Chapter. 11

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Chapter eleven: What an ass!

Rain Moretti

The bright rays of sunshine fell down on my sleeping figure, I groaned in annoyance and tried going back to sleep.

When I couldn't go back to sleep, I slowly peeled my eyes open and was met with breath taking blue grey eyes. His one arm was under he's head while the other played with my curls.

He looked breathtaking, with his messy bed hair. Had he slept with me? When did he get back?

"Buongiorno amore." Angelo said in his morning voice and let me tell you, I think my soul left and came back.

"Morning." I said in a sleepy tone.

And for the first time, like literally Angelo smiled. My world stopped, I had to sit up just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Gawd he also had dimples, can you imagine.

I even pinched myself then let out a small "ow."

We stayed in bed for a little while until the ringing of his phone got him out of bed.

Reality is my mind and subconscious wouldn't let me believe that Angelo was part of the mafia. Yes he had a intimidating aura and face but when he was with me, I'd like to believe he actually cared.

Or Maybe I'm just looking for love in the wrong places because I never got any.

I didn't notice when Angelo had left the room. I went to the bathroom and took a shower then got dressed in a dress shirt and leggings.

I could hear multiple voices from downstairs and when I got there all the boys were there including a new face.

"Hey cognata." Dontello was the first one to greet me.

It was shocking how they all looked intimidating with their black suits and styled hair, even young Roman looked intimidating. 

Everyone went to the Dinning room and we had breakfast. As usual the guys were talking about anything and everything while I was lost in my own space.

"Rain." Angelo startled me.

"Hmm?" When I looked up everyone had finished their food and left, it was only him and I.

"You need to stop doing that." He said and it sounded more like a order.

"I-i was wondering if I could go back to my old job." I found the courage to tell him.


"What? You can't say no just like that."

"I can and I just did." Angelo said and here I was thinking he cared for me what an ass.

"But why?"

"Because Tesoro I said so." I almost felt like he was mocking me.

"Okay can I atleast have a friend then? Because I swear I'm going to die of depression, I think." I mumbled the last part.

"You don't need friends." He said standing up.

"Angelo! How can you be so sure?" I was getting frustrated now.

"Last time I checked you didn't have any friends. Why would need any now? You have me don't you?"

"I can't be sitting here all day doing nothing, I'll lose my mind. Atleast let me see my sister or my parents."

He turned to look at me, there was silence like he was studying me.

"I'll think about it." Angelo spoke and out the the door went the ass.

Just when I start thinking he's normal, he changes. Coming back to the room I started thinking of things I could do. I don't mind reading all day but I need something else.

An idea came to mind, I could bake. Baking always took my mind off things. I went to the kitchen and found no one. I started looking for the I needed ingredients.

I was going to bake brownies and chocolate chip cookies for now. There's many things I knew how to cook or bake.

I usually did so when I was frustrated or trying to calm myself down.

While I was in the process of mixing the chocolate chip batter, Aria came. She wasn't in her uniform but was in her casual clothes.

"Hey." She said giving me a back hug, I could smell her lemon scent.

"Where are you going looking all snazzy." I quirked a brow at her.

"We. Where are we going is the question. To answer you we are going shopping." She told me.

"You mean me and you right?" I tried hiding my smile.

"Yes. I'm just waiting for you to finish up."

When the last batch was in the oven I went upstairs to wear something decent, not that the clothes I was wearing weren't decent enough.

Aria and I were about to head out the door when Marco and Pablo the guy from breakfast stopped us.

"Where are you going?" Marco asked with his arms folded.

"I don't see how's that any of you business." I spoke.

"Everything that the Donna does concerns us." I head Pablo say.

"Last time I checked I don't report to anyone." I walked out the door talking Aria's hand before any of them could say anything.

A car was already waiting for us. Everyone gave me curious glances as we walked around the mall. Some shop assistants didn't even look me in the eye or say anything.

Some looked suprised where I paid with my black card or rather Angelo's.

"Aria? Why is everyone ignoring me?"

Aria laughed before she finally stopped and looked at me.

"They weren't, but they were kind of." She said as if she's not sure herself.

"I'm being serious Aria tell me." I urged.

"Well... Everyone kind of knows who you are therefore they don't want to disrespect the Don's wife. Take it as they are showing you respect in a way."

"By ignoring me?"

"Yes, remember you are married to the Don of the most powerful Mafia." Aria said casually, too casual for my liking.

This just made me realise how important my husband was. He was handsome and had lots of power.

When we got home it was around 5pm and I was exhausted. Aria went off to her aunt or what, I forgot what she said.

I liked Aria, she felt like a friend and it felt good having someone to talk to another then Dontello and the rest of them.

I was busy packing all the things I brought when my phone rang and I rejected the call without looking.

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