and playing stage audience.

"Who said I wouldn't?" She said hissing from pain, her smile never disappearing. "I'm a very vile human bean as you like to put Rain. It just so happens that I know something really heartbreaking about you."

"Don't you dare." Angelo warned her, his eyes fifty shades of grey darker than normal.

The tension was thick and I wanted nothing but to close my eyes.

"Or what? You going to kill me Don? I'm as good as dead anyways.... I might as well leave everything in chaos, after all, I'm not the one who's going to picking up the pieces." She emphasized, laughing like a maniac.

Angelo growled in anger and started getting closer to me. His eyes never left mine, when Heather finished her laugh and began talking what would leave me shattered that same day.

"You one last to talk about lies Moretti when your whole marriage is built on lies."

"What is she talking about?" I asked no one in particular.

Heather faked sadness before adding to her little act. " Oh my didn't you know? You're adopted little Rain, that's why dear father disliked you so much. To simply put, you aren't even Rain Winters.... Your real identity or real name should have been River Jewel Black.

It's not that you weren't supposed to be born or anything but, the Greek mafia was ambushed on the day you were born, then the next thing mother comes home carrying a little bundle of nonsense in her arms saying it's our new sister.

Father was livid thinking she cheated, till he found out she was working for a household in a crime organisation. Time skip to a few years when I married Gio I decided to see how deep your roots go and damn, must I say little sister your family had something good going on. Further into my investigation I found out that the Greek and the Italian had a little alliance going on.

And now we have a power couple River and Angelo Moretti." Heather stopped laughing manically.

The sounds of peoples voices speaking and a gunshots going off could be heard. My eyes were ringing and my head was killing, everything sounded muffled at this point.

My vision was clouded for a while and all I could do was give in to the dark abyss.

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I'm done with exams 🙂 but I'm sure stressed for my report next week

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