Chapter 44

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Chapter forty four : surprises

Rain Moretti

The weather was getting a bit cold and we had just finished eating our Ice cream
We were just waiting for Roman to get back.

Donatello carried the groceries to the car and then he's phone started ringing, by his facial expression you could just tell it was probably his older brother.

"If you value your peace, don't answer it." I simply told him.

He turned to look at me with wide eyes, and told me, " I have no words for you."

" What's the worst he could do? He's been calling since we left the house." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. " Why do you think I switched my phone off."

If possible dare I say, he choked on air. I quickly took out a water bottle from my bag and gave it to him. Roman arrived with two other people, which I'm guessing are his friends.

A girl with shoulder length black hair with bangs that suited her. She also had freckles over her button nose and big forest green doe eyes. She wore baggy clothes but you could see she had a body of an athlete.

While the other friend was a guy with blue eyes and curly blonde hair, he radiated proper sunshine energy, as the girl looked like the grumpy one. They actually made a nice trio.

"Oh goodness you are actually insane." Donatello said gasping. "I don't know what's worse, that you ignored him and switched your phone off knowing he wouldn't want you to leave the house or the fact that you knew, that he was calling. "

"You are now being dramatic, stop it." I said turning to Roman and his friends.

"Guys meet my sorella Rain, Rain this is Amaya and Luka." Roman said gesturing to his friends.

"Hi." I said with a small wave, which Luka returned with a smile and Amaya just stared at me.

Luka nudged her and whispered something to her, "She's just anti-social." He said on her behalf, which was a lie.

"Don't I know you from somewhere? Have we not met before?" She asked as she looked at me intensely.

At this, Donatello looked up from whatever he was doing and replied, "No you don't know her from anywhere and I'm pretty sure it's your first time seeing her."

"Are you sure? Course she looks lik-" Amaya was interrupted my Luka stepping on her foot, which made her cry in pain, "Owww you ass!"

The two brothers exchanged a look of silent communication.

"She looks like no one you know Amaya. If you may excuse us we have to go." Roman spoke greeting his friends.

I waved to them and we all got in the car. I decided to switch on my phone and pray that Angelo's anger had evaporated into thin air.

The clouds were starting to get dark as we drove home and it looked like it was going to start raining at any given moment.

"Marco called."


"Angelo's pissed." Roman said nonchalantly.

" How surprising." I mumbled, opening a packet of sweet chilli Doritos.

Roman snorted, and started laughing, while Donatello on the other hand decided to expose me, "Sorella you are only speaking like this course you are with child."

Roman's laughter died down and he looked at both of us with a shocked expression, "Wait what?"

"Surprise." I said, putting more food in my mouth.

"How come he knew and I didn't?" Roman said with a offended tone.

"It was so obvious."

"Course Donatello has a big mouth and can not shut up." I breathed.

"No it's not, I would have noticed."

"Sure you would." Donatello said sarcastically as we drove through the gates.

Small droplets of rain could be seen on the windshield and the air outside smelled amazing. When we got out of the car, the staff was already waiting for us with umbrellas in hand. Donatello handed one of the guards the keys and told them to take the grocery bags into the kitchen.

We entered the house and I went to the kitchen, two pairs of footsteps followed behind me. In the kitchen was Lila and Marco.

I don't know what she doing, but by the looks of it, it looked like she was cooking. Her presence alone made me want to rip my hair out.

Marco looked at us like we were some adolescents in trouble, which might have been the case.

"What's the matter Marco?" I asked, with a tilt of my head. " Is there something you would like to say?"

"No, nothing at all. "

" I thought so." I said moving past him and started packing the stuff I brought away.

Without looking at them, I could tell that the boys were having their eye silent conversation, which made me roll my eyes.

For a second I thought it was going to be this quiet, till I packed everything thing away but no, Lila decided to open her mouth.

"What's the use in lying to them Marco when we have all seen Angelo's anger this afternoon, just because some people aren't able to follow rules." She spoke with her usual high pitched voice.

Donatello sighed, Roman was amused and Marco could read between the lines.

" Excuse me can you please repeat what you just said. "

" You heard me." She said sizing me up.

For some reason I don't know how my emotions were just all over the place, but I felt like hitting her.

" Get out. Don't you think you have over stayed your welcome?"

" What?" She asked, confusion written all over her face. This bitch was really testing my patience.

"I said get the fuck out of my house! "

"Are you insane? This is not your property and who the hell do you thin-" poor Lila didn't even get to finish whatever she was going to say as I found myself lunging at her.

For a minute I was unaware of my own actions, next thing I know Donatello was holding me back from a crying Lila. Her left cheek was red, and I started feeling overwhelmed.

"Sorella are you okay?" Asked Roman checking me for any injuries.

"You asking her if she's okay when I'm the one that got hurt!" She hiccuped. I felt bad, in my entire life I have never ever laid my hands on another person.

But if anything, I was not about to let the people here see me cry. "I-"

Angelo came in, and goodness did he look hot. Stupid fuckin hormones. "What is all the commotion about?"

"She hit me!! Look." Lila gestured towards her face.

Angelo looked at me then the Lila's face, his lips twitched upwards but he covered it, amusement danced in his eyes as he directly looked at me. Donatello let go of me and any words I had in mind suddenly vanished.

"Are you not going to do anything thing about her? "

"For goodness sake, I said get the fuck out!" I said glaring at her.

" Or what? " She tried sounding confident. Seems like Roman was enjoying the show since he had popcorn, Marco and Donatello looked worried and Angelo awaited my next move.

So I just did it, without thinking twice. The unfortunate thing is that she had to be the one, I took my wrath out on, when other people were also at fault including my demons.

We can just agree to the fact that she was a bit too irritating though, so I threw a knife that was on top of the counter at her, expecting to miss and scare her away, which I did not.

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What's on your mind?
I know I want to rant but I wouldn't know where to start. That's how much I have to say 🦖

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