Chapter. 15

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Chapter fifteen:Up coming ball

Rain Moretti

I'm confused, no beyond confused, I'm puzzled. I mean it doesn't make sense. Why would a sixth five year old lady be part of a crime organisation?

Maybe she was forced and didn't have a choice, yeah that makes more sense.

I really wanted to feed my curiosity but I couldn't bring myself to look at Angelo or even dare speak to him.

The drive back to his house was peaceful, but I wonder how long it will last for.

When we got there Angelo and I went our separate ways. I took a nap while he did whatever gawd knows.

I woke up with a slight headache and went straight to the bathroom, for a quick bath. The bath was helpful and the throbbing was much less intense.

I wore my comfortable black shorts and Angelo's t-shirt. Oh how much I missed wearing his clothes. (In a good way)

I was hungry so I decided to start making dinner. But to my luck I found Aria already working, cutting the veggies.

"Need help?"

"What the fuck? Rain you startled me." Aria said as she placed her hand on her rapidly beating heart.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Nah it's okay. When did you come back? I missed you." She spoke wiping her hands and hugging me.

"I wasn't even gone for long." I told her.

"Yeah to you it didn't feel like that. Try having Claire and her bitchiness around." 

So much like the other people of this house, Aria has a loose tongue so she can swear without a care in the world. 

We talked while cooking and she kept telling me about her recent hook up and how hot he was, we didn't realise when Angelo came to join us.

"What on earth are you doing Rain?" He asked with a bothered tone.

"What does it look like? Can't you see I'm cooking?"

Aria who was next to me laughed a little and that didn't go unnoticed by Angelo. He threw her a murderous glare and Aria stilled.

"You may be excused." Angelo told her.

Aria left without another word and I continued cooking alone. Dear husband just stood by watching me and said nothing.

I was too deep in my head I didn't even realise that I had cut myself until Angelo took the knife from me.

"There's a reason why we have cooks and maids Rain." He said while taking a dishcloth and wrapping it around my hand.

"So he talks." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear that.

But he did and he chuckled, but it was so light I thought for a minute it was just my mind. Angelo was too close, too close for my liking. Usually when he's close like this, things take a turn.

"Please don't make out infront of the food.... You guys are going to spoil my appetite." Said a Roman who just came back from wherever, with marks around his neck.

My face was red with embarassment and I tried to hide behind Angelo huge back.

One of the many maids we had, was ordered to set the table while Roman went to call the other three.

Once we all downstairs and seated, everyone started eating. The boys, no boys doesn't sound right, the men or guys complimented my food and only made me blush even harder.

"So....." Roman tried starting a conversation with everyone.

"What?" Replied Pablo entertaining Roman.

"So suck your big toes." Roman said with a hint of sass.

"Nah I don't suck toes I suck-" Pablo didn't get to finish talking as Dontello interupted him.

"Okay... so let's talk about the upcoming ball."

"What ball?" I was confused.

"Non gliel'hai detto?" Marco said in Italian, while they all faced Angelo.  (You didn't tell her?)

"Non pensavo fosse importante in questo momento." Angelo said. (I didn't think it was important at the moment)

Marco just hummed in response.

"Sì in più è appena tornata quindi è meglio lasciare che i cani addormentati mentiscano." Dontello inquired. (Yes plus she just came back so it's best to let sleeping dogs lie)

"Are you just going to ignore my question?"

"It's just a business gathering, nothing to worry about cognata." Marco assured me.

After dinner everyone excused themselves and went seperate ways. Pushing all thoughts aside I retired to our bedroom. I was exhausted mentally and closed my eyes falling into the pit of darkness.


I woke up with a tight hold around my waist and a face buried in my neck, I tried moving without waking him up but his hold around me only tightened.

Looking outside the black curtains, I could see that it was still dark outside.

I looked at Angelo's sleeping figure, I liked this type of Angelo. He was cute with his messy bed hair and peaceful.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and took a picture, carefully making sure that the flash was off so he wouldn't catch me.

"Angelo." I called him, but nothing.

"Angelo." I called out once more, bit still nothing.

"Angelo, wake up." I whispered softly in his ear this time. I felt him move, but he was still not awake.

I tried prying his arm off me but stop when I heard him speak.

"Go back to sleep." He said.

"But I'm up already, I don't think I can." I said getting comfortable on his chest.

"Just close your eyes and stop whining."

I did as I was told and indeed, I fell asleep again.

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