Chapter 32

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Chapter thirty two: SHS

Rain Moretti

It really felt good being in different surroundings, other than the Moretti mansion.

At the moment we and when I mean 'we' it's me and my seven bodyguards. I know what you're thinking, and it's probably 'over dramatic bish' right.

It was almost 3 o'clock and I needed to get away from my bodyguards. I felt really hopeless until we went past the ladies bathrooms.

A plan suddenly came to mind and I excused myself from my bodyguards to the bathrooms. They were reculent but they decided to let me go through by myself.

Once I was inside, on the opposite side of the bathrooms was another entrance which meant it lead to the other side of the shopping centre.

Lucky enough my bodyguards were only standing at the entrance I came in from and probably didn't have a clue about the other entrance.

Whoever created this centre was quite a thoughtful.

I made my way out of the bathrooms through the opposite entrance and started walking quickly without looking back. I made sure to wear something that people wouldn't be able to recognise me and added sunglasses to my outfit.

30 minutes late I had managed to make it to diner with 5 minutes to spare.

I kinda felt guilty for running off like that and I know how pissed Angelo will be. But I couldn't break my sister's trust and I believed this was the only chance we had to make up.

The diner was very quite and a homey feely vibe to it, it was kind of scheduled area sort of.

One of the waiter's approached me and took me to one of the tables near the windows in the far back. I was hesitant about following the petite girl but all worries flew away when I saw my older sister.

I muttered a thank you to the waitress who had accompanied me and walked to where my sister was sitting.

"Rain... You came." My sister said sounding suprised by my appearance.

"Yeah, whatever you wanted to say sounded important." I said looking around nervously.

"I thought you'd never want to see me again after our last encounter. I'm really sorry Rain."

"It's okay... So tell me how have you been?" I said taking in a good look at her.

And to be frank this wasn't the Heather I was used to, the Heather that used to be my sister and best friend.

Her chocolate brown eyes that were once full of life looked dull and dead just like my own, she seemed to have lost weight and you could see even when she was sitting. Her baby bump had start showing and her hair that was always tidy was in a messy bun for the first time.

She hesitated before answering my question. "I'm good." She answered averting eye contact.

This wasn't my sister and I was certain something happened to her. One can't just have a change of emotions and behaviour overnight.

"Oh... And your husband?" I said trying to make things less awkward but instead of answering she froze.

"H-i-i-is good, actually that's not the reason we're here. Rain I need your help."

Disappointment washed over me, I had a feeling that this wasn't just about meeting and catching up but I just ignored it.

"Whatever it is just say it." I said to her softly trying to hide my disappointment.

She carefully looked around then switched her phone off before taking the SIM card out. When she was down she turned to me with a really cold serious expression.

"I need you to help me run." She said seriously with any hint of joking, I looked her failing to process what she had said a laughed if off, atleast tried to.

"Why would I do that? Heather are you in some kind of trouble?" I asked sensing the seriousness of the matter at hand.

"He's going to find out and kill me and my baby if you don't help us. Please Rain" She said her voice slightly trembling, before tears started falling on her cheeks. One after the other.

"Who? And why would he? What's going on?" I rushed out asking questions before standing from my chair to go comfort my sister.

After what finally seemed like forever Heather managed to calm down and I yet asked again. "If you really want my help you're gonna have to tellme what's going on Heather."

She sucked in a deep breath before she started talking. "Giovanni and I never really loved one another or it was just one sided, it just so happened that him and I hooked up and they started turning to casual flings that soon came to an end when I confessed my true feelings for him.

Back then I was young and naive. I didn't know he was involved with the underground world." She stopped to look at me and I gestured her to carry on.

"On the night mother and father told you went to live with relatives, they lied to you. They sold me just like they did to you. Our parents weren't saints and I really despise them for what they've did to you. They shouldn't have sold you to pay their debt.

"Heather you're wasting my time and missing the point." I said seriously bothered when she mentioned our parents.

"The point is I cheated on Giovanni and now I'm pregnant with his enemy's child." Heather snapped, her tears falling rapidly and I instantly caused me to let go of her.

"You did what?"

"He was never there for me! He neglected me. After I was sold to him because of our parents selfish reasons,he never once acknowledged me. He only saw me as a prized doll he could parade around with and show off at mafia gatherings.

As a human I also had needs, I need to be loved and shown affection."

"So you decided to spread your legs for your husband's enemy?" I shouted angrily. From the rumours I've heard how merciless Giovanni could be and I couldn't imagine my sister at the end of his stick.

"I'm really sorry for doing this to you little sister. But I really need your help, my child is innocent and you really wouldn't want a unborn child's death on your hands would you?" She said with the same rage, her tears were now angry tears.

"No." I admitted truthfully.

"I admit I was wrong but just for the sake of your unborn niece, just this once that's all I'm asking." She murmured softly wiping her tears.

"Okay fine..... I'll help you." I couldn't help it, my sister needed me and it wasn't fair for an innocent child to die course of their parents sins.

I could see relief wash over Heather's red puffy face before hugging me tightly and saying thank you repeatedly.

"Just one last thing." She said looking at me with hopefully eyes again.

"What is it now?" I asked not liking what she was bound to say already.

"Please don't tell anyone about this, even Don Angelo. He'll kill me for involving you." She squeaked. I hesitated again before nodding, thinking about the innocent life inside her.

Just then my phone started ringing and the devil's name flashed across the screen.

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